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Everything posted by TexMex477

  1. Sorry was busy in voice chat in discord helping with mod problems.
  2. Please stop quoting this troll. Most everybody else has blocked them. Clearly they are desperately seeking to be relevant and failing miserably. Waiting for you in discord.
  3. Wow, you should stop arguing now, you're so wrong it's painful, naive, and completely uninformed. Just stop now. Then come join me in Nexus discord voice chat ... for so many people not one in discord its weird.. For so many WW2 Veterans and System Engineers there is lot of shy people..
  4. In earnest do you feel you need more time to remove your mods from the website since you don't agree with its policy? Or what is the issue? They could literally come out and say "All your mods belong to us when you upload", that is what most places do. They explained if you want to block remove your mod from your mod page from being downloaded you can!!! But mod collections that rely specifically on that file (through backend api) will still have access to archived version. So the collection doesn't break.
  5. I guess it was the easiest way to get away the mod author role from my account. In this way they did not have to explain much Shame you got kicked out of discord , I just joined it and the empty voice chat ... I needed to hear how Entitled I am.
  6. Wow, you have contributed NOTHING in the way of mods to this site, but when you become afraid that the mods you use might move to another site, you play sour grapes. "Go ahead and block me, I don't use your mods anyway" or "I don't mod my game typically much" THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE ARGUING FOR PAGES AND PAGES if you don't "Mod that much"? You entitlement is astounding, and you've just shown that your hours and hours and hours of arguing and insulting modders is completely pointless, yet here you are, arguing away anyway. This is why the "community" is toxic, because of users like you that at the drop of the hat say "Good ahead and leave then, who cares" while being a thankless entitled users that jumps into any thread where you can insult modders. I'm sorry I voted against the ability to "pre-ban" people from Mod Pages now. THis entire subject has made me regret that decision after seeing how toxic the community actually is against modders. My entitlement of not using peoples mods? Didn't say I never use ANY mod but ... I can bet its not anyone's here... and if it was guess I don't use it than? New drinking game count how many times the word "ENTITLEMENT" is used in this thread.
  7. No, since you attributed to me something I never wrote and your posts seem quite disingenuous, I strongly suspect you're a troll. So you don't know and just trolling okay thanks for answering. Question is: "Why do you want to upload file to nexus and than delete it?" Not sure why you edited my post you quoted but that was the question. because you even still can sell your car as an owner even if anyone else would like to drive with it :wink: and from now on you are on my special list if nexusmods still grants me the right to use it. Your special list? Are you modder? O I checked guess you are... didn't know. Would never use any of yours anyways so block away. To be honest I don't mod my games typically much. Most of the stuff people use is unrealistic skimpy stuff... I am not teenage boy. Right now I am mostly playing Rust or Cataclysm DDA anyways... Cataclysm DDA I just use vanilla most the time and Rust.. well competitive gamers don't use "mods" online. Sorry, that blocking me didn't have the impact you thought it would...?
  8. I didnt know about that. Thanks. Now that the thread posters can be back on topic.... Yes back to the topic how you exposed yourselves. So when are the elections again can't wait for all mods to be deleted and every mod author to demand you vote for someone or they delete all their mods? :laugh: "Why do you want to upload file to nexus just to delete it?"
  9. Really? You actually want to compare a Linux distribution and Windows with a small tiny mod? Are you sure you are healthy? Well what is the fuss fighting against proper version control?
  10. No, since you attributed to me something I never wrote and your posts seem quite disingenuous, I strongly suspect you're a troll. So you don't know and just trolling okay thanks for answering. Question is: "Why do you want to upload file to nexus and than delete it?" Not sure why you edited my post you quoted but that was the question.
  11. You still have not answered the very basic question. Why are you uploading the file to Nexus if you just plan to delete it? I have a idea maybe a hunch the real reason but lets hear your opinion. When you fix a program do developers delete old versions or do they just release new updates? Are you on Windows 7 or Windows 10? Maybe you on Slackware Linux? Redhat? I've never once expressed an opinion on mod collections. Why are you attributing to me something I've never said? Your last question is simply a failure of imagination on your part. Glad you think so, So since I am so steeped in "ignorance" why do you not enlighten me and explain the very simple question for me. Why do you want to upload files to just delete them? but you, with your "corporate" background and your knowledge of how much server maintenance is, and how databases work and your github account should be familiar with the SDLC, and understand why programs are deleted over time and why having back level, unsupported potentially bug-filled older versions laying around is a bad thing. Surely? :smile: They are never EVER deleted version control keeps a record of commits so you can revert if need be. If you are doing something new you create a new branch. Have you ever used github or svn or any version control?
  12. You still have not answered the very basic question. Why are you uploading the file to Nexus if you just plan to delete it? I have a idea maybe a hunch the real reason but lets hear your opinion.
  13. Example: when I update a file, the old version gets deleted if I wish to. Why ? Because I don't want to support old stuff. See for example, how a mature mod hosting service is handling file deletions: See ? They provide a valid reason for not deleting files but they leave the final decision to me. And I do decide to delete that file because I want to support a new, fresh, better mod and encourage the mod author to keep working on it to know his work is appreciated. Life is really so simple when dealing with mature people who can respect others. So when you delete the mod off the website Does it get deleted off the person that downloaded its computer too?
  14. I've never once expressed an opinion on mod collections. Why are you attributing to me something I've never said? Your last question is simply a failure of imagination on your part. Glad you think so, So since I am so steeped in "ignorance" why do you not enlighten me and explain the very simple question for me. Why do you want to upload files to just delete them?
  15. Of all the content I've read on this topic (which is considerable), this is the most face-palmingly naive statement I've read thus far. But not only that, you implicitly claim to know the motivations of Nexus Mods, which you don't. There's a term which aptly describes your statements in this thread: Useful Idiot. *** "The corporation, like the psychopathic personality it resembles​, is programmed to exploit others for profit." - Joel Bakan, The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power Gnarlie, Can you explain why you dislike the idea of "mod collections" ? The ability to delete files? Why are you uploading files if you just want to delete them?
  16. a thread that doesn't exist? seems not to exist for you, sorry. here for you but i will not copy the whole thread (you may ask): showler, on 11 Jul 2021 - 6:55 PM, said: if you think so i'm sure you did not read anything of what i wrote so far. i work in the it and what you mention is just a nice try to reduce the complexity of porblems for one case. it will work for some people but it does not solve even 5% of the individual setup problems related to a mod list and even not all the other problems i mentioned at all. so - nice try but i would like to see real arguments, your solution, instead of hot air. and i'm not talking about pokemon or minecraft but open world bethesda games with their known weaknesses and limitations, generating a lot of instabilities and performance problems even without any mod list. and to the dumb sheeps issue: again no valid arguments from your side, not even an excuse. you do not have to care for the rights and the ownership of mod creators and what nexusmods do. it may be legal (we will see) but it is nothing else than expropriation of the mod owner. and a change like this after a decade feels like a "resounding slap in the face", while ignoring or not even planning a more community friendly solution including and respecting all. i think it is compelety hopeless to make you somehow undertsand this situation. if i'm an owner of s/th i do not have to ask anyone what i do and why do it. maybe you understand if some authority tells you suddenly that can you can use your car and pay for it but you can not sell it from now on. maybe you understand this simple example and the annoying result. and it is completely irrelevant if anyone else uses or needs the car if you are the owner. the goals and the honey words are irrelevant - in fact it it is nothing else than expropriation with a 5 week escape period (thank you nexus - this is such a help!) - after more than 10 years of trustful realtionship and coexistence. and yes - in the meantime i'm aware of some reddit threads spreading falsehoods about concerned mod authors. i'm sure some of these toxic people are also doing their destructive work here. If I understand you correct you are saying "it is your mod and you can delete it when ever you want" So you would be happy.... and OKAY with the fact that one day... That tomorrow the maintainer of blender removes the blender website and disallows you to use it to finish making a model for project? Remember its the maintainer property and he can delete it when ever he wishes even if it affects your game company and costs you money.
  17. You have now spammed twice a link that doesn't work. must be my "ignorance" ...
  18. Seems so. Have you ever thought about that you may not want to support a mod anymore because it was replaced by another one or it doesn't work with the current game version? That easy enough with game versions by just having the "mod collection" only install on specific version for those that use the installer. You are no longer supporting it when it is part of "mod collection" the person making the "mod collection" is now responsible, and since its a very specific mod version new changes you make won't effect the mod collection.
  19. Like the respect others get with "I am taking my mod and leaving no matter how many people it affects or other mods it breaks" Is more empathic? The reason I have gathered modders are upset is they can't delete their mods and take it away from people breaking save games? I mean Nexus is the one giving you place to share the mod. It is your choice to use it or not.
  20. It throws off the balance of power. Maybe I do not understand what is purpose of uploading your files to the website to later delete them?
  21. I am not sure you didn't notice I am not trying to "burn" or insult you or anyone, I am bit old for that nonsense. I was just discussing it with other people while you have thrown around insults like this is some type of preschool playground. If you do not like the policy change leave, you and I do not own the website. Go enjoy life and do what makes you happy it seems you really could use some better days.
  22. You should not speak about things that you obviously can't understand. I still enjoy modding. I will continue to realize my ideas as I always did. I shared my mods free of charge with you - the users - because i wanted to but not because i created them for you. Which is a small, but significant difference. Who is a user and who is developer? What odd mentality to have us vs them? Not only that you obviously have no idea about what many mod authors drives yet much less idea you seem to have about computer science. There is never only one solution that works. It is precisely the variety of ways which makes development so exciting. Except for the fact that I have actually worked on many projects on github and use to be a minecraft modder using minecraft forge (for which i also did some work fixing the forge patcher to work with new versions of minecraft) Yes would you teach me? Maybe teach me the basics of linked lists and hash maps or maybe some mips assembly? Did you use many pointer references in modding while coding in C? I need to learn all this computer science stuff as you pointed out I am a user. You and this... "Us VS Them", mentality is silly. i could teach you a lot of things, but it would be an exercise in futility. why do you think that pasting bits of your resume is going to give your words more value? the content of your words is where the value is at and they show that you know a little, very general, broadbrush knowledge - but nothing more than that. congrats on havinig a github account. my 12 year old nephew has one as well. would you like a badge? Hopefully you can get your training wheels off and join the big boy table next time with a bit of maturity. I hope you cheer up and don't feel so emotionally distressed over the changing of policy on a video game website. So that you stop personally attacking people because you disagree with them.
  23. When I can't decide if I want to be part of a list nor which version of my mod a specific list uses, then i don't care about this Kind of problems. The Curators are responsible for the functionality of their lists. Not anyone else. Well you can prevent your mod from being part of "mod collection" by not hosting it here? So...? What is the problem? You can always go host it on steam and be part of their list.
  24. Because Nexus isn't interested in building a system that's the same as or worse than what already exists. Yeah, by depriving mod authors control of their own work. Can't say I think much of that particular decision. (in case that hasn't already become patently obvious. :smile: ) They are not being deprived they can delete their mods, and not host it here :huh: Yet if I look at mod "new section" , looks like constant influx of new mods still so seems non issue.
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