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Everything posted by marabunta5
0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Campfire.esm 6 6 DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp 7 7 SOTFull.esp 8 8 MLU.esp 9 9 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp 10 a Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 11 b RealisticWaterTwo.esp 12 c Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 13 d Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp 14 e Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp 15 f InigoPerkPointGiver.esp 16 10 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 17 11 Populated Lands Roads Paths Legendary.esp 18 12 JKs Whiterun.esp 19 13 JK's Riverwood.esp 20 14 Run For Your Lives.esp 21 15 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 22 16 Vivid WeathersSE.esp 23 17 Populated Forts Towers Places Legendary.esp 24 18 Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp 25 19 Immersive Patrols II.esp 26 1a Eli_Halla.esp 27 1b PatronGodsOfSkyrim.esp 28 1c Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp 29 1d LevelersTower.esp 30 1e Hearthfire Warehouse.esp 31 1f Perfect Legionnaire - Troops Re-equipment.esp 32 20 Ars Metallica.esp 33 21 Dr_Bandolier.esp 34 22 RevengeOfTheIronDaggers.esp 35 23 Backshields.esp 36 24 Realistic Death Physics - No Animations - Skyrim.esp 37 25 DarkerNights.esp 38 26 TrueStormsSE.esp 39 27 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 40 28 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp My load order. I still cant really figure out wich causes the CTDs, wich have extended to All jarls palaces and the Giants inn in riverrun.
I dont have flickering in the trees but in the water, only from specific angles, monitor didnt fix it ;P got introduced inthe latest patch though.
Wich one of thse is the culprit for the CTD? http://imgur.com/a/mKPkh Edit: Sorry for not embedding the link, it gave me errors that it wasnt allowed. same with the photobucket link.
Im asking if someone can make with the skills they have and if they have the time... to make Greatsword of Artorias (Link to the wiki link also contains what i hope is a clear picture http://darksouls.wikidot.com/greatsword-of-artorias ) I would request armor but.. the way its put differs too much \skyrim has bound together chest and legs... Darksouls has legs and boots together... so its impossible to get the boots shown properly since parts of em can be hidden by the rest of the leggings... http://mugen03.free.fr/Darksouls/DS_myst01.jpg That is a picture front/side of the Gold hemmed black set looks pretty neat to me. wondering if its possible.. :o
Still doesnt explain my 40MB texture pack but I have the CK now... I thought steam had Auto updates.. oh well... (And i cant redownload the Texture back i shall see... *Shrug* Its still strange 3MB doesnt DL in 1 min.... especialy of the CK needed 2... And anyways Happy modding to yall!
1. Make sure you aren't a pirate. 2. Press steam tab "View" 3. Select "Tools" 4. It should be in there somewhere. I checked in Tools and it aint there... And Now [eople say the HD pack was 3 gigs,, it was 40MB for me What the hell is going on here? And dont worry i spent 150 Euros on the game... Collectors edition lol... if only for that lovely artbook <3
People say the creation kit is live.... How? Steam doesnt have it. And icant find an alternative download... And i got the texture pack Wondering if my texture mods wil surpass it or not... lol!
I am looking for an Increased Spawns mod does anyone know if there is one? I know team MMM made one for Fallout 3 when Fo3Edit appeared... seems they didnt do the same with Skyrim and the Skyedit (if im right...) I enjoy the increased spawns Though if someone makes this... i hope they dont mess with the dragon spawns :P (Using deadly dragons mod.... ) If they did it would be the true cliffraces... ganging up on you and more every minute! I myself would gladly download Skyedit and create an increased spawns mod myself but I dont think i could do it without knowledge of the program and potentialy messing up the game... (If its even possiblr to alter/edit the spawns settings with Skyedit. )
I can run this game on Ultra and all View distances max... yet my viewing distance is Much shorter than it is suppsoed to. I think im having a problem with Long distance or just Distance texture rendering I a using mods that alter texures Mainly Enhanced Blood Textures, Enhanced nightsky colourful galaxy, Immersive Enviroment FXAA Injector, Realistic smoke and embers, One of wich im not sure if its posted here by the name but More natural post process (Should be this one http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1056 I can link the others if needed and ifi can find them! just ask ill take link em here in this post.. ) and Dunno if it matters but im also using 4GB Skyrim Dont know if its still needed or not though....
I agree with Tazmo Sort of =p It would be nice to be able to get a kid of some sorts ingame (Dovahkids!) with that Killable kids mod it would give you a feel/need of something to protect other than that precious shopkeeper EDIT: I managed to get Remarried! "t worked.
Alright I'll give it a shot later on... Have to find out her ID though since her body is long gone from Nirn But ill try to remarry Heh ^^ see if that works
I managed to had my wife die in battle (ingame) found it out later... Didnt want to reload... And it seems i cant remarry Is there a way to change that? It happened in a dungeon... (the autosaves werent helpfull cause they were overwritten by the time i found out she was dead same with my other saves So meh ) and the body is lost now... It was that dark elf Jenassa If im right But to the point is there a way to Either remarry or get that npc back? Im looking trough console codes but i dont get much out of it :/
I have enountered that same problem on the PS3 (I play PC my sibling does not... ) That crystal is unresponsive or does it just take longer to respond to the magic? for me itself it worked instantly... On the Ps3 it didnt do a thing reloading/re-entering the room didnt work. Now.. i wonder if there are more of these things in dwemer ruins.. seems interesting :P
I had a blood dragon pick me up in its mouth and throw me away Its one of those kill cam moves :P too bad i didnt take a screenshot :c
I hope our patch doesn't break more things...
marabunta5 replied to AxlRocks's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Mine already updated.. :/ i hope nothing broke then... or atleast not much And i hope a good patch comes in soon then... Lol EDIT: dragons are indeed bugged.. they seem tofly.. get stuck in the air fly again and repeat.. and when it flies is acting all spastic. And the LOD seems to be messed up.. it already was but now half of what i can see in the distance is just blank... and its Laggy.... with Skyrim 4GB it wasnt before that... This isnt what i expected... wow might have to stop playing till they come with a new patch or the CK and the unnofcial patches flow out -
I saw about it on a wiki.. decided to try it out was quite suprised :P
What happens is that a Named dragon comes.. apparantly it sleeps there or something and is annoyed by the sound you produce using Unrelenting force on that globe thingy... not reallya spoiler i think? as this doesnt involve a quest... (blackreach does but the dragon doesnt )
Im currently just using a scimitar Took the deadly archery perk... the strongest things i can take down in one shot are... Not sure but i think those may be falmer or restless draugr And haha my thief doesnt use magic aside from a little restoration (the first spell... ) the only way that char could be over powered is if i use the next few levels purely for combat and combat perks :/ wont happen as im so close to pickpocketing equipped weapons! (and 50% more chance for special loot... lol ) and dragons anything higher than blood (who somehow seem to be very easy one time and very hard the other) i'll run away from
I do kill my enemies but i prefer not to. She's a thief why should a thief kill? im working on getting that poisoner pickpocket skill only need to get much better at alchemy and i might not need blades... :3 So far ive had dungeons in wich i passed 90% of the enemies... (God i hope when the CK comes i can get a slower leveling mod... might make this easier... this is just too fast oblivion was too slow Haha ) and Bows.. those are a great option too smy thief uses them has 25% time slow and the zoom (ofc) And a bit higher damage nothing more i enjoy this play style.. Now i hope i dont encounter Dragon Priests or she's toast. =P
Hell no! most people complain about a sneak style being OP well its not... you make assassins i make thieves.. try playing without investing in combat perks. I only have some archery ones. and that backstab one ( I needed it.. level 22 thief. one of the first combat oriented perks aside from a few archery ones and one armsman perk... ) Just try it... its fun and a lot of challenge i get beaten a lot if im discovered fighting means dodging a lot now and a lot of potions and poisons. warriors of that level beat Draugr Wights with ease.. they kill me with ease. I Have to rely on companions no matter how stupid they can be I Need em. mostly as a distraction but still.. So far that thief died 4 times... 3 times being outnumbered by bandits.. once by a blood dragon. Just. try. It! so much fun having to avoid combat a lot adds quite a challenge IMO having to find ways to beat your enemies using traps and poisions without revealing yourself
Is it too much to ask for in game haircuts??
marabunta5 replied to BatiatusSeptim's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The barbers went to fight a war... :/ -
I sure hope it wont happen... the saves count all together im at 970 now (several chars lol) I save before every dungeon or every pickpocket attempt and every... 15/30 minutes it became a habbit... I just hope over a thousand saves wont mess things up :/ (1000 saves as in... that you have saved a thousand times but only have like 5 save files.. Heh )
Some characters can be married and some cant... AFAIK i just heard it on the Bethsoft forums ( i just read there dont have an account i think :P ) cant remember the thread... That there are only a few certain npc's that you can marry with..
Im busy with the stormcloak missions... But im doing the Markhart one now but the problem is.. i cant proceed The guards want to arrest me. I cant pay my fine and that jail i already escaped from earlier in the game so the guards want me. Is there anyway to by pass them? or is it just a bug since telling them to take me to jail restarts the conversation... :/ i have the gold for the fines but the guards dont want it... Bah
Your #1 Favorite Thing about Oblivion
marabunta5 replied to InuyashaFE's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The thieves guild questline and Darkbrotherhood quest line... And ofcourse the adoring fan... Taking him into dungeons to use as fodder for the monsters or bandits =)