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Status Updates posted by mackty747

  1. I'm really glad you add me :)
  2. Yes she's awesome
  3. Thank you so much for add me and you can call me Sophy or Sophia
  4. Beautiful new avatar LSiwora :)
  5. Hi Maboroshi2131 kudos for you for your really good mods and if you want add me to friends :)
  6. Okay Luna, I like it :)
  7. XD you can call me sophy or sophia, if you want :)
  8. Thank you so much for add me :)
  9. Thank you so much for add me :)
  10. Hi LSiwora thanks for the info and kudos for you for your great gallery and if you want add me :)
  11. Always is a pleasure my friend :)
  12. Thank you so much for add me :)
  13. And really good mods :)
  14. Hi abichann kudos for you and if you want add me to friends :)
  15. Thanks a bunch for add me and beautiful avatar indeed :)
  16. Hello 83Willow Kudos for your nice comments and awesome mods and if you want add me :)
  17. Thank you so much for add me, comments and kudos bison1967 :)
  18. And Great gallery indeed :)
  19. no problem bison1967 kudos for you and if you want add me :)
  20. Thank you so much for add me Morwyn Kelm :)
  21. tienes un buen blog con unas historias muy interesantes y enhorabuena por tu gran trabajo :)
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