Hello guys, newbie here just want to share the games I play. Nowadays I play ELEX most of my time. I'm a piranha bites fans from Gothic 2 era. Your typical RPG lovers. Usually when I'm not playing RPG, I play a lot of Dota 2 and Warframe. I love ELEX so much that it is one of the anomaly for me. Usually when I have a new RPG that is big (in terms of file installed), has a long story, good graphic, etc., I rarely finish and just stock it into my backlog. My backlog until today (that just cluttering my storage) are: 1. ME Andromeda 2. Absolver (not RPG, but yeah it has story) 3. Middle Earth: Shadow of War 4. Hell Blade: Senua's Sacrifice 5. Titanfall 2 6. Ghost Recon Wildlands 7. Watch Dogs 2 8. Dragon Age Inquisition (lol I'm very lazy to finish the game) I like all of those games above, but for some reason I rarely play it to finish even though I'm already halfway or far into the game.