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  1. Considering no other Dragon is known to possess that Thu'um, despite them having been alive for ages, it is safe to say the "bring a dragon back to life" Thu'um is something only Alduin had, or could have. If any Dragon could possess it the Dragon War wouldn't make sense. And yet, the Dovahkiin is longer important as a Dovahkiin, his purpose has been served, as a mortal he can do whatever he wants, as a Dovahkin hes useless. The Blades are expert Dragon killers who know ancient magics that allow people to hunt Dragons with ease. Alduin brought back countless Dragons during the time he was alive, having people go off and kill them independently is a lot less effective then having an order of warrior whose sole job is to hunt dragons, and who have detailed knowledge of dragons, and their weaknesses. The original Blades were expert dragon slayers but Delphine and Esbern are the only two Blades left alive and they ARE NOT EXPERTS. Esbern has NEVER even seen a dragon and Delphine has only seen one, the dragon at Kynesgrove, so neither of them are any where near being experts.
  2. That is entirely incorrect. The Dovahkiin in the only person who can take the souls of Dragons, making them unable to be resurrected. Any average Joe can kill a dragon, but as long as it still has its soul Alduin can bring it back. However, with the defeat of Alduin by the Dovahkiin, the one and only dragon that is known to be able to resurrect Dragons, is gone. If you pay attention, when you time travel back to the Dragon War, you can see MANY dead dragons who haven't had their soul taken, they still have their flesh and everything, because there was no Dragonborn during the time of the Dragon War to take their souls. The only dragon that needed a special person to kill was Alduin, only because he is Akatosh. Where did the idea that Alduin is really Akatosh come from? I heard and saw nothing about it in the game and it doesn't say any thing like that in the very thick Skyrim Official Game Guide either. Every thing I've heard and read simply said that Alduin was the oldest and the first dragon created by Akatosh, not that he was Akatosh. Though he prefers to "appear" as a dragon when he does choose to show himself. Plus if Alduim really was Akatosh then he would be a God and wouldn't need to devour the souls of the honored dead for strength. A God is by nature completely indestructable and cannot be defeated or beaten by any one or any thing, not even by a Dovahkiin.
  3. As I pointed out to Freya1997, how is Parth supposed to do anything when he is the only dragon left alive? He need minions and other dragons to help him out, and he cant bring them back to life himself. Seriously, it's like.... no one is actually thinking what they are saying through. People know what they're saying. It's just that many of us won't kill just to be on the safe side. In this country people are punished for crimes they've already cimmited, not for crime they "might" commit. This applies to all imtelligent creatures, even dragons when applied to the gaming world. There are still plenty of dragons around so what do you do, make an alphabeticial list and kill all dragons in alphabeticial order? What difference whether you kill them now or next week or next month or next year? If they don't bother any one, then leave them alone. I already killed Alduin and just joined the legion and after a few missions for them a dragon attacked and he won't do that again because he's dead now. From now on the only dragons I go after are those that cause trouble. Those that leave people alone have nothing to fear from me. As far as Paarthurnax is concerned, if the Blades ago after him or send some one to kill him they'll have to get past my Dovahkiin I stand by my friends and allies in real life and in games, too. .
  4. Path has waited over 4,000 years for Alduin's return and defeat. You really don't think he could wait another.... like 30... for you to die? It doesn't matter if you can kill him or not...... if your dead you can't do jack. The Dragons play a very very long game, 30 years is nothing to them. Exactly. He's lived in isolation for thousands of years which is like a prison sentence (a rather unusually long one) and IF he was going to do something he would have done so BEFORE a dragonborn was born.
  5. Every one seems to forget that you can't trust Delphine's or Esbern's opinions any way. How do you know they're right about dragons? Dragons didn't even exist in their world until the Dovahkiin showed up but the Greybeards did exist and they're both totally wrong about the Greybeards. They said the Greybeards were afraid of power but if so then why are they masters of the shouts? They said the Greybeards were afarid of you but if they were would they have trained you to use your powers? Would they have told you your welcome to come back any time you want to return? They said the Greybeards wanted you to ignore your destiny and just sit on their mountain and pray to the sky and do nothing else when the Greybeards actually told you to go out into the world and find your destiny. They were totally wrong about the Greybeards who do live in their world so how can we be sure they're right about dragons when they didn't live in their world. If they can be 100% wrong about today's world I'm not about to trust their "knowledge" of the world that was a few thousand years ago.
  6. I had to burst out laughing the first time I got around to doing that quest and she made that comment about how I shouldn't have come there if I didn't trust her and killing my Dovah. At the beginning of the game I'd taken off towards Falkreath and pretty much never gone to Riverwood before except to speak to Hadvar's uncle (which I waited quite a while to do). When I was talking to her I was a vampire wearing a full set of Nightingale Armor and dual-wielding the Mace of Molag Bal (which guards can freak out at the sight of) along with Dawnbreaker, and had arrived at the Inn with Cicero from the Dark Brotherhood and the dog Vigilance after riding in to town on Shadowmere. I think I also had the Spectre of Lucien Lachance summoned, not sure though. I couldn't help but feel it should be pretty obvious that I could take out the entire town if I felt like it, and that if she really doubted that I was Dragonborn the Whiterun Guards outside could probably vouch for me since they were sent there around the same time I killed Mirmulnir and they can comment on it. LOL... :laugh: ...I love it....would have liked to have seen that..... :biggrin: .....Delphine certainly has some very delusional tickets on herself.... :D .....Mine wasn't quite as dramatic as yours... :happy: ....I play a Nord with a Height Adjusted Races Mod, so as a Breton she is tiny and I also have my Nord Man console set to Altmer height with max weight slide....suffice to say, his one big man.....she looks absolutely tiny beside him....him bristling with some rather impressive weapons of his own (not Daedric, but impressive none the less) and did I forget to mention his Snowy Sabre Cat companion?.... :P ....And there's this miniscule big mouth woman popping out with that line....My face.... :blink:
  7. Because Alduin is supposed to be next to indestructable and Paarthurnax isn't and he knows it so if you can defeat Alduin, Paarth knows he wouldn't stand a chance against you. Also, many quote Paarthurnax's speech but they forget he said that Alduin (on his own) is a spoiled first born brat and decided to take domination as his birthright. I think the other dragons aren't really that evil. They just follow Alduin because he has access to Sovenguard where he can make himslef indstructable so they're afraid to oppose him. THEY can die in a war, Alduin can't so they're the ones that take all the chances, not him. With Alduin gone they can live their own lives instead of living and dying for him. Once Alduin is gone we'll only hunt the dragons that cause trouble. Those that don't cause trouble we'll leave alone.
  8. The Blades duty is to follow the Dragonborn yes.... in helping him fulfill his divine duty... which is to slay dragons. With the Dragonborn's denial of his divine task, the blades are not bound to serve him. Dovahkiin IS NOT bound to kill something just because it has scales and flies. His devine task is to protect others from dragons but if a certain dragon isn't hostile then no one needs to be protected from it. "PROTECTING" some one from a non-hostile dragon is just murder.
  9. This poll should get some interesting results from all of the posts on tthis subject over the past year. Isolated by himself and alone for thousands of years, outcast by his own kind for helping us and helping us the best he could whenever called on. I for one say he's more than paid for any crimes he may have commited. HE SHOULD LIVE!!
  10. I don't know where some people come up with the idea that the Blade's Oath is to just kill dragons. THAT'S WHAT THE DRAGONGUARD DID, NOT WHAT THE BLADES ARE SUPPOSED TO DO. Delphine herself said the Blades Oath was to FOLLOW AND SERVE the Dragonborn. That means the Dovahkiin is in charge. HE makes the decissions, not the Blades. If some Blades disagree with it, no problem as long as they carry out his decission.. If they can't, they leave the Blades so as far as I'm concerned, Delphine and Esbern left the Blades when they issued an ultimatum to Dovahkiin. Do what we say or we won't follow you.
  11. This game needs an update that allows the Dovahkiin the option of confronting Delphine and Esbern and tell them that because of their inability to follow the true oath of the Blades that their services are no longer required and then lets you banish them from Sky Haven Temple. Then as Dovahkiin you could reform the Blades into what they were originally meant to be, followers of the Dragonborn.
  12. Ulfric was "WRONG" doing what he did! The custom and law is the king must accept a challenge to "honorable" combat but what Ulfric did wasn't honorable. It was murder. Honorable would have been to meet the king face to face with somewhat similar weapons but Ulfric had been planning this for a long time. It takes years to learn just 1 shout and ulfric did just that, spent years leaarning a shout just so he could kill the king without taking a chance on himself being hurt. No mortal except for the Greybeards and Dovahkiin can stand up to a shout and the king didn't know any shouts and Ulfric "knew" this That was not honorable combat but was just a coward commiting murder.
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