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Everything posted by Luj1

  1. In response to post #50639992. How did you do that? Is normal behavior?
  2. Thats right. Copy pasting the same forest for 400 square miles (i.e. Skyrim) can't beat hand placed content like Morrowind or even BotW It started with forest-generating algorithms in Oblivion.
  3. I'm not a fan of Zelda, but when you compare it to Skyrim or Fallout 4 (both are half-finished games with crappy code) I got to admit it blows them clean out of the water as a game. It's more of a finished product despite my hate for everything Zelda.
  4. Shadows still look like crap though
  5. so only the highest res ?
  6. same problem in 2016. i tried with and without Beths HD DLC but no help
  7. I wish I could help you I will install blender and try myself maybe we can improve Robert boddies
  8. Get real, FO4 cannot be really compared to TW3 TW3 is high quality in all respects, FO4 is a half-done copy-pasted fake ass world. Bethesda stopped finishing their games when they realized fans will fix them for free using the toolset
  9. :D Ok I will try to run all three in unison I need to ask you though... if you have to rank them... by which is most vital to your experience... would LGNPC be first?
  10. Hello everyone! Hope it is the right subforum! I was wondering which of these you like the most OR think is best.... and the reasons why coz I feel all 3 attempt to use the same thing (less static and less generic NPC) but I never got to use any of these 'big' mods :tongue: and maybe if they are compatible? like MCA 8.1 with LGNPC bundle? Thanks! Cheers!
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