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  1. So, I have a new character (Level 9) and in the archer tree I only have Overdrawn (2), Eagle Eye, and Critical Hit (1) and for some reason whenever I use eagle-eye, time speeds up. It makes no sense and makes it very hard to land shots and makes Eagle Eye absolutely useless. Anybody have at least an idea on how I could fix this? Thank you for your time, ExplosiveBadger ALSO! I have NO mods modifying perks or archery,
  2. Warrior Within' Weapons isn't the problem. This message pops up for every mod I have (as far as I can tell)
  3. SOLVED: I did a lot of messing around with files, and moving some s#*! and fixed it.
  4. So, I'm Thane, and have completed all the prerequisites to marry Isobel, yet when I speak to her, she says to go talk to Maramal and so we can begin the ceremony. Yet, when I speak to Maramal, he says nothing about the marriage and I have no option. Any body no why this could be? Thank you, ExplosiveBadger
  5. So, I don't know if anyone's up for this challenge, considering this is a Zerofrost level armor mod but, I was wondering if anyone was willing to make this armor: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alexstratulat.com%2Ffiles%2Fprojects%2FWHunter_01.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alexstratulat.com%2Fwitch-hunter&docid=AYWhk0cnTfKrwM&tbnid=W7KEgUFD8TRuRM&w=1146&h=1600&ei=z6HDUYqAOsy8jAKb1YCQAw&ved=0CAQQxiAwAg&iact=c Honestly, I have a close enough replica of the boots, gloves, and exact replica of the hat and weapons but I need this armor man, it's just... sexy. So, if anyone wants to make this mod (I guarantee it'll be a big hit) I would love you for eternity.
  6. NVM Found it, was all in Japanese though :C
  7. Well, I came across... "Dragonporn" the worst named Skyrim mod site EVER... and came across a "Lamp Follower" mod (http://haishao.blogspot.com/2013/05/lamp-follower.html) and in the picture there's some awesome costume that the character with the lamp is wearing. I was wondering if anybody knew what it was called?
  9. Well, I uninstalled it using NMM a longtime ago, but my character is still nude :/
  10. Well, I installed UNP because all the armor mods required it and my character is a girl, then I realized, I don't really use any skimpy clothing mods, so I uninstalled it. Unfortunately, it does not undo the mod, my character is still nude under my armor and has all the nude textures and everything. Is there anyway/any mod to undo the UNP effect? Also, I heard there's a UNP that replaces the nude textures with a bathing suit texture. Could I have a link there? Can't find it and even with some vanilla clothing I can see my underwear/bra through my clothing. Thank you all :)
  11. I was wondering if anyone could make a motorcycle mount? I was thinking (if possible) import the model from Fallout: New Vegas and possibly ask the creator of the motorcycle mod for his coding or something? Also, I'm poor so sadly I can't endorse :( Buuuut I can give Kudos ._. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40571
  12. Ok, so all of my dragon shouts say E.G. "Voice (3024) Force (3024) Push (3024)" and it NEVER recharges, leaving me unable to use dragon shouts. Does anyone know how to fix this glitch????
  13. I was wondering if somebody could edit the "Radiant Raiment Fine Clothes" for me to make it look like a pimp outfit, and if they could, make pimp boots, pimp pants, and a pimp hat. Kudos to whoever does this for me also The person who fulfills my request will be in my signature. whoever does this for me is awesome. Also, I request that it be POSTED to the website so I can install it via mod manager and that you link to the mod. Whoever does it... like I've been saying... is awesome :D
  14. Well, when you go to look in the skyrim files the "Bethesda File Archives" ones, you can't see them if you have a 64bit computer, bulls***, I know. I was wondering if there was anyway I could modify textures with my 64bit computer... I need to because I requested a mod 3 separate times... No replies to every SINGLE ONE. So is there anyway I could edit it?
  15. There's also this- sadly it's not a class tree, but still pretty cool http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8522
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