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About ShibePatrol

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim SE, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, RE2
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  1. Is there a way to lower the brightness of the clouds at night without making nights darker? I'm using Sin Xtreme Realism ENB, and my clouds are way too bright at night while my nights are almost too dark, if that makes sense. Here is a screenshot of the clouds at night: https://imgur.com/a/gZcGb I was previously using Nyclix's ENB without noticing this problem. The reason I switched is Nyclix's is no longer supported whereas Sin Xtreme has been updated to the newest ENB with support for SSAO/SSIL. I seem to have no problem with this ENB other than the clouds at night, so if there is a way to adjust this I would love to know. Thanks so much! :)
  2. Hi all, this is my first time playing Fallout 4, and I seem to be having a bit of a problem with terminals. I can only see a small portion of the screen, and consequently I can't read any text, which makes me feel quite frustrated. I've checked multiple settings to see what I'm doing wrong. I'm attaching a screenshot of the portion of the terminal I can see. EDIT: Please ignore this. I'm using a playable children mod, and I was just too damn short to read the terminal. I assumed I didn't understand the controls since I'm new to the game, which is why I didn't post my modlist. For the record, if anyone is using a playable child mod, DO NOT player.setscale to 0.825 as suggested by the mod author if you actually want to play the game. 0.95 was as low as I could go and still read all of the terminal screen.
  3. @Gorsha Thanks. I didn't notice this setting. @Cowgoesmoo3 The funniest moment for me was opening the door to Idgrod the Younger's room in Morthal while she was sleeping. It was like a blizzard of clutter :laugh: :laugh:
  4. I've only been playing Skyrim on PC for over a month, but I've read up a lot and watched a lot of videos about modding, so I'm aware of many of the problems people face while modding the game. I'm very good at following step-by-step instructions carefully, and I'm probably below average in doing my own troubleshooting, but I'm learning. A little background on this problem I'm having: My game was running fairly stable, but all of a sudden I started having more CTDs, more ILS, and then a couple things happened. One time when I fast-traveled to Whiterun, all the NPCs had black bodies. I quit, reloaded, re-entered the city, and everything seemed ok now. Later in Windhelm, a mounted deer head was purple, so I knew some textures were failing to load. The textures were there - they just weren't loading. As an amateur I thought, aha, memory problems. I don't use an ENB (I do use Imaginator and Dynavision), but I decided to install ENBoost, following the instructions found on the skyrimmods subreddit sidebar to the letter. I ran the VRAM size test and everything to get the proper values in the ini. Now textures are loading properly, fewer CTDs, played for hours today without a crash, and everybody's skin looked great, and I didn't see any missing textures. It seemed to be the solution I needed. So what's the problem? Well, I was following the quest where you have to investigate a murder in Windhelm, and I kept hearing these freaky noises when I would move around interior spaces, especially in the Palace of the Kings. I was so busy on my quest I chalked it up to my audio mods misbehaving and kept playing. I did notice a few wheels of cheese and books on the floor, but being my first playthrough, I naively thought, Wow, how immersive, the Jarls are pissed that the Imperials won and they're tearing the place apart! Little did I know that every time my back was turned, clutter was flying everywhere. To make a long story short, I left Windhelm, and then I noticed what the sounds were. Whenever I would enter an inn or other interior space and move about, objects and clutter would fly everywhere. In more cramped areas, it's nearly unplayable at times with all the stuff flying everywhere. Once, I even hovered momentarily in midair. Ah, I had encountered the infamous flying objects bug. Time to search for a fix. Unfortunately, there's a lot of conflicting information about this bug. Some say to run an FPS limiter, but others say this slows the game down to a lag. Some say to disable VSync, but others say this is a very bad idea that introduces other bigger problems. So I ask: What is the accepted "cure" for the flying objects bug? If it helps, I'm playing on a laptop with Nvidia Geforce 950M and Intel Core i7-6500u @ 2.50 GHz. All my drivers are up-to-date and everything. I'll post my mod list if it's helpful, but in this case I'm not sure it's terribly relevant. Obviously the dilemma is limiting FPS to 60 without breaking the game. I know I'm not the first one to encounter this problem; I'm just not sure how to sift through all the different suggestions for a fix. Any help? EDIT: I thought about it, and it's probably relevant to post my enblocal.ini settings, so here they are: https://pastebin.com/zbktBZbf I'm thinking I should set the FPSLimiter to true, but to be honest, I don't really know what I'm doing. EDIT2: I should have given this more thought before posting. I set EnableFPSLimit to true and FPSLimit to 60 in enblocal.ini, and it seems to have worked. I walked around a lot of interior spaces and even fast traveled back to the Palace of the Kings just to test it, and the poltergeists appear to have been exorcised from my game. I'm sorry for troubling you with this post.
  5. Ah, so even after all that reading, perhaps I still misunderstood, so I'm glad I asked, and I thank you for your help. My understanding now is that everything should look the same, it will simply play smoother.
  6. New here. Please don't judge me. I'll just preface this by saying I've watched several videos and read many, many comments and tutorials about Wrye Bash online, including ones on here, reddit, Steam, etc., but I still have questions. I understand the basics of what Wrye Bash can do with leveled lists, but before I use it, I don't want it to break my game. Although I have the occasional CTD or ILS, I've got my game fairly stable at this point and have 200+ hours into it. I'll number my questions to try to make this post clean. My first question is simple: 1. Is it safe to create a bashed patch mid-game, or is this something that should only be done on a new playthrough? I've had my share of problems in the past, and now that I'm fairly stable I don't want to mess this one up. My second question may be a little more difficult to describe: 2. What if I want a certain mod to "win"? For example, I have one armor mod that relies on resources from another, but ultimately I want only the meshes and textures from the second one to appear in game. Do I still create a bashed patch with it, or do I leave them separate in the load order so the second one always "wins"? (I hope this makes sense.) :confused: I apologize for posting here if these questions are stupid. The answers to these questions may already exist, but believe me I've tried to locate them, and I haven't been able to find anything. Perhaps I just need someone to help me wrap my mind around this. Cheers!
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