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About CarbonWaffle

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    There is only New Vegas, nothing else!

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  1. @Dubious Actually its not a hud and the first person skeleton has a separate model and is located at "meshes\characters\_1stperson\skeleton.nif". It can be modified and is usually used by animators to create 1st person animations. I want to know if there is a way to swap it, by changing file path to it for NPC or player, on a script demand ingame. Having this ability ensures that my mod will have no compatibility issues with other mods since it will have a custom file path and it wont touch vanilla assets or other mods. Like i mentioned earlier, there is such functions for 3rd person skeleton which is located at "meshes\characters\_male\skeleton.nif". Both "SetNPCSkeletonModel" and "SetModelPathEx" do exactly what i need, with few minor issues - they allow me to change file path to the skeleton for any NPC or Player, on a script demand. Like for example, changing the path to "meshes\characters\_mydude\skeleton.nif". I already spent hours on GECK wiki with no luck, so i suppose there is no such functions for 1st person skeleton. Oh well i hope there will be such function in the future, because swapping 3rd person skeleton is already a miracle and its so freaking cool.
  2. So i know there is a setmodelpathex\setnpcskeletonmodel for 3rd person skeleton. But is there any similar functions to swap the first person skeleton? I cant find anything on JIP\GECK wiki.
  3. Use vanilla body. Its not that bad except multiple texture seams, no feet and unproportional lower body.
  4. Well i dont really need true dual wielding like Skyrim, just a single weapon designed as dual guns will suffice for sure. I already ran some tests to see how to approach the implementation and everything appears to be in order. Fine, i'll do it myself. Expect it to be done in a week AFTER i figure out how to make animations from scratch. Wish me luck.
  5. The tools are all there, why there are still no dual guns like RDR style dual revolvers or dual smgs? Imagine how epic that would be!
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