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Also... this shows the difference between previews for CBBE Chubby, and CBBE Petite, for the same Outfit.. so BS is DEFINITELY making the changes..... they just do not take in game.
I can try? I have NO idea how to do that.... but I see a paper clip at the bottom of this reply, so I guess I just screen shot, and attach the pic? I'll get on it ASAP.
Hi, I have looked around, and a) I know this is a problem some people have... b) I have not found a definitive answer in any of the blogs, videos, or on the BS/OS mod page. When I try to rebuild some clothing, which has BS files, to suit MY body replacer, I find that it does not work IN GAME even though it SAYS it has worked in BS/OS. I first go to CBBE bodies as my category, then with menu beneath choose CBBE Slim, since that is the one I installed via FOMOD when installing CBBE, then build... and get told my CBBE bodies have successfully been changed. Then I clear the categories, chose a clothing category, then batch build to CBBE Slim (clothed) and am told it has worked.... ..... but it only works for SOME clothing. Seems to have worked for all the CBBE clothing and seemingly armour/wearables that came with CBBE for the vanilla game... for example.... but then for others, it does not work. Most noticeably for heavily mesh dependent clothing mods, like the popular packs by Vtaw, and there's a few others. More, if I then go and manually mess with sliders.... taking down all the ones I do not want.... which make the chubby base CBBE what it is, and taking up the ones I want, like smaller boobs, thinner thighs, more narrow hips, rounder, but smaller butt etc etc... until I have something pretty much identical to slim look of my replacer.... it shows me in real time in the preview window this is working... and then when I build it, it says it worked...... ....but even then, in game, NOPE, nothing, it does NOT work. The really crazy is thing is OCCASIONALLY, it seems SOMETIMES, SOME of the ones which DO NOT work, DO.... but only for the next immediate item of that kind I make in world.The next time I make the item, the rescale is gone. This happens especially with the actual bodies. That is to say, I will manually modify the body, or the clothing containing the body shape, specially paying attention in preview to the body, and it seems to work... but JUST ONCE. Other times I manually adjust every piece in an mod outfit.... and am told it worked... the preview shoed it work....... but when I make the outfit IN GAME, at least ONE piece, often the body, has NOT worked.... and there are wide hips, thighs, butts and boobs clipping out all over the place. This only happens with SOME outfits.... and there are some which seem to have a lot of object meshes too, which work fine, if I do not batch resize them, I manually edit them, and it all seems to work, they stay done, and all is well. So really looking for some help in FORCING the resizing for such ornery pieces as seem to be in some mods, to TAKE and STAY so I can actually USE the mods. Any experts which have some tips that want to share, please DO.
I do not even use UI mods yet, for that very reason.... there will eventually be a reborn day zero UI mod, just like in SSE and FO4, that will incorporate all other UI mods based off it, back in to one mod, and once that mod is stable, that will be that.... before then.... things like this always happened. I really should have sought to install FO4 again, and just begin to play that through once more, rather than roll with this game.... BGS game mods are tedious AF until about three years or so after the games release, when it has reached final form studio side through patches, and all DLC has been released... before then.... every mod is a risk, and every update, and DLC drop, breaks mods. It is a f*cking nightmare
I have EVERYTHINMG KZ, and nude skin mod, as well as a massive outpost object mod, and a massive ship building overhaul mod. I love KZ's work, so if they need updates, I gotta ride it out....might not even bother updating until after September, by the end of November, everything ruined by Shattered Space should be kosher again. Man I really wanted to try the land vehicle, but aint worth borking my mod list that I have JUST redone and finally got stable.
In otherwords DO NOT update for a few days? Gotcha, I'll leave it a couple of weeks.
Does the latest update with the REV-8 break mods again, or have we dodged a bullet?
You know what would be a great mod? A mod which let you tell Hadrian about Vae Victus, and NOT have it lead to his execution. More, if the mod let you point out that his bombing of Londinium was just a Commander in tough position, or that he likely thought it would save more lives than it cost.... and that NOT make your Companions dislike it immediately, that would be even better. The simplistic black and white, black hat white hat understanding of SF writers in some scenarios, is just so pathetic as to be cringe inducing Like when they tried to make the PC look like he gave a flying F about H22 or whatever in FO4.... but THIS example? The absolute black and white casting of Francios Sanon as some evil monster, when he clearly was NOT to any reasonable mind belonging to someone above 12 years old, is just the worst! Being forced to 'Keep it secret' like you are colluding in some coverup, and protecting some evil, not being able to advocate for this VERY SMART move on Tolman, without it costing you affinity, that, that is just moronic AF in the extreme, and enough to put me off every buying another BGS game. I know I am not the only one who feels like that. So anyone wanting to tackle quest mods, and maybe wants to practice on a preexisting quest, THAT one would be a great one to fix. Just tossing out seeds.
Did Bethesda patch the slight sim cheat where you can go bury your ship in the frame of the Space Station, and let them enemies crash in to it and blow up? It WAS a surefire way, one of the ONLY ways I found, to pass Tier 6 once you were above about level 50, and your ship became massively underpowered compared to the enemies. It used to take a while, but always worked. NOW though, enemy ships seem to take NO DAMAGE at all.... they crashed in to about ten times each, all four, on Tier 5... and no sparking engines, no smoking... not damage..... I watched and waited and watched and waited.... ......but BGS glitch like mofos.... so it COULD be just THIS instance that happened, so want to know if they were right C U Next Tuesday's and patched it?
I am looking at using a clean save file from here to redo my mod load.... but it comes with far less money than I currently have (I am also taking a significant level decrease, down about 50 levels... from 170 to 120). Yet this save has everything else I need. I do not want to use consoles AT ALL, even if Baka Achievement Enabler reenables Achievements, but I cannot find a good money mod. If someone wanted to, there is a niche for a Money Chest.... or even a few, like five versions with anything from 100K to half a billion Credits (my Character has over half a billion. I might only be level 173, but I am five hundred + hrs in to this, and just ground so many radiants to see companions in action when I messed with their weapon load outs that I promise you, it IS possible to have that much without cheating). It would be a great mod, that fixed the one problem with clean save files on the Nexus of a moderate level. Most such saves of level 200+ Characters, or Maxed to 330, have hundreds of millions, or billions of Credits on the saves..(which I assume they get by injecting something in to the game code without console, or it is not as advertised).... which is great and only does not matter if they have done all the missions and are right before unity (in which case, Credits are not a pro for your mod, as you lose them immediately), low level ones, it does not matter, as you are obviously downloading for the clean only part, and are down for the grind..... .....but mid level saves, even if they a right after Unity, with the whole mission buffet before you, always seem to have underwhelming credits for how high they are, and have not seemed to go the extra mile to grind out heaps without doing anything else. So a mod which lets you go to a chest in the Lodge and pick up your 500,000,000 credits, would be BONZA. It would let people use Clean Save File mods, and instantly get their money back. Why? Because we are all different, we will not want all the ships and gear and chattel general the save mod creator has.... so a way to instantly get what WE want, without console, and without grind, which is why we used such a clean save mod, after we dump all their stuff, is an absolute necessity. But it seems no one has made such a mod yet. There's cheat chests, but they only give you pittance relatively speaking. No one has made one with a toe curling amount to let high level players looking to take advantage of a clean save file mod, then instantly go back to living how they are accustomed, and spending how they like, as they are used to.
I thought the latest update was SUPOSED TO FIX THIS!!!! I still have it.
Has SFSE, and things like Address Library if needed, all been updated now since the last update of a week or so ago? I have not updated, because I do not want to not be able to play, right now, thanks to me only discovering that my PC was made by morons, if I want to run mods too, I can only run one or two games at a time, so do not like losing game time to the waiting game. But if all is good now, and all relevant core mods have been updated for the new game version, then I'll go ahead and update. If not, I will go back to trying to build a ship that looks like a choice pair of boobs and come back when it HAS.
I have this bug, I effing HATE it... BUT you CAN work around it a LITTLE by using a Filter... I used somethin Bypass its called, and it made the pics doable a bit
I cannot make any nude skin mod work, NBIS, Starqueen, CRT or whatever.... none work. I use NMM, and they are all mod manager packaged, Starqueen even has a FOMOD for if you are using Vortex or MO2/NMM.... but thy just will not work. I need a nude skin mod, not just because I am depraved perv, which I am, but more because I have a ton of clothing which is made for if you do not have that sickening grey underwear, and I have to avoid using half of them, like some of the more risque KZ ensembles... because they get ruined by the worst clothing textures ever created for a game. Now I am looking at some sweet Tat overlays, but they work best with NUDE skin.. and I am effed because I cannot find one which works. Anyone know of any, no matter how bland and low def, that WORKS?