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Everything posted by Nu70ry

  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/Core/Libs/Common/Widgets/ModRequirementsPopUp?id=417525&game_id=1704 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98172?tab=files&file_id=417524
  2. I download the file from my own mod page. Vortex won't fill out meta data. It can grab the file has but not the modid or fileid. Mod is not found on the nexus server.
  3. For some reasons vortex won't recognize my own mods to be on nexusmods. And therefore won't fill out any metadata. I'm using fomod, what could the common cause of this? MO2 does recognize my mods without any issues. They are set as main file on nexusmods to have this out of the way.
  4. Would like to know if there is a way to know what id your mod will have before posting it. So it can be added in the fomod without reuploading the mods directly after the first upload. Thanks for your answers in advance.
  5. i can't, i would need a second person or a second account to do that. It's not something you could reproduce alone. I think the nexus team has a better chance at reproducing it as me.
  6. Could be possible to be "addons" since i use brave and there are lots "addons" prebuilt inside. If you can't replicate it while you edit a post in the comments section and the mod owner stickys the post before you apply, it's most likely like you said.
  7. If you edit a post in a mods comment section and while you edit this post the post gets sticked and closed. You can apply the new text, that seems like a bug.
  8. Hey, I noticed something weird thats probably me setting something up not right. In the download history of users who download my mod i only see 1 of the mods requirement always most of the time its skyui. sometimes there is only the optional requirement papyrus extender and no other requirement but my mod works so they must also have gotten the hard requirements. I added in the attachment picture how it looks and what mods i have added in my mods requirement. I edited the image a bit because i dont know how much data i'm allowed to post from users download history. It's also not the full download history but its full of the same entry just skyui.
  9. hey, wanted to know whats the status. is it a bug or is there a good reason for this?
  10. Good to know that there is a delay in the stats page thanks for clearing this up for me. But that one that seems wrong to me is that stats actually even so they have a delay, shows more Endorsements then displayed on the page icon, more odd is that the log shows even less then is displayed on the page icon stats: 38 Endorsements Page: 35 Endorsements and Log: 31 Endorsements Dunno there seems something off. edit: seems to be not only my mod tho, saw it now also at some other ones.
  11. I'm not sure if this is a bug, but i already noticed lots of times that Endoresments are not on par with whats stated in the stats page or log of my mod. Is this some kind of protection against bots or some kind of delay in there until they get added? Heres Stats Page if you want to count it yourself, seems at least some days behind.
  12. i found the misstake i made i tried it now 48hours to get it to work. if anyone gets these weird textures themselfs here is the solution: in the video settings were texture size set to small the mod needs it to be large. didnt notice that oblivion set my video settings to low.
  13. hi, need some help with this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/50628?tab=description i'm using vortex to install it (tried manualy also, didnt work either) first it worked fine with only hgec, after i reinstalled all my mods to sort them it doesnt work anymore. expect the body still had the correct texture but the tail and hands got this weird square texture you see below in the image. I tried everything installed oblivion fresh from gog and tried only this textuer with his requirements and obse. still didnt worked. it just got worse it makes now the whole body look like in the image below expect the head looks pretty vanilla. It tried everything possible expect resetting my whole pc or reinstalling vortex. and yes i let vortex overrite hgec texture. every other argonian texture mod works fine only this one doesnt. (anymore) thanks in advance even if you cant help. https://imgur.com/a/XnDOeDN (file to big to attach)
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