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Everything posted by radiusrsatti

  1. found an old thread with this issue, should have looked harder, deleting topic
  2. Previously, I've never had issues with NPC dialogue that couldn't be resolved by conflict resolution in xEdit... but... On my latest test playthrough, after what I'm guessin would be an hour or two (haven't timed it, but have seen it on multiple sessions so far) dialog will short out with NPCs... early game... couple NPCs in question that I've had this trouble with would be Lucan and later Belethor, also saw some trouble with Aela but I think that might have been unrelated specifically, NPCs with multiple reponses seem to be glitching... Belethor would give me 3 choices on dialog start, I'd select one like asking what he has to sell, then the menu would reset to 5 options and the shop option wouldn't be available... exit and reenter the dialog, there's now 5 choices, but selecting one closes the menu... save and reload fixes it, temporarily Possibly related, after about the same amount of game time, I can go to save and they'll say IMG corrupted... but they're not... on reload of game, they all show and work properly This has only been going on for this playthrough, and I've made no major changes since game start except for some record corrections between sessions (leveled lists, textures, small stuff) 22 saves so far and I'm only level 6, direct playthrough and haven't even made it to High Hrothgar yet.... I have a massive load order and don't expect anyone to narrow it down to a mod/s for me I'm hoping someone can give me an idea of what to look at or might cause these, either or both Everything else seems fully functional given the amount of time I've spent in-game so far, and neither of those glitches appear to fatal SSE 1.5.97 Thanks for any assistance you can give
  3. if the patches do not ADD records, you can build a simple ESL patch, like a bash or smash would, to incorporate all the changes you like, then remove the patch esps from your load order as they would no longer be needed... whenever a patch updates, if you want to use or check it out, place it in your load order again and update your manually built ESL as required... keep in mind, depending on the patch, it may also include meshes, scripts, etc, so only disable the esps
  4. lol like 6 weeks in total, here an there, not full time... I'd look at it long enough to frustrate myself and then go do something else for a week, hoping inspiration would hit while I'm not thinking about it the nif is the 3d mesh, the actual face model, with all the requisite data built into it to determine how it displays and potentially acts in the environmment.... if settings don't match in the plugin and the 3d model, they won't behave or or appear correctly in-game
  5. from your explanation, the brownface was caused by a record conflict... CRF patch contained a headpart that was not included in the .nif... which you corrected, so no more conflict I learned this trying to fix Dagny from a child overhaul mod, without the benefit of asking for help... took me forever, like 6 weeks of manual trial and error, drove me nuts, til I figured out what I was looking for, lining out the method I detailed... got it fixed, though
  6. changing the load order is only step 1, generally should not be done mid-playthrough, and does not fix all issues... there may be at least one mod making additional changes to records in any large mod setup, and it may not even be an expected mod left side covers file overwrites, right side is a general idea of the order of Record overwrites, which you may have to view and fix manually inside SSEEdit... screenshot 2 gives a graphical description of my meaning
  7. sounds like the race record is pointing to body records built for that mod instead of vanilla body records... if that's the issue, you'll need to edit race records to point to the vanilla armo body record, or copy/paste the relevant body meshes into the mod folder, replacing the prebuilts... either will likely work without issue, unless the head mesh was built for a different body type (neck seams)
  8. you can't disable a mod in SSEEdit, that must be done either in your mod manager by removing it from your load order or renaming the extension of the mod to something else that skyrim won't recognize, such as .bak Now, if you're asking to resolve conflicting records inside a mod, SSEEdit is your way to go, best bet by creating a copy of whatever conflicting record you have into a new .esp or .esl (to keep original mods untouched, for future reference, if nothing else), and editing the record as needed to make 2 mods work together
  9. Skyrim SE as well as LE both have a hardset 255 plugin limit, to include the base plugins... the only workaround for this limit is to merge plugins (not recommended) or convert applicable plugins to ESL, or lite format, using CK or SSEEdit (SE only, far as I know, I don't mess with LE) Skyrim will allow up to 4096 lite plugins... you could be swapping out lites and regulars both esp and esm can have the ESL flag, this does not change the file extension unless you change it manually I would personally recommend using Mod Organizer 2 instead of loading directly into the game folder
  10. Brief expo- Left side of MO2 is for File overwrites, right side is Load Order only... both sides are exclusive, keeping similar order, imo, is counterproductive UNLESS you manage the file overwrites specifically when arranged on the left side... I organize mine a certain way, keeping the majority of mods with overwrite specific data at the top for easier sorting/management, then sorting all other mods by type okay, now to give a detailed rundown of what I mean, by screenshots, using my load order (I do not have Diversity, so I will use Karliah) I have 1300+ mods, prepare for copy/paste for brevity sake https://imgur.com/a/MiaIrXn
  11. I've seen many mention loading into CK and rebuilding the NPC, personally never tried this, so I'll skip that line of thought load order is a good start, but isn't always the final solution for all of my black faces, the method I have is this - determine FormID of NPC with conflict - check MO2 data tab with form ID, see which mod has LAST overwrite in FaceGeom (mesh) AND FaceTint (texture) directories, and make it so that whatever mod you want to use for that face is the active overwrite - load SSEDit, locate FormID and see which mod is last overwrite for records, forward necessary HeadParts that match the .nif parts to last overwrite record - cross reference HeadParts section with .nif mesh section IDs, then verify texture paths if needed I use several mods that add thousands of NPCs, multiple custom body and face retextures, and have had few issues with this method, but it can be a handful -- edit, I don't use the mod you mentioned, but if the facegeom and facetints are inside a BSA, you'll have to extract them
  12. confirmed, just finished the rebuild of NGIO and DynDOLOD... grass in front of the apothecary is proper now, and flower fields is now working too :D thanks for assist
  13. possibly saved me some headache, thanks... tg confirms it's a painted grass field instead of placed meshes, didn't know that was a thing til now, meaning all the landscape and navmesh forwarding I've done requires me to regen the grass cache and DynDOLOD... or at least that's what I'm running with
  14. I'm trying to make multiple mods like ETaC, JK's Overhaul, grass overhauls, NGIO, DynDOLOD and other similar mods coexist... for the most part, they work well, I've been able to identify and modify/remove all inconsistencies I've come across... except I'm now stuck on a few grass meshes in front of the Riverwood Apothecary of ETaC, which appear to be vanilla remnants (maybe JK's) as they are floating above the ETaC landscape change. By console, I cannot select them or scroll to identify, even by removing all surrounding meshes in process of elimination... some meshes, such as the ground, are unclickable and unselectable... If these grass meshes have somehow defaulted to that level of inscrutability, where would these records likely reside? attached to ground mesh records, navmeshes, landscapes, NGIO (No Grass in Objects) cache files or DynDOLOD? Given my current modcount of 1359, loading into CK is out of the question, specifically due to not knowing which records or last change is being made to know where to look TLDR This isn't game breaking or even affecting, just a graphical inconvenience... I'm just attempting to fix the aesthetics manually, but if anyone has any ideas on record or mesh identification of clickthrough objects via console, preferably without using CK, it would be appreciated
  15. I use WiZkiD's Signs https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30481 don't know its effect on AE, doing everything I can not to advance to it... yet
  16. Hi all, Just looking to see if anyone has come across this... I'm not sure it qualifies as a bug, but it's weird to me In several new games, all with roughly the same modlist, I will eventually come across an NPC named Gegia, which will be a duplicate of another NPC (latest is Delphine, wandering about Whiterun)... also, I'm unable to talk to her despite the prompt "Talk / Gegia" I also found Delphine walking around in Whiterun at the same time, so... ? My character is only level 6 and just started Dragon Rising, so, way early in game, before the Blades questline starts... Using More Informative Console, it clearly states the NPC is Delphine, base form ID matches, race, etc, on the left applet... console states NPC name is Gegia, same base form ID as Delphine, 00013478, defined in Skyrim.esm, Base last changed by Smashed Patch. Ref Form ID is FF0012A3, Ref defined in Unknown, last changed by Unknown... this puzzles me as a load order cannot extend to FF, exceeds maximum number of plugins, so I'm not sure where or how to find this record I've found absolutely no reference to Gegia in xEdit in any mod, so possibly scripted input? Purpose of this thread is simple, has anyone else experienced this?
  17. The NPCs whose headparts are causing these crashes are renamed duplicates of the headparts in use by Bijin, Pandorables, etc for those specific NPCs... meaning they all work just fine normally... if I remove them, mannequins are blackfaced, ofc, but the game loads normally I neglected to copy the facetints for respective faces... works now :(
  18. NMM uses hard links to install mods. It doesn't put anything directly into the data folder. maybe I was using it wrong... that was also 5+ years ago
  19. MO2 is awesome, and should keep its VFS in proper working order... what you speak of, flattening, is what NMM does, and it's terrible for modding... yes, if you make your mod setup flawless and finalize it to flat, it'll work just fine, but then you lose the ability easily add, remove or edit mods without intense work and searching
  20. kk, topic change but still related to said mod... I'm using a Template list for mannequins... I have 2 built, one referencing vanilla NPC formids, and the other referencing copies of those NPCs with new formids If I use the vanilla NPC template list, it loads those NPCs in the mannequin placeholders (NPC formid, bodyshape, headparts, all of it), but because of the number of mannequins present, there are multiple copies of NPCs, Lydia, for example... therefore, Skyrim then can't differentiate between all those models if I were to, say, removeallitems from the Lydia following me, and NPC specific commands don't seem to function on said NPCs So I created the 2nd list with copies of the same NPCs, with all final overwrite records of said NPCs, and the relevant headparts renamed to their new formids... Every time I load into the mannequin space, CTD... more specifcally, using .netScriptFramework dll, I get error messages similar to this one... it has also referenced Serana, Ingjard, Rakel, Sexica, and a couple others I can't remember after .bak renaming said headparts Possible relevant objects (5) [ 21] BSDynamicTriShape(Name: `MorwenHeadHP`) [ 92] NiCamera(Name: `WorldRoot Camera`) [ 135] NiCamera(Name: null) [ 150] ShadowSceneNode(Name: `shadow scene node`) [ 153] BSMultiBoundRoom(Name: null) The NPCs whose headparts are causing these crashes are renamed duplicates of the headparts in use by Bijin, Pandorables, etc for those specific NPCs... meaning they all work just fine normally... if I remove them, mannequins are blackfaced, ofc, but the game loads normally should I just break down and try this in CK instead of manually editing in xedit? is that the likely answer?
  21. ManakinRace is present in all Armor Addon records, vanilla and modded... I'm now considering this an engine glitch I started a new game, went back to the mannequins, and experienced the same glitch using the same armor, but only on some mannequins... it works on some, fails to equip on some (same NPC race), or won't even transfer the equipment to the mannequin on others. I'm not considering it a lost cause, yet, but might see if I can work out a different implementation
  22. possible it's baked-in settings? will try it out on a new game after work If anyone knows, are there race-specific settings, similar to body slots, stored in .nif files?
  23. Hi all, any help or guidance would be appreciated. I'm attempting to use Mannequins as Iceheart Sisters "/mods/50295", Blank Mannequins plus Hearthfire, and I've loaded 225 NPCs into the list for randomization. I'm also using UUAMR "/mods/42009", and have generated different bodies per race, and the required bodyslide armor sets for each (costs me approx 150 GB for armor meshes, no tri files, but well worth it). Player character and all NPCs conform to these mods, each race having their own body and armor sets to match their racial bodyslide. Now for the odd part. To sum it up, all mannequins display a visually record-correct NPC, race, and bodyslide model when naked, AND when clothed with vanilla armor sets (removed the ArmorManakin WNAM Skin from Race record for this to work). However, SOME 3rd party armor sets I've built (which do work on actual NPCs and player character), do not appear on the mannequins, while others do. The items show in their inventory, slot 32, but the mannequins remain naked and seemingly unequipped. I've been fiddling with the Mannequin NPCs and ManakinRace, but no combination of changes seem to allow the invisible 3rd party armor sets to display on the mann's. If I'm in unfamiliar territory, k, I'll keep working on it, but if anyone has any ideas, I'm listening.
  24. I may be interpreting your problem incorrectly... when loading, modded, a lag time is expected. I'm running 900 mods, and my wait time is like 2 to 5 minutes before it goes to main menu, and any clicking I do in game window will cause Windows to report it's not responding. Or is it crashing to desktop? What version of Immersive Creatures are you running? I'm running 7.0.2 and LOOT shows it as the correct version
  25. if the follower mod is using its own CBBE femalebody, hands and feet nifs, and/or specifies certain armors in the esp as well, these nifs will have to be replaced with BHUNP body files, or the mod records would need modified to point to your default body type instead of whatever's included... I use BHUNP too, along with Pandorable and Bijin, and have had no issues making them seamless... plugins themselves are not body type specific, it's only the meshes included and any CBP or HDT animations that are body type specific
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