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Everything posted by Schylerwalker

  1. I'm not sure about the perk mod you're talking about, but the quest mod you're referring to is Tales From the Burning Sands, made by the inestimable Puce Moose.
  2. Yeah, the originally intended name was "Time To Kill." Meant to be a play on the phrase killing time, as in you have time to spare, and the fact that it's time for you to, well, kill people.
  3. Is that gonna be the name of the quest? That's pretty cool too.
  4. "Time To Kill" is my recommendation for the name of the ongoing quest.
  5. Cholla Mountain sounds awesome! I can't wait to battle my way through another irradiated, ghoul-infested labyrinth. :)
  6. How about 10 caps per level of the NPC? Is that doable? (Or 5 per level, 15 per level, whatever)
  7. In the Mo-Mod, most if not all of the Bloatfly spawns are replaced with giant mosquitoes, dragonflies, and yellow jackets. I don't know if any of those bugs scare you though. I'm not sure about the Legendary Bloatfly though. The Legendary Bloatfly, by the way, is scary even for anyone who isn't freaked out by flies. That thing can two-shot a level 30+ character.
  8. This is basically just a large collection of ideas that I've been having for Fallout: New Vegas. They could be integrated into Fallout 3 as well, I suppose, but I'm pretty much done with that game until the newest addition of RFCW comes out. My main idea (And probably most ambitious and likely to fail) is "Project Oregon." A new world space or spaces, mostly in the areas around the city of Portland and the Willamette Valley. Most of the other ideas I had could fit in to Project Oregon or could be used as stand-alone ideas for mods and could fit easily into New Vegas. Various Ideas: *Shields. *Faction elimination *Robobrain Companion/Brain Transplant Companion *More Vault-descended tribes *Ghoulish Knightly order *Faction calling themselves "The Army of Salvation." Tribals who found a well-stocked Salvation Army and formed a pseudo-religious military organization. Their fortress is called "Salva" (Think of No Vacancy). *Faction calling themselves "Trashtalkers." They would wear metal/scrap armor and use weapons like tire irons, crowbars, lead pipes, and sledgehammers. Higher level members would use rebar clubs and bumper swords. Weird idea for a shrapnel bomb? Scrap Metal + Fission Battery + Motorcycle Gas Tank + Explosives 50? Sets targets on fire and pierces DT? There would be subfactions allied to the main faction; "Hot Boyz/Grrlz" who wear a mix of skimpy leather and scrap metal and wield fire axes/molotov cocktails/paintball flamers. Oh, and fire helmets. Other subfactions still milling about in my brain. Shields: Similar to shields from Oblivion, defensive Apparel that would degrade and be repaired as normal. Some would have special rules, and there could be several new perks that could effect them. Tribal Shield: Made of hides from various wasteland creatures, stretched over a wooden frame of some sort. Could be repaired with various hides that you find (Mainly Dog Hide), or upgraded with Gecko Hides. I could see a Fire-Gecko Hide Shield giving fire resistance. (DT 3) Scrap Shield: The scrap shield would be made of a collection of random wasteland junk. I'm picturing a stop sign with bits of sheet and scrap metal welded on to it, with shards and pipes sticking out here and there to give it a menacing appearance. Probably repaired with Scrap Metal. (DT 6) Riot Shield: The classic heavy shield of law enforcement, this Pre-War piece of equipment would provide excellent protection, especially from ballistic rounds. While the character is actively blocking with it, it would deflect any bullets coming from the front, negating all damage. While blocking, they would be able to see through a small bulletproof glass viewpoint. (DT 9) Energy Shield: For anyone who's seen the Phantom Menace, I picture the Energy Shield like the ones the Gungans had; an ornate metal framework with wiring, and when activated, a protective shield springs up between the frames. Would give excellent protection from most attacks, and would be able to deflect plasma and lasers in the same way a riot shield could. The energy field would give blurry vision at best, though. These would be incredibly expensive and rare, normally only found with the Brotherhood of Steel or the Enclave. They would require an external energy source, so you could probably only use them while wearing power armor. Repairable with fission batteries, maybe? (DT 12) Shields would give their standard DT just while you're wearing; they give 50% more DT when you actively block with them. They can be used in conjunction with any one-handed weapon (Including sawed offs, SMG's, and pistols). If you block then attack, you can perform a shield-bash to stun and damage opponents (Uses Melee Weapons and the shield's DT to determine damage). Hopefully we could figure out a way that it would only give DT from attacks coming from the front. Possible Perks: Ricochet (Bounces appropriate projectiles back), Tower of Defense (100% more DT when blocking instead of just 50%), Out of Harm's Way (Can't be knocked down or crippled while blocking), Bodyguard (Companions with shield will try to step in front of you). Faction Elimination Wouldn't be satisfying if, after you took out Caesar and stood exultantly over his looted corpse, if a little message popped up saying "Caesar's Legion has been defeated!"? Well, this is obviously difficult to do with the Legion, considering the dreaded Legate Lanius steps into Caesar's shoes, and even harder with the NCR considering their great size and the very nature of their country. However, it would be interesting if people could implement a system where you could actually eliminate a faction, and members of that faction would stop spawning as they leave the Wasteland. For example, if you kill Mortimer and Marjorie, people should stop going to the Ultra-Luxe and head over to the other casions; the White-Glove leadership is fallen, and if you killed those two, you probably killed the rest. The Jackals and Vipers should both get their own leaders, with dangerous strongholds full of traps, tamed monsters, and loot. If you killed the named, very tough boss characters, the threat of those gangs would be extinguished and the roads of the Mojave would be just a little bit safer with your intervention. Likewise, if you kill all the great Fiend leaders, including the Lord of the Vault, the Fiends should lose any semblance of organization they once had and scatter. Imagine if you killed all the Fiend leaders and walked around Freeside unmolested, and were thanked by the inhabitants of Outer Vegas for clearing the raiders out. There should be repercussions for killing faction leaders or otherwise breaking the power of a faction. If you kill Mr. House, his Securitrons should join your faction, disable themselves, go wandering off into the waste, or start going berserk and killing people in the streets. Or Yes-Man could take them over and start a new regime without your intervention! Robobrain Companion I had this really weird idea involving a Robobrain Companion. Basically, while exploring a factory, facility, or other interesting Pre-War dungeon, you would meet a non-hostile, unique looking Robobrain after battling through a horde of other robots/feral ghouls/what have you. This Robobrain would exhibit independent programming, and a member of its life before it became a robot. This would start a quest to find a body for the robot, to perform a transplant. The first thought that came to my mind was finding somebody addicted to chems (A hooker from Gomorrah, a squatter from Freeside), and either convincing or tricking them to give their body up, for whatever reason (For Science!). This could create a bunch of moral quandaries, especially if you flush the chems from their systems before you perform the surgery. If you didn't have a really high Science and Medicine skill, you'd probably have to find the parts for a busted Auto-Doc, clear out a ruined hospital, and escort the Robobrain and "volunteer" there for the operation. After wards, they'd become your loyal companion! It would probably a really quirky character. They'd probably be lonely, and a little nutty, after being underground in the dark in a metal body for so long. They'd make weird comments about adjusting to their new body, and remark on all the changes in the last two hundred years or so.
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