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  1. Hey all, I have an oldish mod that edits controlmap.txt to make the controller more intuitive and freeform to do all the basic stuff a keyboard can called More Intuitive Controller Mapping: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18333. I am satisfied with the layout and people seem to like it, but the d-pad bindings don't seem to work right. I've had multiple people say the same thing, and I've confirmed by testing, but I'm not sure what's wrong with below which is how I have it mapped Hotkey1 0x02,0x4f 0xff 0x0001 0 0 1 0x908 Hotkey2 0x03,0x50 0xff 0x0008 0 0 1 0x908 Hotkey3 0x04,0x51 0xff 0x0002 0 0 1 0x908 Hotkey4 0x05,0x4b 0xff 0x0004 0 0 1 0x908 Hotkey5 0x06,0x4c 0xff 0x0100+0x0001 0 0 1 0x908 Hotkey6 0x07,0x4d 0xff 0x0100+0x0008 0 0 1 0x908 Hotkey7 0x08,0x47 0xff 0x0100+0x0002 0 0 1 0x908 Hotkey8 0x09,0x48 0xff 0x0100+0x0004 0 0 1 0x908 Could it be because I can't use the same button as a modifier somewhere else? I know I have LB (0x0100) as a modifier for quick menus too. For example, I have LB+A (0x0100+0x1000) bound to Quick Map. Or, could it be something else I'm not thinking of? Any quick help would be super appreciated because I can only feel right if I have mods that work properly without any issues
  2. Enhanced Character Edit is my personal favourite. It's very easy to use, customizable wherever it's essential, and all of the settings make sense. I was able to make Lemmy from Motorhead in like 15 minutes with a Breton, and that's with vanilla assets. I didn't include the mole, though.
  3. Go more for a tank build than a damage build if you want both yourself and your enemies to last longer.
  4. 1. SkyUI 2. MoreHUD SE 3. MoreHUD Inventory Edition 4. Himika's Lock On 5. Combat Gameplay Overhaul 6. Ultimate Combat 7. Weapon Tweaks 8. Animated Armoury 9. your choice between Realm of Lorkhan or Live Another Life 10. Legacy of the Dragonborn 11. AI Overhaul 12. Serana Dialogue Edit 13. RAF Inventory Limits 14. your choice between Sands of Time and the other mods that author produced or plunging through Mihail's mods 15. either Survival Mode if you have it or iNeed if you don't 16. SWIFT if you have Survival, Frostfall if you have iNeed 17. Unofficial Special Edition Patch 18. Destructible Skyrim 19. Encounter Zones Unlocked 20. Choice between Dynamic Dungeon Loot or Morrowloot 21. Your favourite perk overhaul. I think Ordinator is currently the most popular 22. iEquip 23. Immersive Magic Overhaul 24. True Armor 25. Know Your Enemy 26. Retimed Hit Frames Optionals down below: 27. Ultimate Dragons or Elemental Dragons. First one turns Skyrim dragons into Dark Souls dragons so skill matters more than stats and the other one gives them more spells and buffs the crap out of them. 28. TK Hitstop 29. Immersive College of Winterhold 30. Stronger Swimming Animation I listed as many mods as I could think of that actually change gameplay and was forced to add in some filler. You really only need like a dozen or so mods if you're trying to be as minimalistic as possible, but downloading all of Gamwich's mods will massively improve the look of your game while perfectly maintaining the aesthetic without even scratching your framerate.
  5. I'm pretty sure that's already a category, dude. My personal favourites are Combat Gameplay Overhaul, The Ultimate Dodge Mod, Archery Gameplay Overhaul, Himika's Lock On and Ultimate Combat. Dynamic Combat Module is also worth a look.
  6. I think something in one of my mods is breaking when I enter Volkihar's cell. My game crashes when I approach it and also when I warp to the island with a COC command. Has anyone else had this issue with their mods? I'm thinking it could be some weird conflict or some missing files because I've noticed that my antivirus has a weird habit of deleting Skyrim mod files at seemingly random but I can't say anything beyond the shadow of a doubt just yet. Just posting this in hopes that I stumble upon someone who's had a similar issue and can help to quicken my troubleshooting before I do that whole uninstally reinstally resetty rebuildy thing.
  7. I think something in one of my mods is breaking when I enter Volkihar's cell. My game crashes when I approach it and also when I warp to the island with a COC command. Has anyone else had this issue with their mods? I'm thinking it could be some weird conflict or some missing files because I've noticed that my antivirus has a weird habit of deleting Skyrim mod files at seemingly random but I can't say anything beyond the shadow of a doubt just yet. Just posting this in hopes that I stumble upon someone who's had a similar issue and can help to quicken my troubleshooting before I do that whole uninstally reinstally resetty rebuildy thing.
  8. Yo, this sounds really exciting! I was so happy when found the controlmap file but it's a bit restrictive in bindings for some weird reason and I'd love to know of a more flexible way to expand button inputs.
  9. Yeah, that sounds a bit clunky. The speed is really easy as there is already a built-in function for that and I can just tie it to the novice perks for 1 and 2-handed. Be nice if I can do the same thing for weight because simple and easy = light and stable. Thanks for the insight, though, my dude!
  10. Hey, fellow nerds. I have a mod that edits every weapon's stats to be realistically lighter and faster, and I got a comment asking if it works with weapons from other mods. I would love to just globally edit the weight of Skyrim's weapons as custom weapons are balanced inline with the vanilla game and this would be easy if I could just apply a perk that works like the ones that reduce armour weight, but unfortunately, the CK only has that option for armour and the closest things for weapons is changing their speed which only brings me halfway there. Does anyone know if there is some other way I can globally modify weapon weight, perhaps by making a new ability or function, or even some other trick?
  11. I have had a couple of cool ideas for gameplay mods, but I am not sure where to start learning or what the easiest way to learn would be. However, I have come across a lot of talent in modding and was wondering if anyone could lend me some of their knowledge or at least point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance and cheers.
  12. Ok, so I've got this mod of mine called Weapon Tweaks, and I try to add new features to it whenever I feel like it. I'm currently trying to replicate the frost buff for stalhrim weapons to do something different with other gear, but I can't figure out how it works. Anyone able to help me out with this or give me some pointers?
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