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Everything posted by Nitro206

  1. Here is the .rar http://www.mediafire.com/file/8mc0bxcjgxj5qq9/Perk_potion.rar It includes the potion mesh (obj and 3ds.) and the textures but they don't belong to Skyrim format (diffuse, normal, roughness and metalness, it's PBR textures) So just use the normal map and the diffuse map (already in DXT1 dds format) Thank you if you can help me that would be very kind of you :3
  2. Hi! This is a mod who gives Arcadia a new potion : Perk potion. When you drink it you get a perk point immediatly (cost 30 000 gold) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10836/? The mod is very nice but the potion looks like this : Since it's a very common model for a very rare potion I'd like to change it with a version I made. http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/35546620a.jpg But when it comes to Nifskope I'm lost. I mean damn I've seen so many tutorials on this software, I still can't figure out the Node logic. It's so messy. Can someone explain me how to proceed to add this model into the game ? The Nifskope part is the most annoying to me. Please, it's Christmas, help :(
  3. Okay so I've downloaded ENBoost but it doesn't change anything. I've set my fram limiter/sync on True in the enblocal.ini I have already changed my SKSE.ini files with this : [Display]iTintTextureResolution=2048 [General]ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 [Memory]DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 [NotPlacebo]GiveFirstBornToSheson=1 And yes the JK is heavy on my setup, since places where the framerate drop to 22 go up to 40 when the mod is disabled. Still, 40 fps for a simple ENB added is stupid, Skyrim is an old unoptimized game though, that's for sure. I'll try the JK lite, thanks guys.
  4. Hi ! I've bought a 980 Ti a few months ago and now that I have such a powerful material, I was wondering if it could handle a modded Skyrim game. In the past I was playing Skyrim modded with a GTX 560 and the game started to get unplayable with ENB and texture packs, (like 10 fps unplayable) so I stopped playing for this reason (too hard to go back to vanilla skyrim after that) With my new 980 Ti and the Skyrim remastered hype, I decided to go back to the game one more time. I just downloaded the DLCs but my version ain't the remastered one though. Sometimes I get some serious framerate drops, especially in towns like Whiterun or Solitude. Here are all my mods : http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/96948453a.jpg I did Tes 5 Edit cleaning, LOOT order, Bash patched the game, but I don't think this has much to do with fps problems. So it should be about ENB, flora, models and textures. But here is the problem. I use Natural Lighting ENB, and it works greatly. I don't get too much fps drops, sometimes the game goes from 60 to 40 but nothing really bothering. In interiors, it's a constant 60 fps. When I get in Whiterun, the game starts to get fps drops, and this really bothers me a lot. I use JK Whiterun mod + Birds mod. Coupled with ENB, a 980 Ti should get any trouble with it. I mean, let's be honest here, one ENB, some new models and birds, is that all you need to put a freaking 980 Ti down ? i haven't even used any texture mods, 2K 4K or else... The only texture replacement mods I used were for rocks or snow, I think I removed it actually. I'm very disappointed of how easily the game can bow my config down on his knees, I know a bit about material now and I would love to say that it's because of my old i5 2500K- 3.3Ghz but I used the Skyrim performance monitor and it says that my GPU has been using 99% of its power at some point. I got 6 freaking Gb of VRAM, WHAT THE HELL ?!! Here is my config : CPU : i5 2500K- 3.3Ghz Graphic Card : Nvidia GTX 980 Ti RAM : 12 Go DDR3 Hard Drive : Seagate SSD 500Go Can someone explain me why do I get so much fps loss ?? My results when I get in Whiterun with Skyrim Performance Monitor : http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/51416866a.jpg From 60 fps to 30 28 fps. And why does the game use 85% of my GPU but only 2,8Go of VRAM on all my 6 Gb ??
  5. Okay so I had to tweak a lot of things to get a correct result, the transition between the 3D software and the game is pretty hard on quality tbh. The retexture isn't exactly as the picture I made earlier but it still is way better than in the first picture for sure, also the mesh itself is pretty weak and not optimized at all. I can't touch it though, since it would involve using NifSkope to change the model, and I can't understand A DAMN THING about the Nodes. Here is the final result http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/859583dickpic.jpg If you want the textures I can give them to you : DO NOT TRY TO PUT THE .RAR INTO SKYRIM, IT'S NOT A WORKING MOD. JUST A .RAR FOLDER WITH THE TEXTURES. http://www.mediafire.com/file/21d1fsx6j3vmba4/maul.rar Sorry I couldn't make a proper mod since I don't have a clue about how to change textures into a simple mod. I only have them raw, if someone knows how to do that and would be kind to help... These are just the textures for the "Immersive weapons" mod, version 1.5 (the last one) about the "ebony hammer" they all got the right name, the folder is in the .bsa here is the path : Data -> textures -> urw -> maul the 6 textures are in there, I would give you my .bsa file if I could but it's in french so I don't think you'll appreciate it ^^ Thank you guys for helping me with this, still don't understand how to create the _m map easily, if someone can give me some good links for tutorials I would be able to retexture some others weapons from this mod and hopefully it would get even better. Otherwise it's okay, but this texture mesh was so unprofessional and bothering, I couldn't help myself :S
  6. Hi! So I'll make this quick. I was playing with immersive weapons mod when I saw this : http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/813122621.jpg To be honest I really wasn't found of this texture so I decided to retext it quickly for my personal use. http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/796888252.jpg The problem now is that Immersive Weapons is a bsa mod, so I downloaded bsa unpacker to export the content, changed the files and repack with BSAopt. The problem is that there is : hammer_d.dds hammer_n.dds hammer_m.dds Now I do recognize that d and n stand respectively for diffuse and normal map, but I can't understand what is that "m" texture. What the hell is that ? It's not metalness, obviously. It ain't the spec, not roughness either, I started to search for it on Google but they were talking about environment maps and else, so that would be weird. When I use the hammer in game now, the diffuse is there, the normal map ain't visible at all (OpenGL or DirectX ?) and the weapon reacts weirdly to light, it's shiny as hell. Someone ? Please, haylp !
  7. Definitely something I'll try to do. I hate it when my stuffs get moved by settlers. There already is a mod for vanilla props, maybe I'll talk to the author :)
  8. Thanks for the support that's nice :) If you got any request about objects you can ask me, until the mod is released.
  9. I sent you the writing by PM, thanks for helping me :)
  10. Yeah I know some textures may be too colourful, even for the new Fallout graphics, I've just finished all the work and took a picture to show it here. They'll be some adjustements later concerning the meshes and the textures, and even later once they'll be put into the game (I'll be able to see the dissimilarity). About the writing, I'll send you the text (tonight or tomorrow) and just try to read and tell me what's weird, what's wrong, etc.. Thanks for your support :smile:
  11. Salutations deer Fallout lovers ! I am Krampus, and I'm announcing a mod that will be released with the CK in Jannuary. It's the : http://i.imgur.com/9cAsqaq.jpg Yay! :thumbsup: What does this mod do ? Basically, the Junk Mod adds many new props for the game, useful for scraping (I guess it's the right word ?) but also great for decorating your settlements. How does this work ? Well, once you've installed the mod, you should see new junks everywhere in the game. They'll be placed all around the world, in locations, on differents characters, at the shop, etc...Just like regular junk ! For now, the mod contains more than +100 new junks entirely made from scratch, ready to be used for decorating your settlements, to be sold to merchants or to be smashed into pieces for your armors/weapons. Plus, the mod will also feature new food !!! For now, there are mainly fruits but I will add more if people want to. What do I want to do next with this mod ? New Perk magazines - Unique rare props - Moar props! Yeah...Well my english is pretty weak so my apologies if you don't understand. The picture doesn't show every items, some couldn't fit in here (like the guitar...), and I don't want to spoil the books for now. The screen only show 65 props, I made 106 items so there are 41 unique items you can't see here. Tell me what you're thinking about this ! If you got any ideas to improve the mod, if you're already a modder and want to use my mod for your own stuff, etc... PS : If there is someone who has a good writting, some props can have some text on it. Especially books, if you can help me to correct spelling errors, or even reformulate some sentences, that would be nice of you :smile:
  12. Jonny PM me for modeling purposes, I can help but I'll need more infos :)
  13. Hey bud, nice post you got there :) Well I'm planning to start modding Fallout 4 once the CK gets released, I know 3D modelling and 2D texturing, I've been in graphic school for 3 years (got my degree this year), worked as a 3D modeler in a french company and I think your mod can be pretty cool. Maybe it's a little bit soon to ask for staff on such a big project, considering that the CK isn't even there, plus you're asking for big team here :p But if this thing works, it could be a freaking good mod. If you find rest of the team, let me know :) I'll be happy to help for the graphic part. PS : Just asking, have you ever modded a game ? Do you have any knowledge about coding ?
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