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About bafau4246

  1. when i try and add some transparency to a new armor im making it deletes the arms why? i want my armor to look like ebony mail but without eny armor on the arms but when i see it ingame my skin gose transparent aswell why?
  2. hey i was hoping that somone could make some armors from the barrows brothers (from runescape) and add a new area called the barrows and have the tombs of eath brother and when u defeat each brother u get thair armor wich has a hidden effect when u were the full set of one of the brothers. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111111173522/runescape/images/8/80/BarrowsArmourGraphics.jpg karil : full set would drain stamina from nearby enemys verac : full set would make all melee damage ignor armor guthan : full set would drain hp from nearby enemys dharok : full set would double melee damage when half health torag : full set would have a chance to paralize targets on melee damage ahrim : full set drains magica from nearby enemys all armor has half the armor rating of dragonscale (mage and ranger armors) and dragonplate (melee armors) and can be improved with dragon smithing and at the forge you can restore the armors to thair full power (thair color turns to grey instead of green and stat becomes equal to dragon scale or plate)
  3. I know i saw that but i'm talking about a full head mask well more a helmet so your whole head is covered? if their is non then i might go with that
  4. i like dragon priest mask and they look cool but i dont like the hood. i think they should be wereable with eny hood in the game and if u dont have a hood on it should just cover the face or it could be turned into a full head mask so it covers the back of ur head 2 that would be awsome :biggrin:
  5. sweetbiscuits nice job on the texture realy looks awsome
  6. nice job realy am looking forward to it can you make a file just with the armor then update it with a quest
  7. arkillo is right we need more armor like this thair is to meany skimpy armors i think it ruins the game this on the other hand makes the game better
  8. i think it would be cool to have an enchantment that would automaticly when you enter combat summoned 2 creatures and maby thair could be multiple vertions of this (like one that summons 2 shades and one that summons 2 horkers) so if enyone could do that it would be cool
  9. i realy whant to see this armor made i would download it
  10. hmmm maby you could ask some people who have uploaded some good retextures and ask if they an help
  11. if i was good i would ...... but im not i suck lol hope somone makes it that would be some awsome armor
  12. omg that is amazing cant wait till you release it
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