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Everything posted by Maeassel

  1. I don't use NMM (no idea how it works either). I look at http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/ when I look for Dragon Age Origins mods. I see it on the first page. I can imagine that things quickly get buried on the main nexus page. Yeah, that would be awesome if they recognize you for your work.
  2. Yes it is now. Also about those download numbers, if you click on the files page you can see the number of downloads and how many are unique for each file. It looks like the numbers that are listed with the endorsements/version #/ etc. are the total number of downloads for all 3 files, and the number of different people who have downloaded at least one file. If you look at your fixpack, it has 41 downloads and 37 unique when I last checked. Maybe if all the files were in one zip file it might have looked a bit more clear. When I get around to installing this later I'll tell you what I see in the game under the DLC tag. Edit: actually if you highlight what it says for unique downloads, it mentions people who have made an account on Nexus. Perhaps people who don't have an account only show up in the total downloads? Just a guess.
  3. Congrats on the release Qwinn! I'll get around to installing it later today. The GOG version is also the Ultimate Edition. For the mods, I was thinking of Grey Wardens of Ferelden. It basically replaces all of the Grey Wardens in the game with a new set of armor so they look like they do in future games (rather than actually changing existing armor). It looks compatible to me from what I can tell from the files. Oh and I wanted to try Ferelden Elves too, but the only armor related thing that does is remove the helmets off NPC elves to avoid clipping issues. So I think these two should work fine. BTW, your mod doesn't show up in the latest files on the front page. Not sure why not, but maybe you need a picture for it to show up there? (all the other mods do)
  4. I can help too. Not sure how good I would be at actually picking up on anything if something is wrong, but I can try. If AdenYeshua is going with the dwarf noble, I can try the city elf warden. I'd probably go with a female who will romance Zevran. Is there is any specific choices you want tested? (like siding with the templars or the mages for example) Also I would be playing on the GOG version of the game rather than the Steam version. I want to completely wipe the game off my computer for a clean install, and rather than re-download off Steam, I have a convenient downloaded installer to use instead. I could also play with vertical sync off to see if I run across anything odd. Oh and can we use any mods or would you prefer yours is the only one installed? I was thinking along the lines of combat fixes, morphs, and armor mods.
  5. Great that you were be able to do something about Gorim. Now that I know about that the problem with not using vertical sync, it does make me wonder if any other things got messed up too. Probably wouldn't notice in most cases unless you knew what things were supposed to look like before hand. I completely forgot to mention this. When I started up a new game with the female dwarf noble warrior, once I gained control of the player, her equipment changed to many DLC unlockable/downloadable items instead of the default setup. It's weird because during the cutscene you can see the Dwarven Noble Armor set and her having no helmet, but as soon as the conversation ends, she is now wearing the Helm of the Deep, Battledress of the Provocateur, The Lion's Paw boots, Sash of the Forbidden Secrets, The High Regard of House Dace amulet, and the Lucky Stone ring. The default equipment that was replaced is in the inventory instead. I tried this making a male dwarf, same problem. Tried the rogue, only difference is he/she keeps the Dwarven Noble Armor instead of wearing the Battledress. I then went to try bunch of different origins, none of them changed the equipment. So it was only happening in the dwarven noble origin as far as I saw. Next I tried disabling the items that appeared on the player in the main menu. That stopped them from appearing, but instead the other items still enabled replaced them (unless the equipment could not be worn for whatever reason). I then disabled all of the DLC items and there is no problem at all. I'm a bit surprised no one else has noticed this, since it seemed so obvious to me. Maybe it's just my game that is bugged.
  6. Well I decided to test it again just after turning on my computer today and loading the game straight into the cell. Went up to the bars and turned the camera around. Every time now he walked up to the bars. No collision between them at all. However, once Gorim just out of nowhere slightly adjusted his path for just a moment by walking a little closer to the wall. He still made it to the cell however, but no collision with the guard. Well after I wrote the above and switched back into the game (I have the game in window mode), and now its failing every time. The guard however is still working fine, just Gorim.... and now I can't even click him. It looks like Gorim runs into something invisible while walking and slides a bit. Went back into the game, he is getting a bit closer again so I can click. But now the guard randomly just decided to stop much earlier and not walk away. One last thing I decided to mess around with is the in-game video settings. I tried full-screen vs windowed. Full-screen seemed to be worse. But then I found something interesting, vertical sync. I have that disabled. So I enabled it. Gorim and the guard moved correctly every time. Disabled it, started messing up again. Re-enabled, it worked again. Repeated a few times, same results. Didn't matter if it was full-screen or window mode. Conclusion: On my computer, Gorim and the guard protest against having vertical sync disabled. Oh, I should also point out that I used the 4gb patch made specifically for the steam version of the game, not sure if that would affect anything.
  7. Well that is a facepalm moment for me there -_-' Seems so obvious now that you have pointed it out. It is the ultimate edition. I also don't think it has anything to do with where you are standing. Since I can get different results from not moving at all, camera or player.
  8. Well I was bored and decided to try the Dwarf Noble Origin to see if it happened to me. It did. I tried it a bunch of times, reloading from within the cell and just before entering it. It wasn't consistent at all however. While I never had trouble clicking on him, he definitely appeared in different places. I tried just standing in the middle of the cell, against the door, in the corners, looking out with the camera down the hallway, never was consistent. He did correctly walk up to the cell a few times, but it never seemed to be in the exactly same location really. The guard walked away after saying his line, Gorim said that line you mentioned, but also a "my lady" after another second as well. I was a female dwarf however and did pick the romance type options with him. I'm using the steam version as well, though my computer is quite old at this point (like almost 10 years?), but it was running fine with top graphic settings. Also no mods, disabled them all. Well I decided to try it again just after writing all of that (and before posting) because I just thought about seeing how the guard moved outside the cell, so I moved the camera to watch. When the guard turns around to walk back, most the time he seems to collide with Gorim upsetting his straight path, and then he can end up in random places (the guard end up in different places too in this case). If they don't collide he walks right up to the cell perfectly. Oh I also noticed something odd as well while running though the ruined thaig on the way back after getting the shield. Part way through it, a conversation between Gorim and the player starts up, with the scout asking what they are talking about. After that conversation ends, I hear a bunch of voices do their death cries. Tried it a few times with different conversation options, still happened.
  9. Exciting to hear that you're almost done Qwinn! Here is one thing I wondered about: The allied supply crates in the camp. I know they give experience when you donate, but I could never figure out if they did anything else. The wiki says that donating should improve the troops. Other places where people discuss this, the information just conflicts. Some saying that they got more troops and better gear, others saying it made no difference. I was wondering if you noticed anything about this?
  10. Glad that I was able to help you with confirming that bug and thanks for clarifying the Loghain thing. About that commoner origin, a mod was made to make it playable here on this website. The author mentions that there are traces of the origin found throughout the game. It's always interesting to hear about things that get taken out of a game.
  11. Good to hear that the approval thing before Morrigan joined the party worked out. Also I think changing the Landsmeet dialogue to make Alistair more consistent sounds great too. I had a save file from the first time I stopped at camp as a human female player and decided to see if the kiss scene with Alistair when he propositions a female player is actually broken. I had a bunch of mods on my game like ZDF, MRP and IRS-A, among others, so I stripped away any of these mods besides a few cosmetic ones. I didn't have any relationships going at this point, so I got Alistair up to 100 approval with an adore status. I then went to Redcliffe for the first time to get him to tell me about his father and went to Denerim after to do his personal quest with Goldanna, so I could get him to proposition my player. After I left Goldanna's house, I checked to see if I had the love status with Alistair, which I did. I went back to the camp and he propositioned my player. The kiss was indeed broken. It looked like my character went into the kiss animation, but Alistair just stood there and then did his idle hand warming by the fire animation. Looked rather funny with him cutting through my player's body like that and her kissing nothing. I tried both hardening Alistair and not just in case. I did enable IRS-A to see if anything changed, and it did fix the kiss scene. I also tried ZDF and MRP separately in case they actually had something, but it was still broken in both. I never had the ADP mod so I didn't try that. I don't have any save files with an elf or a dwarf so I can't help you there. So unless my game was messed up by removing all the mods before testing this, I'd say it's broken. Oh, one other thing. I randomly came across this mod, Sandbox Assessment, the other day. It restores a line that was missing from Loghain's dialogue the first time you talk to him outside his tent at Ostagar, for female players. Not sure why it was cut from the game, but you can see the line he says from the screenshot posted on the mod's page. Not sure if you already have spotted this one, but I'd thought I'd mention it just in case. Edit: Huh, I just ran across A fix for Morrigan's kiss too. Apparently she kisses with her eyes open, wonder if others do that too and if that was intended or not. Don't remember Alistair doing that. Yay for modders!
  12. I agree with what MartenX123 wrote, I'd prefer it to be invisible too, but I guess it depends if it would conflict with a lot of other mods. No clue what those mods would be however. Also, wouldn't it look like a bug if you saw approval gains and a character sheet for someone who isn't in your party?
  13. Hey Qwinn, I recently saw that you've decided to continue on with your fix pack and want to say thanks for doing this! I completed this game for the first time last year. I've recently I've been looking at mods for my next playthrough, and thought maybe I could point out some of the mods I've noticed that have fixes to help out. I've tried to look through the past few pages of posts to see if any were missed, and I didn't notice these ones: Dialogue Tweaks Tiny Fixes Magenta Emerald - I looked at the comments on this mod, and the author mentions he has done many more fixes than what he has written on the main page but hasn't documented them, but some are discussed. There are also a couple Alistair romance mods, Improved Romance Scenes and Fixes - Alistair and Alistair's Revised Romance, which have some fixes incorporated, but I suspect they are probably the same kind of fixes found in ADP. There was also mods for Leliana and Zevran romances but they didn't mention any fixes. Improved Atmosphere - Has fixes and some restorations. There is a pdf readme in the download that mentions everything it does and some bugs it has fixed. I was going to mention Bye Oghren too, but Enkida just beat me to that. There is also the Human Female Cocky Voice mod, which restores said voice that was apparently already included in the game files but not selectable, and the campfire texture fix on the MRP download page, which fixes the missing textures on the campfires (easy to spot in camp). I think these are outside the scope of your fix pack, but I thought I would mention these just in case. Since others have posted a bunch of fixes for Awakening, I'll mention this one too: Anders Dialogue Tweaks I also have no clue about the actual making or editing of mods. All I can do is install them, so I can't really help you with the DLC and Awakening issue. But I did do a quick google search and found this page from someone's tumblr account, which does mention encrypted DLC. Not sure if that is the kind of thing you are looking for? Hope this helps!
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