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Everything posted by Macman253

  1. Andre took his keys and scraped some of the sandstone from the wall into a tube he often kept for such samples. The historian tucked it into his pocket and followed his compatriots. When the light appeared he smiled wide, the fear of being trapped in the expanse of hallways and rooms faded. He noticed the woman in full and crossed his arms. "She looks like my grandmother." He thought, when she mentioned enchantments his curiosity was piqued. He smiled and looked to Ben. "We must have some value to her obviously." Andre said with a shrug.
  2. Kellak growled as they stopped. He shook the half-empty keg to check the levels of it's contents. The dwarf moved slowly, the strong dwarven alcohol was getting to him. "Aye wee lass." He said to the pointy-toothed halfling. "We will just walk in, toss some balls around, dance about like elves fer' a few coppers an' a free meal." He swigged the last of the ale in his mug and climbed out of Terra's saddle. Odyn flew over and landed on the ground, he picked at a earthworm that had stuck his head over the dirt and pulled it out, guzzling the long worm shortly afterward. The drunk dwarf swung around and gestured to Argyros. "I must agree Master Argyros, I 'ave to never been to a wedding... not many human-folk want a stubby legged dwarf dancin' about wit' te' bride." He said with a distinct slur. He shrugged his shoulders and went to drink from his mug again, remembering he emptied it a few seconds before after he shook it a few times and looked down into the stone carved mug that looked like it could be used as a weapon as well as a drinking cup.
  3. Andre followed, he reached into his pocket and removed his square rimmed glasses and looked at the stonework. He noticed that most of the stones were certainly Pre-Norman in design but as he looked at the various shades and colors he noticed that some were cut from older stone and reshaped using chisels. "Huh." He said loudly as he stopped and looked at them closer, he noticed the jagged chisel marks against the burn-cut marks favored by the Romans. "This is Roman cut stone..." He said as he ran his fingers over the stone, feeling the pot marked and worn stone. "Oh my god." He said, a look of shock on his face. "This is sandstone!" He said and laughed. "Dieter will go nuts." Said the young american historian. He noticed his companions had walked on, he looked back at the stonework and then followed them after a moment of consideration. He vowed to get samples before he left to prove Dieter's theory that the Saxons also used sandstone in their architecture rather then importing it from torn down Roman buildings. Andre came up behind them all as Ben was talking to two women who had also ended up in the same predicament.
  4. Kellak trudged alongside them in solemn silence. The raven that accompanied him came back and perched on his shoulder. The bird cawed loudly but he swatted it away, it hopped down to the horn of his saddle and rested there as Terra ambled alongside the party. When they reached the city itself Kellak took the time to purchase some rations for Terra and a fresh batch of pipeweed for himself, buying a small keg of dwarven ale and tying it to the side of his saddle. During their trek through Yuirwood he had Haelga ready by his side, he didn't much like the stench of forests. The mixed smell of beasts, plants and decay. He spent the trip idly smoking on the fresh pipeweed and pulling a flagon of ale from the keg as they went. He stayed largely silent, reading one of his books, drinking and carving stones in the saddle as they went.
  5. Kellak grunted, he guided Terra back a few steps. "Ye' are friends with Rhaine... not me'self. No dwarf will call he'self friends with a Dark Elf." He spat on the ground, the scarred and angry dwarf clicked his tongue and the Bearcat began walking forward and away from the group. He drew his hood over his head and began to seethe with hatred, his mind flashing to the countless years in the Underdark, digging tunnels for days without rest, the painful sting of bladed whips and the beatings. Screams echoed through his ears of the countless dwarves and other victims tortured, murdered and mutilated. He shook them off and grumbled.
  6. Andre smiled and offered his hand to the darkness on instinct. He looked down at it's general direction and then retracted it once he saw the irony in offering his hand to two effectively blind people. He chuckled awkwardly and looked around. "It's old design but new physically. Pre-Norman..." Said the historian, he had been around Dieter long enough to recognize a pre or post norman architecture. "Andre Cook." Said the young man to the two in his immediate vicinity. "I figure if we work together we can formulate a plan." Andre added.
  7. Andre listened to the others, he heard someone run into someone else, another two, sounded like teenagers found one another. He felt along the stonewall and looked closely at it. The mortar that held it together wasn't fresh so it wasn't recently built. The stones were worn but smooth, "A great deal of foot traffic." He thought, "Been here awhile." Andre walked towards the loud crashing sound and the exclamation of a woman. He had no lighter nor a phone, never was any service at the digsite, they had to use satellite phones to contact anyone and he left his back in his tent. He sighed at his frustration, "When I agreed to explore old castles and discover history firsthand... this is not what I meant." He said to himself as he blindly walked along the corridors, turning left each time he came to a junction, it was a few minutes and a few bumps into walls and then he felt a human presence. "Hello?" He said as he toed something laying on the ground. "You alive?" He asked and toed it again gently.
  8. Andre stood next to Dieter and Nicole, the sound of chisels and hammers came from the roof above them as the team excavated the cloister. The rooms in which the monks of Saint Crispinian's Monastery slept. Atleast, Andre suspected it was the cloister. They looked down at the map retrieved from a library in the Vatican which lead the team to this location in the south of France. "Have you checked the south wall?" Said Dieter, Dieter was a tall man, of strong build and could easily be mistaken for a bouncer at a nightclub or a bodyguard but he was the foremost architectural archaeologist in Europe, and he happened to be Andre's boss. Andre was the resident historian with the team, Nicole, a short woman of a curvy figure that wore khaki shorts and hiking boots with a ratty cowboy hat and plain grey t-shirt stood with her arms folded across her ample chest. She was the team's only anthropologist. "No, but I did find some pottery shards buried under the floor stones." Andre replied, Nicole chuckled in her usual snorting manner. "Probably the Abbot's personal stash of booze." She said in her west Texas accent. Andre smiled. Dieter did not. The stern German stood unamused as he often did. Andre coughed and looked away. "I am going for a run... let me know when you find out more." He said with a lopsided smile and left the hollowed out ruin that was either the cloister or the larder. Andre took off at a run across the worksite, the monastery was sprawled out over 30 acres of land and surrounded on all sides by a dense forest which gave the young historian ample places to Freerun. An activity he used to clear his mind and keep in shape while stuck out in the middle of nowhere France. He paced himself at a steady run, not pushing himself. He leaped over a ditch where two men were digging with a side flip and a inversed landing, spun around and kept going without losing his pace. He vaulted a low stone wall and slid down the muddy hill behind it with a wide smile, he flipped off before he came to the bottom and landed at a run. When he hopped over a downed log a bright light erupted from the sky and a lightning bolt hit the ground in front of him, sending him flying back into the rotten moss covered tree with a loud *whump* Andre's head smacked against the log and all went black. He woke with what felt like a split skull, but after a quick check to find no blood, just a large lump he stirred. He felt the floor, it was cold and hard. He figured he was brought back to the main hall which is where most of the other historians and archaeology students often met up. He rolled over to find that he was splayed out on the floor itself and sat up. The room turned out to be a hallway, a voice echoed down through it. "Hello?" He said as he held his head and stood, fighting back a headache that felt like an axe buried in his skull. "...Anyone there?" He asked to the voice in the darkness as he started walking towards it.
  9. Kellak spurred Terra forward, the Bearcat loped after the others, keeping a good pace. When the winged Drow came into sight Kellak readied his axe and hauled back on the reigns, sending Terra into a sliding stop. When Rhaine and the Drow, Maydiira, embraced the dwarf spat on the ground and growled. "Ruddy dark elves..." He mumbled to himself.
  10. Edited my sheet. Hope that helps :blush:
  11. Name: Andre Cook Gender: Male Age: 26 Physical Description: Andre stands at 5'10", he his of athletic form but of darker skin and raven black hair. He has a small scar on his right cheek from the tip of a dull practice sword and another across the left corner of his lips from a bar brawl in London. He has rough hands from years of sword practice and numerous smaller scars and prior wounds from his time as a soccer player and motorcycle rider. Equipment/Clothing: Wears a Sounders FC t-shirt, a souvenir from his home city. He often wears dark pants and skate shoes along with his favorite fingerless gloves and a rosary around his right wrist. Background: Andre was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. Spent his formative years playing soccer, the son of a wealthy american businessmen and a french archaeology teacher at the University Of Washington, Andre grew up with a passion for history, but a love of it's more athletic aspects. He studied the arts of sword fighting a great deal while he attended University Of Glasgow. He eventually joined a team studying the ruins of the Church Of Saint Crispinian in France. He learned french as a boy and often acted as an interpreter for the other archaeologists. Andre is fair with his fists and good with a sword and is often a daredevil, taking parkour lessons in his free time.
  12. Kellak rode calmly on the back of Terra, he puffed away on his pipe and idly carved a rune into a flat stone he had shaped and polished to a shine. After an hour of shaping, polishing and carving he was satisfied with the stone and tucked it into his saddlebags alongside many others he owned. All with various dwarf phrases and good luck charms. He rode quietly, Terra walked along the flanks of the party, she was unsure around horses but seemed to pay them no extra attention. The Dire Badger leaped to the side, her tail straight in the air and fluffed, she stood with her teeth bared and paws out as Kellak drew his axe when the Dragon landed. "What in te' blazes o' Moradin's forge!" He exclaimed, when he saw the dragons metallic scales he tucked his axe away. "Apologies." He said as he bowed deeply. "No offense meant Master Argryos, myself an' my Clan respect you an' yer' kind..." He said as he raised his head.
  13. Kellak sighed as his companions followed the Knight. He took his time dusting off Terra and climbing into the saddle. He kicked her sides and trotted along down the path. He and Terra arrived at the moment they kissed. The Dwarf dashed his pipe out against the wall with a loud knocking noise and then scrounged his pipeweed bag out of his pockets and leaned against the doorframe packing a fresh wad into the bowl and striking a match.
  14. Kellak wrestled the rock away from Terra in a tug of war match as the young woman reappeared and asked for a kerchief from the knight. The Dwarf looked upon his response with relative disgust. He spat on the ground and patted Terra on the side before idly tossing the chewed and scratched rock aside. He walked over to where his axe had been thrown after Terra had tackled him and picked it up in one hand. He was not fond of those who romanticize things that need don't need it. "Oi lad! Jus' give 'er te' damn rag an' let us be on our way... I'd like ta' get some road behind me before night comes." He says gesturing down the road. He felt for the mans situation but he did not really feel for the man himself at this point.
  15. Kellak watched the Genasi take a nasty hit and fall off his borrowed horse. He smiled and nodded towards him in respect when he glanced his way, after the brief exchange he returned to his sharpening work, this time running the whetstone over the axe's blade. The Dire Badger was sneaking up behind him slowly as if ready to attack. Suddenly she sprang onto Kellak, knocking him off the boulder he was sitting on and grabbed him in a tight hug as she rolled onto her back, the dwarf laughed and broke free of her grip and rolled onto his knees. He began to scratch her stomach to which the Bearcat seemed to enjoy greatly, her foot kicking wildly as he did it. He teased the Bearcat in dwarvish before he finished scratching her stomach, the beast rolled over and moved out in front of him, a wide smile on her face. Kellak let out a boisterous laugh and nodded. "Alright ya' bloody beast.. gimme 'alf a mo." He said before moving his hands to his side and taking in a deep breath, he leveled his arms to his hips in a wide stance, his fists closed. He pulled his foot up and stomped hard onto the ground and a rock the size of a melon popped right out of the bare earth, leaving a hole where it exited and went airborne. Kellak caught it in his meaty fist and hurled it down the road where it bore deep into a hillside, Terra bounded after it in a large gallop with back feet before front feet then began digging the loose dirt away in pursuit of the large rock. Kellak chuckled loudly as he watched the Bearcat dig a large hole in the hillside with her front claws, sending large gouts of earth and stone out from between her legs as she dug furiously. It was just a few minutes before her head and front paws were largely inside the hole, she emerged not long after with the rock in her teeth and covered in dirt. She trotted back to Kellak, the dust and dirt flying off of her loose skin and fur as she ran and dropped it into Kellak's outstretched hand. He patted her on the head, releasing a cloud of clinging dirt and smiled. "That's a good lass.." He said approvingly before reaching back and throwing the rock again, this time into the same hole but even deeper then it went before.
  16. Kellak puffed away on his pipe as he rummaged through a pile of loose stones and found a coarse granite stone. The dwarf clenched it in his hands and shaped it into a smooth bar shaped whetstone. He spat a wad of saliva onto the stone and put Haelga across his lap and began running the freshly made whetstone over the edge, it gave off a loud scraping sound as he ran the sharpening stone along the length of the spike opposite the axe head. Terra rolled over onto her back in a loose pile of dirt and began rolling in it, the soft soil felt good in her fur and helped cool her down since Bearcats prefer colder climates. Odyn The Raven perched on Kellak's shoulder and cawed loudly in his ear, Kellak swatted him away, 'Begone ye' ruddy bird!" He growled at the raven, which cawed loudly in reply. Kellak noticed the Thri-Kreen and nodded, he had dealt with them before and found them to be good companions and fighters. "Leave te' shiney-ones to their stick fightin'." He said to the Thri-Kreen.
  17. Kellak shrugged off the rejection, he moved to a nearby hill and sat down on a rock as he rummaged around for his pipe, he removed a long necked pipe that was roughly a foot long and appeared to be carved out of stone instead of the traditional wood, an intricate carving lined the pipes neck and bowl of dwarfs smoking similar pipes and drinking in a clan house. Kellak stuffed in his favorite pipeweed with his thumb and struck a match to light it. It had a light earthy smell and drifted thickly as he puffed hard to make sure the flame held strong. The dwarf watched as the two men matched lances, he admired the young knight called Conall, he had courage and was a modest kind of man. When his opponent spoke of being cursed by a young Lady it piqued his interest and distaste, the right to choose ones own path was fundamental to him and he could not let it go without at least bringing his opinion up. "We cannot let this be... no man should 'ave his choice in path taken from him." He said to Rhaine, hoping to sway the Doomguide into investigating this matter.
  18. Raleigh woke tied to the wall of the dungeon as he heard the familiar cries and screams of battle. He was a tall man, broad of shoulder and thick-armed. He spent his youth hewing logs with a splitting axe and developed into a strong man, but despite his strong form he was not stupid, he had a keen mind and a sharp eye. He smelled the blood and piss pour in through his cells window, the fight was just getting started and he knew that if he did not get out he would likely be killed before he could be freed, Nord's were not known for letting their prisoners go and Jarl Haeda had every reason to cut out Raleigh's lungs. The Rhodok knew he would hate himself for it but he had a last ditch plan to get out of the shackle that bound his left arm to the wall by chain. The mercenary fished around for a stick, bit it between his teeth and gripped his left thumb tightly, with a quick tug and a loud pop his thumb came free of his hand and he was able to slide the manacle off his hand and free himself. "Now comes the part that hurts." He thought as he snapped his thumb back into place and vented his pain with a muffled groan. He shook off the pain as he went over to the wall and gripped the bench, he pulled hard on it until the nails that held it to the floor came loose and he put it over his shoulder as he moved to the iron crossbar gate and checked the hinges. "Half barrel hinges... I'm as good as free." He thought, a wide smirk across his face. He reminded himself to thank whoever was attacking and repay them in kind as he fitted the legs of the bench to the door and braced himself against the bars, his foot planted firmly on the bench as he pushed with all his strength. The bars creaked and sang from the pressure and soon, the hinges snapped clean off and the door clattered to the floor with a loud bang. The guard outside picked up his axe and opened the door, only to be met by a flying bench that knocked him clean off his feet. Raleigh's foot came down on the mans skull and split it like a rotten melon. He found his gear in a chest nearby, he threw on his studded leather jerkin, kissed Darling and slung her over his shoulder before cinching his belt with the bolt-quiver around his waist and sliding his boot-knife into it's proper place. Lastly, he picked up Cleaver and bound up the stairs in a two and three step stride and bursting his way into the daylight. The battle was in full swing, the siege-tower was pouring out troops and the defenders were rallying to meet them. He noticed the heavy armor on many of the troops and instantly recognized them as Swadian. It was a pitiful siege, a single tower. It would be a carnal house of slaughter trying to take a castle with one tower. The attackers needed a way in and Raleigh knew just how to get it to them, first and foremost... he would need to get into the gatehouse.
  19. Name: Raleigh The Bastard Gender: Male Age: Late thirties, does not know his age. Physical Description: Tall, dark hair tied back into a pony tail when he fights, long and loose when he isn't. Large muscles and fit form, Has a missing left eye and a thick burn scar over the left side of his face that gives him a near permanent sneer. Nation of Origin: Rhodok Fighting Style: Prefers to fight using his Halberd, Cleaver. But is an excellent shot with a large siege crossbow he calls Darling. Adept at sneaking and scouting. Equipment and Clothing: Studded leather armor, boot knife, Siege Crossbow, Halberd and Tower Shield but will only use it in sieges, the rest of the time he doesn't use it. Background: Raleigh was a Sergeant with the Rhodok Militia under the command of Count Reland, he served honorably, pushing back several Swadian advances with his men, all of them convicted criminals serving out their times in the Militia. Raleigh was convicted of skullduggery and knifemanning (General criminal charge and assassin for hire) In Jelkala, instead of being executed he was conscripted, his do or die nature and keen eye placed him in the elite of the Rhodok Militia quickly, he became a Sergeant within the first year of his ten year sentence. Picked by Count Reland personally to head his own regiment of skirmishers. Raleigh lead the regiment with honor, even drawing the attention of King Graveth himself, much to the dislike of Reland. In a battle on the outskirts of Yalen, Nealcha and Reland battled Count Montewar, the cunning Swadian was able to outflank Nealcha and inflicted considerable damage, Nealcha who at the time was in command of Raleigh and his skirmishers fled, running to his father and blaming the fall of his defensive line on Raleigh, who was injured in the battle and most of his skirmishers fell in the gruesome defense. Raleigh was officially outlawed for a failure that was not his own, he was plucked from the doctors tent and imprisoned. The night before his hanging, he was able to free himself, cut the throat of his guard and flee into the night, turning his back on the Kingdom Of Rhodoks and seeking employment as a mercenary. Raleigh soon found gainful employment under the command of Jarl Haeda as a scout. He ranged for the Jarl and became one of his trusted soldiers. Raleigh enjoyed his new life as a mercenary that was until on a hunting trip Raleigh failed to spot a boar before it charged the Jarl, it gored the Jarl's favorite horse before it was killed. Jarl Haeda had Raleigh imprisoned in his dungeons at Knudarr Castle, and there he waits to be freed or an opportunity to free himself. Reason for Becoming an Adventurer (opportunity, revenge, etc): A variety of reasons, the first and foremost is self-preservation. Secondly is revenge against Count Nealcha and Jarl Haeda, and finally greed.
  20. Kellak leaned back in his saddle, a long stone pipe clenched between his teeth and a sweet smelling pipeweed drifted from it as he rode alongside the party. Terra kept pace but she was tense, a scent had her worried and she often looked up and to the right as they traveled. It wasn't until the stranger in armor appeared that Kellak knew what she was wary of. He reached down and patted her neck, "Good lass." He said with an approving tone, Bearcat's as his Clan called them are very active and approval is something they crave, she did well in warning him of the human's presence. Kellak listened as he challenged anyone to a joust and smiled. He raised his hand and rode forward. "Oi!, I will ride against ye'." Barked the Dwarf. "No need ta' worry about no spear, I got meh' own." He added as he climbed out of the saddle and approached the front of the pack.
  21. Kellak nodded, understanding the weight of her words. He looked to the others of the party in a long glance and smiled. "Must be some kinda' 'venture te' need all them blades." The dwarf put two stubby fingers into his mouth and whistled loudly, Terra pulled her reigns from the signpost and waddled over happily then laid down next to him. He reached up and grabbed the horn on her saddle and hauled himself into it. The Dire Badger climbed to her feet as Kellak pulled on her reigns to signal her to do so. "Well, what ye' waitin' 'fer?" He said to Rhaine, "We gotta long road ahead an' only so many hours o' sunlight." He added as he leaned forward in his saddle and chuckled.
  22. Kellak smiled lightly and drew back his hood, his eyesight was not as good as it once was but he knew a woman from a man. He ignored the half-elf's response and stepped forward a few paces and looked at the woman atop the caramel mare. "A fine mare." He said, gesturing to her steed with his exposed arm, the other safely hidden behind the cloak. "The tales of te' Chosen 'ave been varied as the demons of the Nine Hells themselves. Some say she is a fearsome beast of a woman capable of destroying a village with her glare, others say she is beautiful enough to rival the goddess Sune herself. But they all share one 'ting in common." Said the dwarf in a long monologue and gesturing towards her, "That she 'as wings..." Kellak bows suddenly, "I am Kellak Stoneaxe of Clan Stoneaxe." He said as he rose from his deep and formal bow. "I come to offer meh' services to ye' and yer' kin." He added with a warm smile. The raven on his shoulder cawed in protest to the sudden bow that made it leave it's perch, the dwarf swatted at it to get it to shut up before turning his attention back to Rhaine. "What say you lass? Could ye' do with a dwarf?"
  23. Kellak meandered on next to Terra with her reigns firmly gripped in his hand as he followed the mares tracks. He had been following rumors of the Chosen Of Kelemvor for a few days now, watching the roads from a distance, it was at the Inn behind him that he had gotten a description of the Chosen and he had gotten a break in his pursuit. The tracks led to a barn where a fairly large party of armed individuals and their mounts waited. Kellak wrapped the sling he had on Haelga around his torso and tied off Terra's reigns to a nearby signpost. The large black and grey badger laid down and grunted calmly before relaxing and watching Kellak approach the party. Odyn the Raven perched on his shoulder was squawking loudly as he approached the party. Kellak wore stone armor covering his chest and shoulders, it was chipped and worn but it once was covered in intricate runes and carvings which now were faded and worn almost away. He had a spiked stone bracer on his left arm with a series of spurs on each knuckle and a knuckleduster wrapped around his fingers. Slung across his back was a dwarven Urgrosh and draped over his right arm was a dark grey hide cloak that was also his hood which hid his face, his black and grey beard hung down to his waist and was tied in a fairly tight braid. Along his exposed skin which was his abdomen and his left bicep were a series of grey runes that were tattooed into his flesh in Terran. His most notable feature was that despite having matching stone shin plates he wore no shoes, his feet on the bare earth. "Who among ye' call ye'self the Chosen Of Kelemvor?" He shouted loudly in a gravelly voice that seemed to boom. Odyn cawed loudly after he spoke.
  24. Name: Kellak Stoneaxe Gender: Male Race: Shield Dwarf Age: 65, (mid thirties by human standards) Class: Fighter/Deepwarden/Stonelord Alignment: Chaotic Good Deity: Moradin APPEARANCE: Height: 4'2" Weight: 320 pounds (mostly muscle) Hair: Black with streaks of steele grey. Eyes: Granite brown Skin: Fair Handedness: Right handed Scars/Tattoos: Numerous scars, runic tattoos along his body to channel the earth magic through his body. Scar over his left eye. General physical description: Voice: Gravelly, akin to rocks rubbing together. Clothing/Armor: He wears segments of stone over his chest and shoulders aswell as on his shins and forearms, his bracers have sharp stone spikes and his left hand has a stone cestus and a knuckleduster with three large spikes protruding from it that are attached to the fingerless glove he wears. He has a cloak made of Stone Drake hide and scales that protect his head with a hood and drapes over his right arm. He is known for walking without shoes so his feet can touch the bare ground. Weapons: Haelga, an ancestral Urgrosh that is fused with the spirit of the founder of his Clan, Haelga Stoneaxe, the axe itself is made of a stone that is as hard as adamantine but isn't. It has a large broad axe head on one end with a long curved pick on the opposing side and a spear point that lets him thrust with it, on the reverse end is a morning star like club end with a long spike coming from the top of it. In the axe head around the shaft is a hand hold to let him grip it for tighter swings and better control. He also carries a large broad knife in a sheath strapped to his chest. Along with his axe Kellak utilizes his Stonelord spell-like abilities to pull rocks from the earth and shape them into various weapons or hurl them with his Earth-Magic enhanced strength with great force. He fights with a self-taught style mixing his strikes with axe swings, punches and calling forth rocks to hurl at his opponents. PERSONALITY: General personality traits: Kellak prefers to keep to himself, he engages in conversation well enough but often eats and sits a lone but within the general area of his party if at inns or at rest. He carries his own weight, foraging for his own food and making sure Terra is fed to her satisfaction before eating himself, he is not opposed to conversation if brought to him but he does not go looking for it unless he has reason. Stoutly loyal to people he trusts (which is hard earned) and has an intense dislike of Drow and Duergar. Likes: A good scrap, exquisite pipe weed, dwarven ale and good novels. Enjoys studying dwarven ruins. Collects rare gems and stones and enjoys carving luck runes into them to leave for travelers. Dislikes: Drow, Duergar, Liars and Injustice. Fears: Imprisonment and Illithids. Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Kellak doesn't shirk strangers unless they are Drow or Duergar and will engage in conversation if it is brought to him. With friends he treats them with respect and will readily put his life on the line to protect and defend them nor will he do anything to intentionally do anything to harm them or anger them. Opinion of the world: "When the ancient dwarves were forged, Moradin crafted them a world of earth and rock... he planted them deep underground to tend to the heart of his magnificent creations and he gave select dwarves the power to meld and mend the earth, to break the bones of Moradins enemies and build great cities with it. When humans and elves and dwarves are long gone... the earth will still exist." HISTORY: Past: Kellak was born in Glan-Girn, also known as the Lost Mountain Hall. The ancestral home of the Stoneaxe clan. He was the second son of Hromdir Stoneaxe at the time of the Stoneaxe's war with the Drow and their Duergar allies that resided deep under their hall on the mountain face. He was a young lad, five years from his initiation into the militia and worked as a stonemasons apprentice and miner until one night a great earthquake rocked the Lost Mountain which destroyed the hall carved into the side of the mountain. The surviving dwarves fled into the Underdark where a party of Duergar and Drow had been waiting for them, the entire clan was captured and taken deep into the earth. Kellak was forced to mine the tunnels for jewels and expansions for the Drow during the day and fight in the pits against other captives by the Drow at night for the pleasure of his masters. Kellak watched as his clan was slowly whittled away in brutal conditions and inglorious ends. When one day while he worked alone on his tunnel his guard fell asleep and Kellak buried his pickaxe into the Duergar's skull. He unshackled himself and fled with pickaxe in hand, losing his pursuers in the network of tunnels and caverns that had been dug but unpopulated. After several days of fleeing his would-be captors had caught up to him. They were chasing him down a long forgotten tunnel that broke out into an ancient underground ruin littered with tall gem formations that went on as far as one could see and formed a maze. Kellak, out of options and with Stone Drakes and Drow Spider-Riders on his tail dove into the maze. There he met an Elder Earth Elemental named Ragnorrakh, the ancient elemental saw the emaciated and injured dwarf and took pity on him, he crushed the pursuers in a fit that nearly leveled half the gem-maze surrounding them and sealed off the Drow tunnel forever. Ragnorrakh used it's extensive knowledge of earth magic to heal Kellak and began to teach the young dwarf the ancient ways of the Stonelords, the art that it's creator and master once taught many in his time. After nearly fifty years living under ground Kellak emerged from the ruins of his ancestral mountain home with Haelga and a set of armor recovered from deep inside it's extensive armory. Now free and alone Kellak took to wandering, taking mercenary contracts and looking for a purpose in the wider world. For fifteen years he wandered until word drifts to him from a innkeep that a Chosen Of Kelemvor had been spotted nearby. Birthplace: Glan-Girn Family/Relationships: Entire clan deceased, Terra a Dire Badger he uses as a mount and Odyn, a raven companion that he once saved and has never left his side. Friends: None but his animal companions. Enemies: Drow, Duergar. OTHER INFORMATION:
  25. I like the Dire Badger but they have a habit of going into rage but seeing as how he is a dwarf it is possible. I think I will go with it.
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