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Status Updates posted by mackty747

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mackty747


      Thank you so much Carlos :)
    3. namaste911


      Joder que bueno!
    4. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t


      Very beautiful galleries you have, amazing shots, good to see your works again.
  1. Kudos for you, thank you for add me and for your comments :)
  2. Thank you for your kind words kudos for you and if you want add me as friend :3
  3. I'm fine thank you and I'm happy to see you back Luna :3
  4. Hi, kudos and thank you for add me :)
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mackty747


      Thank you m14aria :)
    3. aisnor


      Wow, Sophia! I did not know this.

      Awesome wallpapers :)

      Download now, of course ;)

    4. mackty747


      Thank you Carlos
    1. MissBasha


      Excellent work! I never would have thought that this is a screenshot from the game! :)
    2. mackty747


      Thank you so much MissBasha :)
  5. Beautiful new avatar :3
    1. MissBasha


      Ohhh myyyy!!! This is incredibly awesome!!! <3

      How unfortunate that is impossible to give kudos twice! =)

    2. mackty747


      No problem :D and thank you MissBasha :)
  6. Thank you for add me :) and five stars for you
  7. Kudos for you for your gallery and your comments on my pics and if you want add me as friend :3
  8. Well I'm back again , Sorry hard job and connection problems -_-
  9. Sorry my friends ,sorry have been missing for two days because I'm very busy with my new job :)
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. zzjay


      Good luck with it,and sorry for double post,it alwasys happens...
    3. zzjay


      Good luck with it,and sorry for double post,it alwasys happens...
    4. mackty747


      Don't worry and thank you zzjay :)
  10. Than you Rosshiro :3
  11. Yay my brother gift me a new monitor:D
    1. zzjay


      Omg You're lucky!Not many brothers beave like that.Mine is always waiting i leave mycomputer and use it
    2. zzjay


      Omg You're lucky!Not many brothers beave like that.Mine is always waiting i leave mycomputer and use it
  12. Thank you for your kind words kudos for you and if you want add me as friend :)
  13. Thank you for add me and kudos for you :)
  14. Cool new look in you website :)
  15. Rise for freedom
  16. :D muchas gracias :3
  17. Wonderful new avatar :3
  18. perdón queria decir kudos :D
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