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Everything posted by DaisukeJP

  1. yea i'm also waiting for the price drop on those 7970's .. they perform like a beast.. unfortunately they don't scale very well in CrossfireX , like 20~30%
  2. very nice ^^ I'm currenly busy making my own custom case with a huge acrylic window to show off my awesome green cable management =P got 3 GTX 680's here which I mainly use for benchmarking in my intel rig. but I'm thinking of keeping them instead of selling, to make a mean green machine ^^ but i'm waiting for the 22nm Ivy Chipset from intel =]
  3. I have ugrid @ 11 and it runs perfectly smooth.. about flying horses and that kinda stuff... never happend to me. maybe u have some mods conflicting with eachother & making the game physics run wild.. dunno
  4. Hey guys, Let's compare our systems a bit here to see what kind of systems are being used generally for playing Skyrim or other High-End games =] My Gaming RIG is in my signature using my own custom ENB settings v0.102 @ maxed out settings with SSAO @ -1 1920x1080 getting 50~60fps , lowest i've seen is 36fps when i was summoning 4 dragons with a mod & killing whole whiterun XD Vsync enabled. [ultra Skyrim settings / sliders @ max also] I wonder how Intel/Nvidia combo systems perform ^^ Display Driver : AMD Catalyst 12.3
  5. Nvidia = pwnage @ driver support.. quality releases with minor bug amounts. ATI = average driver support & release with decent amount of bugs but they get fixed asap when reported. ATI = Performance for buck Nvidia = pricey but very nice driver support. I have 3 GTX 680's in my benchmark system & they destroy my fps counter =P I'm waiting for the HD7990's tho ^^ I'm pretty sure the 680's will cry, & then nvidia will release GTX 690's or sumthin
  6. ill look forward to the final version :D
  7. wow this is awesome, I really hope u can figure this thing out.. or someone else that can help ya :D i'll definitely endorse it once i get it =P
  8. is there some tutorial to make armor & implent them into the game? cuz no1 seems to be interested in making my armor art
  9. Thanx Josh, i'll give your ENB settings a try ^^
  10. Format : Graphics mods i'm using: I'm currently using fedorrrz_HD6 ENB Do you use a ATI or Nvidia GPU? ATI HD6970 2GB My opinion : I really love this ENB, makes everything look really nice.. compared to a lot of other ENB's i've tested What should be improved? : Daytime : It should be a little more brighter Nighttime : looks awesome, won't change anything ^^ What do I expect from a graphics mod? : Actually i'm waiting for a new ENBseries update.. which should make ATI cards settings easier.. lately all of them are based on Nvidia I'd like to see a EXTREME performance eating graphics mod ^^ with epic looks Do you have your own config? Yes, it's still a work in progress.. i'll share it when it's finnished Screenshot (optional) : http://upyourpic.org/images/201204/bcrromamtu.jpg http://upyourpic.org/images/201204/ax2btdiqka.jpg http://upyourpic.org/images/201203/nl4hr15scs.jpg
  11. so bethesda textures are better as the 2k ones ?:O I've got a pretty high-end system.. can handle it rite? also i'm getting a whole new rig soon.. with the ivy intel & 2x GTX 680's ... by the time intel ivy 22nm CPU's come there might be better GPU's so might get other ones =p
  12. I recommend you this ENB I've tested all ENB's there is.. this one really stood out .. looks best to me. also is pretty fast compared to other ENB settings. weird ha? http://enbdev.com/enbseries/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=410&sid=e345677b0e2ad58e7e453e66fd684570 anyway give it a try ^^ also use the lighting mod that IBN5100 suggest u.. first lighting then enb .. 2k textures etc
  13. if it's copyrighted it's hard to release it =] in fact it's impossible to do so without receiving a warning from them or being sued lol
  14. I haven't got the slightest bit of knowledge about armor modding. so do what you have to do mate =] as long as it looks like this, no need for it to be exact the same.. improvise if you have to :thumbsup: the idea was to have the armor having ice spikes come out of it. & a frozen dragon claw on the chestplate. this warrior fought a strong legendary frost dragon ^_~ that's the compact story =P
  15. Glad you all like it =] now let's hope a modder comes & makes this for us
  16. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/651638-someone-help-me-make-my-dream-armor-in-skyrim/ check my post for my request, i've got the art in the post
  17. Hey guys, Can any of you make a config for the latest v0.108 ENB for Skyrim? I want nice vivid colors & Highest Quality settings.. EDIT: lol topic title should say Request instead of Eequest.. cant change it >.<
  18. Hey guys, I'm kinda wondering what everyones opinions are on the best ENB settings out there. Personally I think sharpshooters one looks great, the SuperB one also. currently i'm using Sharpshooters ENB mod with custom lighting mod which he recommended at his enb post. I'm certain there are better configs out there =] Share your graphic mods here ^^ =========================================================================================== Format : Graphics mods i'm using : Do you use a ATI or Nvidia GPU? My opinion : What should be improved? : What do I expect from a graphics mod? : Do you have your own config? Screenshot (optional) : this way we can help eachother find the perfect settings! ^^
  19. Is there anyone skilled enough to make this art an in-game armor? I would really appreciate it! also you would get major amount of endorsments for it.. since it's a pretty amazing armor =P XD =============================== Click on the armor for a full size view ===============================
  20. Hi all, at night, the water looks nice & not bright at all.. but midday when the sun is up... the water is almost like this color BLUE it's tooo bright x.X Also, the small waterfall's are shining trough the ground & walls etc http://i39.tinypic.com/t0pb48.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/1znvf6a.jpg This is a screenshot of riverwood scenery.. looks sweet to me BUT, i need to fix this water problem http://i40.tinypic.com/1ph64h.jpg
  21. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090919142634/aion/images/a/a6/Lv25_27_unique_and_abyss_point_asmodian_plate_armor_image.jpg http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090919142559/aion/images/a/a4/Lv25_25_unique_and_abyss_point_asmodian_plate_armor_image.jpg I can make high resolution/detailed screenshots.. but I have to emulate my server, which can take 1-2 days.. it's a bit bugged cuz i'm working with Aion 3.0 hope someone can do this :)
  22. im kinda new to the game, but seems like this game has neverending quests lol first day i played this game i walked like an hour or 2 to find a place =P then i learned about fast travel -.-'
  23. he's right tho, they always go for the console first, cuz they bring the most profits nice IU picture btw XD
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