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Everything posted by crawe1x

  1. Good to hear that you, your parents, and the mod are all okay (in that order, lol!). I read somewhere that those fires might take months to burn out. You should come to the UK, where you can slowly drown to death on six months of drizzle. Looking forward to the mod. I reckon I've got one more playthrough of FO4 in me, and it's going to be with WARS (at the very least) and hopefully PEACE. Doesn't matter if it's this year or next. Besides, given Beth's half-arsed approach to their most recent titles, I doubt Starfield will be playable any time before 2024 and ES6 around 2028, which is how long it will take modders to fix the games! Assuming Beth doesn't kill off the modding community altogether, lol. Anyway, gripe over. Take care and keep up the great work.
  2. I'm not sure if this is the exact same bug that you are having, but I suspect that it may be related, and then made worse by some of the changes that you have made? https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/350541595110001416/ https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5624532-automatic-weapon-rate-of-fire-bug/
  3. If I have understood you correctly... This is a fairly well known bug that was introduced with the Nuka World dlc. It effects the Handmade Rifle, Handmade Rifle, and many mod weapons, including the Service Rifle. As you say, if doesn't normally effect the original vanilla weapons (i.e. Combat Rifle, Assault Rifle, etc.). At least, that's how I have always understood it. It's a Bethesda problem that has never been fixed for whatever reason.
  4. As Moksha8088 says, there are many excellent FO4 companion mods with fully voiced followers. Heather Casdin, Ellen the Cartographer, and Tales from the Commonwealth's Mara/R4-04, Audrey, and Birdie represent five of the best followers, all with quests, unique personalities, romanceable, providing perks, etc. Project Valkyrie adds four more companions (three women and a little boy I think), Outcasts And Remnants adds a couple of male followers, and Fusion City Rising adds two more human companions (another little boy, another woman) plus a deathclaw. The Nora Spouse Companion mod is one of my favourites. It seamlessly adds your wife back into the game. There are several other mods that do something similar. And if you're playing as Nora, I believe there are also several mods that add Nate back into the game. There are also many other mods that I haven't tried out, but which look pretty cool. Among them, I'm Darlene, Revy Stand Alone Follower, and Vault Girls Laura and Jasmine. Also, Wastelander Barb Companion. This one isn't custom-voiced, but makes excellent use of the in-game dialogue so as to feel unique. Those are just the ones that I remember using or coming across off the top of my head. There are many others beyond that. Plus, it's worth checking out mods such as Construct A Custom Companion, though now a little buggy. Have to say, I did a Skyrim playthrough last year, and the companions - though numerous - were so basic compared to those of FO4 that I didn't even bother with them.
  5. @shaggy08251993: I get where you're coming from. If someone wants a nude mod, there are already more than enough great choices - CBBE, Wonder Body, EVB, and half a dozen others. They're all valid mods and it's good that they're available on the Nexus. But a lot of the other nude mods and presets are just a waste of space - or at least they are in my opinion. Then again, same goes for about 90% of the mods currently available. Thing is, if just one of those guys eventually turns into the next kinggath, gambit, llama, or niero, then maybe it's worth it?
  6. I don't think the FO4 modding community is going anywhere just yet. The user-base may have shrunk a little, but it's only in the past year that the best mod projects have started to appear - and hopefully continue to do so.
  7. I don't know much about Beth people. All I know is that NPC's and companions in their games are annoying. Why would one make a game full of annoying characters ? Sadism ? Masochism ? Well, perhaps they don't appear so annoying to their creators. How is that possible ? I guess I don't have to spell it..... I might even get banned. Plots and, so called, Main Quests are another thing. They are too much protracted. They could make several major plot lines, related to each other and connected at some points. Instead of looking for lost family member or big bad dragon, there could be several tasks. Get stuck in one line, go work on the others. At some point events of the the other lines may get you unstuck in the first one. Interconnected stories. I made such mod for Fallout 3. Unfortunately, it was released after Fallout 4. However, many people are using it. It is called "Soldier of Fortune". Yeah, I agree with what you say. The main reason I mentioned Assassins Creed is that over Xmas, I've taken some time out from FO4 to play AC Origins - and I was struck by how much better the quests and the quality of writing was compared to FO4 (and also Skyrim, which I replayed not so long ago). I've put around 250 hours into my current FO4 playthrough, which sounds a lot. But most of that is to to with Sim Settlements and kitting out myself and my army of companions. I'm not forcing my way through a long and ever-lengthening shopping list of mediocre quests. I'm just not emotionally invested in most of the quests. Far Harbor was a rare bright spot, but it's the exception. In the main game, other than the core story, there are very few interesting quests. The Cabot quest is pretty good, but too short. And there should be about twenty other quests like that. There are just far too many generic one-beat missions. Your quest sounds good, but unfortunately I don't play FO3 ;-)
  8. The writing in FO4 is generally atrocious - not just the dialogue, but also the plot and characterization. To be fair though, Skyrim wasn't much better. Just replayed it with my son, and a lot of the writing was cringe-worthy, made no sense, etc. I think one of the differences was that players had lower expectations back in 2011. Nowadays, there are a lot of franchises moving into the Bethesda open-world space. The Witcher. The more recent Assassin's Creed games. Rockstar's games. All of these games have a far greater focus on story-telling and writing in general. Beth really needs to up its standards in this area. Simultaneously, Beth is restricting the RPG elements of its games, which is one of the things that made them feel so unique. And by cutting back on the RPG aspect, the company is hamstringing itself. Without mods, Beth's games are becoming increasingly mediocre. Yet even here, they seem to be undercutting the modability of their games. I actually think it's very poorly run company. Very arrogant and very complacent. The senior management really needs to sit down and figure out how to re-imagine its existing franchises in order to keep them fresh. That's exactly what CD Projekt and Ubisoft have been doing.
  9. I'm no expert, but probably the safest thing is to uninstall the mod and revert to a save from before you installed it (assuming you have one). You lose a day's gaming, which is a pain but not the end of the world. The problem with scripts is that they get baked into your save game even after you uninstall them, which can cause all sorts of problems.
  10. This is another useful mod that keeps happiness up by giving water pumps a small happiness bonus: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22206
  11. I don't buy this argument. No one is saying Beth should keep doing the same old thing with the same old market. But there's a difference between evolving/expanding/re-imagining a franchise in order to keep it fresh versus jumping blind and half-arsed into a completely new one. Compare Beth's management of ES and FO to how Ubisoft has handled Assassin's Creed (and keep in mind I'm no fan of Ubisoft, but I'll give the Devil his due)... Initially, AC2/Brotherhood/Revelations developed and improved on the original game. AC3 was more ambitious, but didn't really work. The game mechanics were half-baked. AC4 Black Flag then came along and fixed everything that was wrong with AC3 - the result was an excellent and original game. Back on track so to speak. Unity and Syndicate were relative disappointments as they struggled to find a new formula. Ubisoft finally found the correct new formula with Origins, which Odyssey now builds upon (haven't played it yet, but by all accounts a very decent game). So, in the case of AC, you have a developer constantly trying to take their franchise to the next level. Sure, it's hit and miss. Ubisoft's overly prolific release schedule over the past decade is at least partly to blame. But Beth has gone to the other extreme, choosing to release a major new single-player game every half-decade or so. As a result, the expectations are greater and they can't afford to be hit and miss. Rockstar has a similarly long gap between its major titles, but crucially GTA and RDR deliver the goods with each release. Same with CD Projekt and The Witcher. In Skyrim and FO4, Beth had two of the biggest games of the past decade. But instead of developing those titles and taking them to the next stage (and making a ton of money in the process), they keep getting distracted by (vanity) projects outside their expertise. First the relative disappointment of ESO, and now the complete train crash that is FO76. When people think of a Bethesda game, they think large, epic single-layer RPGs. Many also expect a game that can support some major modding from the player community. So, instead of trying to compete with Fortnite, Beth really should be focused on developing the next generation of single-player RPGs - with the aim of keeping its existing fan-base happy, while simultaneously expanding that market (which is what Skyrim, and to a lesser degree, FO4 both managed to do).
  12. I doubt this mod does what you want, but it adds a few more options to the assault rifle: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/34545 May be worth checking out.
  13. Well as far as I know, FO4 NV is still going strong and should be coming out in the not too distant future - or have I missed something? You're right though, several of the other big overhauls have died. Regarding FO76, I suspect all we'll see are a few cool assets (i.e. weapons and the like) being ported over officially via the CC, or alternatively, serving as inspiration for FO4 modders to create scratch versions.
  14. What wouldn't surprise me, especially if Fallout 76 doesn't deliver the anticipated sales figures, is Beth making some of the FO76 assets available for FO4 via the Creation Club. At a cost, of course. Obvious examples would be some of the weapons that SHOULD have been in FO4 but weren't. The pump-action shotgun, the 10mm SMG, etc, would be obvious candidates. Not sure what there is in terms of new armors, but if there is something, maybe those too. They could probably generate a fair bit of revenue on these micro-transactions. Bit of a no-brainer, to be honest. Then again, it Beth had a brain, it probably wouldn't have made FO76 in the first place.
  15. Won't be bothering with FO76 at all, not unless the player feedback is something truly amazing. FO4 has huge problems, but thanks to the great work of modders, I'll probably stick with it for six months or so, maybe longer. After that, I will move on to Witcher 3 and Assassins Creed Origins & Odyssey, which all sound more interesting than 76. And hopefully by the time I'm done with all that, there will be Elder Scrolls 6!
  16. Come on, guys. If by "ranting" you mean long, passionate, and pissed off... then yeah, zanity's ranting. But that doesn't mean he's wrong. Or crazy. I'm not saying I agree with everything he has written, and I know sometimes he goes on and on, but a lot of what he writes makes sense. It certainly doesn't deserve to be dismissed as crazy talk.
  17. Also, I think this one has a .50 variant: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20336 And maybe check out this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17170 Finally, a bunch of Deadpool2099's weapons offer top-tier elite semi-auto sniper variants (though none are .50). Worth looking at his Service Rifle, Bullpup Bozar, and Wattz Laser Gun mods.
  18. And this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15909
  19. As others have said, we can't be certain based on the limited info so far. Personally, I wasn't impressed by either 76 or Blades, but we'll see. I won't turn my back until I know more about them. But let's assume, for a moment, that these two games do turn out to be everything I (and others) fear them to be... There's clearly a market for those sorts of games, but I'm not part of that market. The big question then is this: do these new games represent a flashy new ADDITION to Beth's traditional game format (i.e. sprawling, highly modifiable, immersive, single-player RPGs) or are they a REPLACEMENT for those games. I'm concerned that it might be the latter. Maybe not immediately, but possibly over the next few years. In other words, a major sea change in the kinds of games that Beth makes. Not sure why Beth would do something like this, but as others have said, short-term greed, narcissism, and egos are key factors when it comes to running a successful business into the ground. It's kinda of depressing. I just watched some game-play for Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I was impressed. Right now, its creators seem more ambitious than the Beth guys. Based on what I saw, I suspect we might be reaching an absurd point where an Assassin's Creed game could offer a greater RPG experience than a mighty Beth game. As things currently stand, the key differentiator will be the lack of modability on an AC game. But Beth isn't exactly showing much love to free mods right now, so that difference may also disappear.
  20. This is a popular one: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13779 Sim Settlements, which I currently use, also deals with the issue. Yes, you're right. The vanilla limits are ridiculously low. I typically go between 500-1000% over the vanilla limits for EVERY settlement on the map without any problems. My machine is no beast. Upper mid-tier at best. I guess it shows how puny the consoles truly are.
  21. Thought I would just check in to see how things are going. Glad to see that WARS is making progress. Looks and sounds fantastic! Keep up the great work, antistar.
  22. There really should be a shotgun-specific perk. Never played the older FO games, but wasn't there a "shotgun surgeon" perk running around?
  23. The idea of letting the player build their own settlements is a brilliant one. The implementation of that idea, however, is truly terrible. After two years, even with a huge number of settlement mods, I just gave up. Now Sim Settlements does all the heavy lifting in my playthroughs, and I just tweak the settlements afterwards, if at all. It's spared me a lot of frustration.
  24. I agree with most of the comments above. Of course Beth doesn't support uninstalling mods. The last thing it wants is a bunch of gamers accusing it of breaking their playthroughs. Unfortunately, most players don't know how to use mods properly. That's fine. We're all learning. But having broken their playthroughs, rather than take responsibility, these same players look for someone else to blame. You see it all the time in the comments and bugs sections for various mods. 90% of the so-called bugs aren't bugs at all - they're just players not understanding how the mod works and then trying to blame the author rather than accept their own incompetence. It mostly comes down to common sense. Uninstalling a big ambitious script-heavy mod like Sim Settlements mid-game is plain dumb. Don't Call Me Settler was another one when it still existed. When you add mods like these - which basically redefine how you play the entire game - then you need to commit to them. If they fail, then it's game over. You start afresh. No tears. Take it on the chin. Other mods can cause problems, but you can work around them - though it can be a fair bit of work sometimes. For instance, certain weapon mods, particularly those with scripted level lists. If you remove them, you need to remember to re-equip any settlers, etc. who were armed with those weapons. That can be a real chore. Certain enemies may suddenly lack a weapon, because they've already spawned and now their weapon has been taken away. Most mods, however, based on my experience, can be removed without too much hassle. From what I've seen, the far bigger danger isn't removing mods but having TOO MANY mods. The more mods you have, the greater the chance of conflicts. Nor does FO4Edit pick up on all these conflicts, so merged patches, though very useful, aren't necessarily the all-conquering magic bullet. Even when FO4Edit does show a conflict, unless you're an expert, it may be hard to tell whether it's a minor conflict or a gamebreaker. Too many mods will also have an effect on performance. On my last playthrough, I kept crashing every time I fast-traveled to Sanctuary, which contained 200+ settlers, all doing specific functions, and with buildings and specialized plots packed right across the entire island. The reason wasn't because of faulty or conflicting mods. It (probably) wasn't because of script errors. It was because I had too many settlement mods and my machine just couldn't handle what I had done with them in this playthrough. Not enough horsepower. So my advice is to only use those mods that you REALLY want. If you come across a new mod in mid-playthrough, read the installation and uninstallation instructions carefully. If the author hasn't bothered to cover these points, probably better off avoiding the mod. I've done that many times. The lack of downloads forces authors to be more responsible and professional. They become better modders as a result. If you go ahead with the mod, test it out thoroughly in an older save game. Only after that should you bring it into your current game. If it's working fine but you're not using it, then leave it for the remainder of the playthrough. If it's not working properly irrespective of whether you use it or not, then re-read the uninstallation instructions and consider removing it. It's a calculated risk, but as others have said, that's the nature of the beast.
  25. The most I've had in a single settlement is around 100. I now tend to cap them at around 60-70 so that the game doesn't bug out. On average, I probably have around 20-25 settlers in the smaller settlements, with maybe double that in the larger settlements. In terms of total settlers, I probably have between 800-1000 (just the base game, so ignoring Nuke World/Far Harbor settlements, which I haven't got around to yet).
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