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About Hickory

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    Dragon Age series, Mass Effect series, Baldur's Gate, Dragon's Dogma, The Witcher series

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  1. In response to post #31573045. #31573920 is also a reply to the same post. That dsound.dll file should be sent away to all AV companies that participate in Virus Total for manual investigation. Relying on existing heuristics is not doing anybody any good, especially since these files are extremely suspect to begin with and have not been tagged by the scans.
  2. As far as I am concerned, a paid-for mod is no longer a mod, it is DLC -- developer is getting three quarters of the money. It's been coming for a long time, and now we will see...
  3. Thanks Axel. Everything working fine now. :)
  4. I have my favourite Nexus sites set up, and they display as normal in the Nexus Network dropdown button, but the links are all broken -- they ALL go to the home page. For example, if I want to go to Dragon Age 2 Nexus, the link in the dropdown is: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage2 This does not go to Dragon Age 2, but to the homepage. If I click on the DA2 icon in the homepage, the link is: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage2/ This correctly takes me to where I want to go. It's only a one character difference, but it breaks the links.
  5. That's because it's not supposed to be dropped. It's designed that way (to respawn), it's a dummy hotkey. No, that's not what I mean -- you never mentioned the book or key before. I mean I've never had the issue with the DLT icon with both installed.
  6. No, OOO initialises it right at the start. A special shortcut 'torch' is added to your inventory right at the start of the game. This is all very odd, because my Oblivion (when I play it) always consists of OOO and Cobl, amongst many other things, and I have never had this issue.
  7. I am pretty certain (but I wouldn't swear by it) that OOO initialises the DLT in the dungeon of the tutorial. That being so, you are not starting in the tutorial; you have Alternative Start. I don't believe so. I think it's the issue above.
  8. And have you used BOSS and checked for incorrect plugins again?
  9. Put the DVD into your drive and run OblivionLauncher.exe (from the DVD). When the launcher window opens, press 'Uninstall'.
  10. That's your problem. You have everything on lowest settings, going from your post. You are seeing trees as the cardboard cut outs, and no long grass because of that.
  11. The one in your \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\ folder. Never touch the ini file in your main Oblivion folder. No. Those are separate entries naming the master bsa archives. Do not remove them.
  12. Oblivion_Default.ini should never, ever be edited. It is the installation default that Oblivion falls back on to re-create Oblivion.ini in the event that it needs to. Again, it should never be edited.
  13. No, don't feel like that, it happens to us all... really! :)
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