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About darkslayer666

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    A masochist game called life.

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  1. In response to post #24871504. #24871889, #24872029, #24872299, #24872914, #24873159, #24873254, #24873374 are all replies on the same post. @Hevymettle Likewise my friend. You seem like you know the statistics of Nexus's income I take it? I am not attacking Nexus, I am critiquing on the way Nexus is handling the situation. I am proposing ways on how we can keep modders from leaving, even at the expense of users by increasing ads for instance. I never said any of my ideas are soundproof. That is why I asked for communities opinion, and not be barraged. Perhaps I should of with-held my opinion on how I feel, but it's true, Nexus doesn't support the modders one bit as far as my knowledge goes, and giving them tools is like saying a cab-driver should buy his own cab because hey... You say Nexus is trying to help but how? Certainly not out of Nexus's pockets, which I think it should since they bring in the income in the first place. And on the point of "free-hub".. oh please, it's like saying non-profit organizations aren't profiting. Once again, I care less who's profiting, I am simply raising awareness that if Nexus can waste money on one thing but not the other is a little weird to me. But once again, feel free to pick anything apart I'm an open book :).
  2. Dark0ne: Forgive my ignorance on this topic but; Why doesn't Nexus help the modders more? As it stands endorsements don't really do anything, other than boost ego. I'd like some Nexus revenue to go to modders... 1000 endorsements for $100? I don't know, like I said, how much does Nexus generate income, but with it's size I'd wager quite a lot since there's a big traffic here. I mean you got the dough for managers but not for your $$$ generators? Priorities man. Perhaps increase ad's on Nexus to support modders? People will also be more inclined to endorse. I personally think Nexus doesn't take care of their modders much at all, and I don't agree with some of your choices. I know Nexus is a business and it's survival is your priority but no modders = no Nexus. Relying on donations solely while taking 100% of revenue is not going to last forever as you've seen from Steam. And you also asked the modders to put nexus as a provider(which is about 5% of revenue) I mean... I bet they scratched their heads asking when did Nexus give them 5%. I can write more, but as I've said, I'm not much knowledgeable on this subject and would like the communities help on this. I feel like Nexus isn't much better in my eyes. If my post is offensive so be it.. good bye, but I feel like too many people aren't questioning this as well.
  3. A neutral post. Personally I see a bit of self entitlement from both sides. MODDERS: I too am a modder, I've created 5 skyrim mods(never released them, they're copies of some mods here) and participated in CIV4 fall from heaven 2.. for those of you that are familiar. As well as Vampire the Masquerade Redemption(not bloodlines) and Dominions 3. You see these communities are different from yours(I'm not much of a member of the elder scrolls community) we did it for the hell of it. Because we were getting tired of wanking our selves so we decided to mod these things out of boredom. The thought of getting payed was as distant as bethesdas afterthoughts. What I'm trying to say is, no one made you, me, or anyone, forced to do these things. You released it because why not? It sucks playing something alone, even though YOU DO play skyrim alone... Your ma and pa probably are working longer hours for less, youtubers are profiting from your work and your parents for much less effort and make thousands. It's a bit your fault for expecting something in return, the endorsements themselves prove this in some ways. Endorsements are a currency and everyone wants it. It's your own expectations that betrayed you. It's a hobby whether you like it or not. So without making this any longer... what's the solution? Don't create mods if you feel you need a pay. Go buy a cheap engine or learn DLL and create your own games for money. Check out Distant Worlds or Dominions series if you think that won't work. Mods won't get you food on a plate. COMMUNITY(NON-MODDERS): The best advice to you guys I can give is LEARN how to mod. Most of you are young, don't need to work, and got time to learn a few languages before you arrive college. Use that time well and learn as much as possible, trust me. You've seen what just happened, and I bet most of you felt helpless.. that's how life is, so don't be helpless.
  4. In response to post #24740214. #24740224 is also a reply to the same post. Elaborate? This is just some random number crunching. If anyone thinks modders not getting payed is a crime, there's more crime out there.. much worse.
  5. Random fun fact. If everyone donated a 1$ to a mod that has millions of downloads, that mod author made more money long term from a single MOD than most Indie developers with FULL games (steam selling indie games for $2-5) and some professional. In other words, a single modder that could dish out decent mods can net more than 50% (In 2012 this was around 44%, I believe it grew) of working class citizens of the U.S.A. (Median is $26,000) That is 2k+ hours of minimum pay. Most of you either work minimum jobs, or have parents working those jobs.
  6. In response to post #24581979. Yes, I did. If a game(especially) an MMO doesn't reach the goal in shares by a certain amount of time or the desired amount of $, it goes to crap(The company either shuts down servers, or give it out as pay-to-whatever). Look at Warhammer Online(game still runs, but it's dead in the sense), or simply read up on how publishers view successful projects, it'll explain better than I. EDIT: Nevermind, they shut down Warhammer Online.
  7. In response to post #24581189. #24581254, #24581444, #24581514, #24581594 are all replies on the same post. This idea could of never been possible without Beth's approval though. Either that or Zenimax is involved somehow(never trust a publisher). They're the publishers of bethesda, which makes you wonder why they need steam at all? I am no expert on Valve\steam. But they've reeked of monopolization for the longest time to me. What business do Zenimax have with another distributor? They aren't hurting on sales that for sure. Plus mods have been generating income long past due date of their games, something steam couldn't even fathom to generate. Personally I feel like Zenimax is angry their MMO was shut down, so let's do this crap to get their shares back.. still I'm talking out of my ass.
  8. Here's my stance on this. Bethesda knows that SKSE,FNIS, etc. are private creations, it's not even content made by bethesda. Yet they still go about like they own these products, and do this. These products are used by 99% of the mods, so they're all under penalty if these authors say no, they can't monotize on their product. I fear there's more to this than simply cashing in from 75%. Or it could be just callus stupidity.. I feel like this is the old Divide and Conquer move... for what end I don't know. I too agree with Lillysdad2009, I would feel embarrassed to take 25% for my "hard earned work", I don't wish to insult these modders, but it's not the brightest thing they've done. I don't know, maybe I'm too prideful? They know they're being bent over by Bethesda and still go with it. I call open season on Valve\Bethesda, let them suffer the fate of THQ.. oh how easy they forget.
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