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About logitechg502

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  1. maybe some balancing for the end game content which are ridiculously difficult for me. lol
  2. Hello, just trying to help, maybe you can see this page here: https://www.notebookcheck.net/NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX-980M.126692.0.html you can see how 980M could perform in so many games there complete with the setting used, just scroll to the bottom and skip the technical part. cheers :dance:
  3. Mine's are: Mass Effect 1, 2, 3Gothic 2Jade EmpireFable The Lost ChapterLost Planet 1Assassin's Creed 2GTA VBorderlands, Borderlands 2Diablo 2The Witcher 3Dragon Age InquisitionElexShadow of MordorAge of Empire 2WarframeDota 2Forza Horizon 3SkyrimFallout 4The Dying LightRE 7
  4. I really am not sure what to say. For me, this is a beautiful games to play (in terms of graphic). I love the game's graphic, especially after you mod them. The combat also feels way way better than the previous games. Mod it with increased enemy spawn rate and I have a blast playing it. But that's also the bad part, I enjoyed too much of the combat to the point that the story feels like a stop gate in between my combat session. The story is bland and sometimes I feel like just to finish a quest, I got slightly annoyed if I have to talk to all these minor characters and spent a long long time talking. I just want to go outside, explore a beautiful landscape and kill those aliens. That's it for me, combat is a blast, story is a meh.
  5. Hello guys, newbie here just want to share the games I play. Nowadays I play ELEX most of my time. I'm a piranha bites fans from Gothic 2 era. Your typical RPG lovers. Usually when I'm not playing RPG, I play a lot of Dota 2 and Warframe. I love ELEX so much that it is one of the anomaly for me. Usually when I have a new RPG that is big (in terms of file installed), has a long story, good graphic, etc., I rarely finish and just stock it into my backlog. My backlog until today (that just cluttering my storage) are: 1. ME Andromeda 2. Absolver (not RPG, but yeah it has story) 3. Middle Earth: Shadow of War 4. Hell Blade: Senua's Sacrifice 5. Titanfall 2 6. Ghost Recon Wildlands 7. Watch Dogs 2 8. Dragon Age Inquisition (lol I'm very lazy to finish the game) I like all of those games above, but for some reason I rarely play it to finish even though I'm already halfway or far into the game.
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