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  1. I've had the same problem since I started playing Skyrim SE. At first I thought it was due to my own mods. I recently updated my mods from Skyrim (Old) to Skyrim SE. I never had a problem with the old Skyrim. But now it's also the case that followers sometimes get stuck on the path and are not ported to the player even after fast travelling. The followers also seem to have become slower somehow. I noticed this right away when I played Skyrim SE. (Without any mods). Since I use my own mods for followers, I got a spell that summons followers. So it's not such a problem. I would still like to know what the reason is and whether it is due to my mods. As I said, I never had this problem in the old Skyrim.
  2. You could try the updated 1.05c Beta version: http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/files/file/289-unofficial-skyrim-patch/
  3. It's a known issue since patch 1.6, that mods which change vanilla dialogue, will result in broken dialogues. Uninstalling the unofficial skyrim patch and other mods that change any vanilla dialogue, should fix your problem.
  4. I use Skyrim Unplugged and It works fine.
  5. Hell yes. Anybody else can confirm? As far as I have tested it out, it appears that this beta patch has finally fixed the navmesh bug. Let's hope, the official patch will include that fix as well!
  6. It depends on which follower mods you have installed. If you haven't installed any, just type into console "setstage dialoguefollower 400", this should dismiss your follower. You should also get a "dismissal-message". If you have installed any mods affecting follower behaviour, deactivate these mods an try to load your savegame - any follower should return to their usual AI behaviour. But probably they are still in "teammate modus", which means they sneak and draw weapons simultaneously, as you do. To stop that, click on that npc, while in console mode, and type "setplayerteammate 0". If all of that doesn't work you could try "resetreference", which completely resets that specific npc to its origin state, including the inventory. So be careful with that as you could loose things you "stored" in that npc before. If you can't get into dialogue with your follower to get your stuff back, click the npc and type "removeallitems player". Another command you could try is "resetai", which clears any AI behaviour of that actor. For more info about console commands: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Console_Commands
  7. ... And I thought I was the only one with that nasty bug... I have been struggling with that problem ever since the latest patch. I tried everything possible. Latest drivers, uninstall/reinstall game, start new game etc. No mods installed at all. The same bug on 3 different operating systems and two different computers. What class is your follower? A combat magic class? As far as I found out, It seems that only magic combat classes are affected. Melee classes just work fine, at least for me. Maybe it has something to do with the player-team-mate-function. The bug will randomly occur when you draw your weapons and your follower draws weapons/spells as well. I have another odd variant of that bug as well, which sometimes occurs: My follower gets stuck or frozen, after a combat is finished in a permanent combat stance. I can't get into dialogue with him, neither will he follow me. If I'm lucky he will be with me, if I travel to the next level and everything works again. There seems to be no fix yet. All you can do is to avoid situations where the bug can occur or to disable/enable your followers, if the bug has already struck them. Don't draw your weapons before your follower does. Alternatively you can disable the player-teammate function via console: "setplayerteammate 0". That way you can avoid the bug, but you'll loose some features: Your followers won't do any favours for you and you can't access their inventory. You'd have to reset the team mate first. ("setplayerteammate 1"). (Unfortunately that doesn't fix the 2. variant of the bug, but disable/enable does.) But your follower will still help you in combat and ignore friendly hits, etc. You can clean your dungeon and finish your quests without having to save before each fight or care if you can draw your weapons or not. I help myself with a friend teleport spell which disables/enables the companions and moves them to the player. This has always fixed the bug - so far. I'd be glad if anyone else had some tips, as this bug is really annoying and killing the fun I have with a fantastic game...
  8. Try to travel to another location, if that doesn't fix the problem, try to disable/enable your follower via console command. This should reset everything.
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