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Everything posted by Hickory

  1. Cool. Sound, especially onboard sound, is one of the worst causes of unknown (as in 'phantom') issues on PCs. Onboard sound chips should always be disabled unless they are absolutely required.
  2. Only for moderators, it would seem.
  3. You can get a free trial of Acronis. Or if you're Linux savvy, try a live CD.
  4. Wow! Going through the Bruma gate at level 2? How did you manage to go through the main quest, and not level up? Hmmm??....I don't know, should I have leveled up more by now?....I'd only completed the first 5 quests of the entire main quest prior to #6 "Bruma Gate".....*shrugs* I've usually passed level 2 before I get to Jauffre at Weynon Priory, and that's if I don't take long detours or side quests.
  5. Yep, I concur with jim_uk, there is no such option here.
  6. Have you considered that the mods may have been updated, and no longer need cleaning?
  7. You have missing meshes, which means that you have not installed it correctly -- I don't know how you mis-install SI.
  8. It *is* possible on IP Board forums, but the administrators also have the ability to disable it -- the help document won't tell you if it's been disabled. Like I said, I have never seen a multiple option on the Nexus before, and there is no user setting for it, either.
  9. You're going to have to provide more details than that. What do you mean by you were able to clean them before, but now you can't? Details, please.
  10. If you are using CMCompanion.esp as a master, then it really should be 'esmify'-ed in Wry Bash before loading the CS, and then 'espify'-ed when finished, and before rebuilding your bashed patch, or running the game. You cannot alter your companion stats if you re-enable (recheck) the player offset. To get a truly custom NPC, you would have to create a new custom class and assign that. If you are a novice, I wouldn't go there... yet.
  11. Wow, so many replies -- I haven't read them all, so if this has already been suggested, then feel free to ignore it. Disabling AdBlock Plus for the Nexus sites only: It is very simple to add an exclusion to AdBlock Plus by simply going to your Filter Preferences >> Custom Filters >> Exception Rules >> Add Filter. At the cursor in the text field that follows, simply add this: @@||nexusmods.com^$document Done.
  12. I've never seen a multiple recipient option on the Nexus forums. It's probably disabled (an admin thing).
  13. Wow! Going through the Bruma gate at level 2? How did you manage to go through the main quest, and not level up?
  14. Similar to the infamous Windows 'wake up from sleep' problems, do you mean? If so, it could be more than what mods and/or plugins you have installed, and you need to start looking at what your rig is capable of, hardware-wise -- you obviously have issues, else you wouldn't be running OSR.
  15. It very well could be, yes. I would be very suspect of OSR, and that is said from the bad experience I had with similar (but not sound) issues when ever I tried to use it. I also could never play mods that required Pluggy for some reason -- I suspect it's down to hardware specifics, but that's a guess. Your recourse is to remove and replace, one by one, just as you would when troubleshooting ordinary mods.
  16. You must be one of those who only download one mod for one game at a time! :laugh: I frequently grab several for different games that look interesting, knowing I won't get around to installing or playing them for days. :whistling: Or weeks... same here. :biggrin:
  17. Installing py3.2 will allow pyffi-3k to be installed but the optimisation scripts are expecting a py2.6 version of pyffi. I susggest installing pyffi 2.1.11 as it the latest compatible version in the py2.6 series Thanks for that. :thumbsup:
  18. With all of the mods you have installed, especially the graphics enhancers, it looks like your video card cannot cope, and is manifesting during stress times. With a HD 5145 (which is only very slightly better than a 4570), you need to tone it down a touch on the graphics -- getting rid of Quarls would be the starting block.
  19. How many .esm, .esp and .bsa files do you have in your data folder? I ask because Oblivion counts ALL, whether active or not, when it loads up. If you have over 255 you can get unforeseeable issues like this. I know you have nowhere near that active, but if there are dozens more 'inactive' it will still tell. Solution? Use Wrye Bash to 'Ghost' the inactive plugins.
  20. Uninstall Python 3.3 and try Python 3.2.
  21. Thanks for that information, Striker. It's a real shame when authors of such high quality mods are driven to this. Sigh!
  22. It's working (animated) for me viewing your Skyrim profile page, and also your mod comments.
  23. Your load order is a *complete* mess, especially for such a heavily modded setup -- it's no wonder you're getting CTDs. You absolutely have to run BOSS and then re-build your Bashed Patch, in that order.
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