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Nexus Mods Profile

About WoodManGamer

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim, Grim Dawn, Blood Bowl II
  • Favourite Game
    Loads of 'em!

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  1. Edit: I fixed the issue below by clearing history. Sorry, all looks great now! I love the new layout, but like the previous poster says there is an issue with Skyrim Nexus that is not occuring on the other pages. Not sure how I can explain it without a screenshot, but the titles and things are overlapping in Firefox, but fine in IE. However, the Dragon Age Nexus etc all look fine in Firefox, it is only the Skyrim one that is messed up. let me know if you need a print screen!
  2. Finally learning the CK! :-)
  3. Thanks very much zeroxee! Glad it is working well for you :-D
  4. Just tried out your Fantasy ENB, it looked great and i endorsed etc etc... with the use of Performance version of it, my pc could handly it, and its the first ENB i've come across which i actually can seem to play with not TOO much fps drops :D Kudos to you!
  5. Thanks hitmaqn, welcome aboard! :-)
  6. Thx for the add! Also, thank you again for your awesome enb!
  7. Welcome and thanks too! :-)
  8. Thank-you for the request. Accepted. :D
  9. Hehe,that's me in my next life.:)

    Thank you for adding me,mate.And thanx too for your cool ENB mod.Great work.

  10. Hey thanks Tony and welcome aboard :-D
  11. Happy and flattering to matter among your friends,cheers,TS
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