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Everything posted by Valkstyrm

  1. I kinda figured it out by myself just now. The Armor Add-ons in the Creation Kit where the last part that I didn't finished. :))
  2. I've been try to get my first custom armor into the game. The texture mapping is fine and the world object state of the armor is also fine. it shows the geometry of the armor of how I wanted it to be. it actually works when I enter the game menu and view it. the problem occurs when I equip it. it still show's up as a vanilla iron helmet in which I used for during the nifskope proccess. I used the techniques in somuchmonsters in youtube. Did I overlooked something?
  3. Hi there, I was wondering what are the programs being used when modding spells. I already have mods that have custom spells with different projectiles in them and I really like how they appear and stuff. So..... anyone like to tell me? :D
  4. Thanks for the info mate!! As of the moment of this post I am several kilometers away from my desktop (say about a hundred :psyduck: ) because I had to visit my grandparents on a special occasion. I'll post back here if I ran into some trouble or need advice. Anyway. This really helped me a lot! Thanks again!
  5. Thanks for the tutorial sir!!! I was searching for this kind of information so I could start on modeling my own guns (and yeah... I am one of those people who post topics like what you said.) Again, thank you very much.
  6. Hi everyone and greetings. I just took an interest in modding the game with the GECK and I had some fun with it. I first tried out with making levels like the ones showed by Bethesda Studios and got the gist of it. What I want to learn at the moment is making my own gun. When I said "making my own gun" I meant by it has its own mesh, texutures, sounds, etc. I already have some 3d moddeling programs like 3Dmax and Mudbox for the texture stuff. So...... where do I start? P.S. This question has been bugging me for sometime but do different gun parts need different meshes? For example: the mesh for the magazine clip needs to be a different mesh to acommodate reloading animations. stuff like that. Any answer or links to tutorial videos will do.
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