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  1. Maybe it's because I have too many mods installed. Or it's the cartographer's minimap thing. Hmm. but I've had that a while, no problems. Yeah I'm just blindly throwing rocks at a ninja in a pitch black room now aren't I?
  2. Well I came here hoping someone would reply with the answer. Guess we're both stuck in the wilderness eh? Maybe Bethesda doesn't want us to be pussies no more.
  3. I think I have this exact same problem. But mine closes after a few seconds of fast travelling anywhere. I think deleting a newly installed mod might help... I dunno
  4. Well nothing really shows up when I first start the computer, I have a Windows 7 64 bit, 4 gig of RAM, and I'm using 1.67 gigs right now. I've got skype and not much else running.
  5. So I have been playing skyrim for a while now, level 53, and for some reason a few seconds after I fast travel to some place, it crashes. The crash is fast and clean, no crash or error box thingy, it just closes. One minute it's there the next it's gone. I just noticed this to today, I tried updating STeam but that didn't help. Though I am downloading TF2. Anyone got any advice? EDIT: Well I fixed the problem. It seemed to be a case of conflicting mods.
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