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Posts posted by Jermungand

  1. it was confirmed by Todd or Pete that smithing only changes stats of weapons and armor. you can create armors and weapons but once finished they would look like any other iron sword or axe in game. ( or steel, based on whatever metal you use to make it).


    Where does he say "only"? In what context? Relative/pertinent to what? Unless the preceding question was, "Will the armor look different when upgraded?", this statement has no bearing on that dimension of the subject.

  2. thats a tuff question but i finally found out its iron armor you can tell by his spaulder and full back armor because leather and fur armor have just belts and stuff but the back its still a bit naked and in the demo while its skipping around hes inventory you can see "iron armor iron boots iron helment" selected you can tell its selected by a small arrow looking gap and i also found out that his horned helm is also iron by looking at that so... iron belivers won leather believers lost

    see some images of iron and leather armor

    leather armor


    iron armor



    Yes! Now go check out the orc boss with the warhammer. Notice that his armor is exactly the same, down to EVERY detail, EXCEPT it has pauldrons together with straps connecting them to the breastplate.


    There's a smithing skill that upgrades your armor. What would you conclude from this?

  3. the armor in the demo was leather=light .. also the pic post 2 showed was elven .. also light .. the iron armor they have shown in some demos looks a lot like the leather but the leather doesnt have a chest plate .. the "promo" pics they have shown with the pre rendered viking guy have all been light leather armor.


    Look carefully, the promo guy is wearing hide armor (that Arvel is wearing), but in the demo, he's wearing a different set (apart from the helmet and gauntlets, which are the same). He's wearing an iron breastplate (and by extension, Iron Armor). Both sets of armor have a lot of scruffy fur trim, so it's easy to overlook the fact that they're different armors. Look REALLY carefully.


    And why assume that elven is light, just because it was in Oblivion?


    Thats exactly what I said .. the one shown in some demos is iron but looks a lot like leather .. the promo nord is leather though .. and I'm going to assume elven is light because it is.



    Why did you say that the armor in the demo was "leather=light", when it isn't? You said that right in the beginning of your post.


    Thanks for clearing up the Elven Armor thing.

  4. the armor in the demo was leather=light .. also the pic post 2 showed was elven .. also light .. the iron armor they have shown in some demos looks a lot like the leather but the leather doesnt have a chest plate .. the "promo" pics they have shown with the pre rendered viking guy have all been light leather armor.


    Look carefully, the promo guy is wearing hide armor (that Arvel is wearing), but in the demo, he's wearing a different set (apart from the helmet and gauntlets, which are the same). He's wearing an iron breastplate (and by extension, Iron Armor). Both sets of armor have a lot of scruffy fur trim, so it's easy to overlook the fact that they're different armors. Look REALLY carefully.


    And why assume that elven is light, just because it was in Oblivion?


    By the way, the orc boss with the warhammer from the UK PC Gamer is wearing THE SAME armor as the guy from the demo. The ONLY difference is that the orc boss has PAULDRONS.


    I know you're smart. You'll figure it out.

  5. The first one you've linked is Iron Armor, and therefore heavy. It's got a lot of fur trim because it's Skyrim-style.


    The second one is definitely heavy, but not of iron (think it's Elvish). It's probably been fully upgraded with the smithing skill (because of the coverage).

    Elven armor though so far as been light armor... However it could be Dwarfish?


    Yeah that could be. Of course, "Elvish" is a very nebulous label that could very easily be changed to be heavy by the designers.


    The first one you've linked is Iron Armor, and therefore heavy. It's got a lot of fur trim because it's Skyrim-style.


    The second one is definitely heavy, but not of iron (think it's Elvish). It's probably been fully upgraded with the smithing skill (because of the coverage).


    No, he's wearing heavy armor (iron) in the demo, not light.


    The light armors have a harness crossing the torso.


    I'm pretty sure the coverage of the armor increases as it's upgraded. Look at the screenshots of the game, and you'll notice that some characters are wearing EXACTLY the same iron armor, but with pauldrons added. There are no items designated as "pauldrons" within the game, so I can only assume that these bits are all upgrades (added with smithing) to the singular "Iron Armor" item.


    The same goes for light armors, which get pieces attached to and under the harness as they're upgraded. Arvel the Swift, the Dark Elf that gets released from the web in the demo, is wearing hide armor with one pauldron. Other screenshots show characters wearing the same armor, but with torso coverage that Arvel doesn't have.

  8. the only point I can see to this is to prevent bugs and breaking of the main game .. but there is still going to be a ton of mod compatability issues in the new map you are proposing :/ .. thats just how this is always going to be .. but over crowding in the base world doesn't make sense to me .. I like the idea of more in a small place than just a few things in a big place .. oblivion was giant but there was so much empty space .. todd claims skyrim won't be so empty but lets wait and see.


    Right. It's been years, and Oblivion's Cyrodiil STILL isn't crowded. The more mods, the merrier. Bring it on. I can only hope that one day, I will have the OPTION of crowding my game.

  9. "Crowding the original map"? Well hell.


    Does somebody living in a mansion go about finding a new place to live, because his house has become CROWDED with luxury??




    I don't there is a problem here. If there is, I need more problems.



    Even if it made sense to do this, how are a bunch of completely unrelated mods by completely different people going to cobble together to make anything coherent? There is no way any basis to this world could form, without a lot of modders (about HALF of ALL of the modders in the WORLD, if you actually want this to compete with a modded Skyrim) all working together according to a shared plan.

  10. Hey... Industrial music for when you're in a Dwemer ruin.


    I should clarify that I'm not decided on having modern music in the game. I'm kinda just having fun right now.

  11. how has no one even suggested the epic music that is in extremo or eluveitie. folk metal would fit in so well its not even funny, also hurdy-gurdys...... thousands of them.


    Probably because we never heard of them. I'm looking them up right now, since you mentioned them.


    Now that I have listened, I think the tempo is far too fast and staccato. I thought of Reise Reise because much of the song has a slow progression, which makes for better environmental music. But, hey, whatever floats your boat. :)

  12. how has no one even suggested the epic music that is in extremo or eluveitie. folk metal would fit in so well its not even funny, also hurdy-gurdys...... thousands of them.


    Probably because we never heard of them. I'm looking them up right now, since you mentioned them.

  13. With respect though Rammstein or any rock/metal music is just as inappropriate as techno... :whistling:


    Well, yes, I'm well aware of that. I never suggested it was appropriate. I was entertaining the line of thought started by the last few people. Nor did I suggest that it should be objectively present, in the palpable form of an in-game technological item or activity, and/or at the same time make a statement that it wouldn't be anachronistic to do so.


    I hope this clarifies where I was coming from with that. Sorry if I sound rough in the above paragraph. This whole dialogue just made me a bit confused with what was going on, and I'm struggling to put us both on the same page.

  14. I'm sure someone could mod in a Daedric synthesiser and a Roland 201 tape delay unit (those things have been around forever so it wouldn't break immersion) Get some Basic Channel or Rod Modell style dub techno going on.


    What? Where do you even begin to... what... A medieval tape delay unit? How does this NOT break immersion? Clearly there's a very large body of context that is being left out.






    A " :P " on that first post would've been the context I was looking for.


    :laugh: Grrr!!!

  15. Maybe some slow and heavy Rammstein to keep with the game's powerful Germanic edge, while we're at it. Songs like Reise Reise.
  16. A DLC possibility, maybe. If the devs decided to add an island or two as content, then the idea of adding a sailable boat may be too good an idea to pass up. Every reason would for them to do it, would be there. It's new, and we have vikings.
  17. I'm sure someone could mod in a Daedric synthesiser and a Roland 201 tape delay unit (those things have been around forever so it wouldn't break immersion) Get some Basic Channel or Rod Modell style dub techno going on.


    What? Where do you even begin to... what... A medieval tape delay unit? How does this NOT break immersion? Clearly there's a very large body of context that is being left out.

  18. I've tinkered with it. Sculptris can be used to do a high poly sculpt, you can easily do something like that Khajiit sculpt. I wouldn't use it to replicate any hard surface subdivisio, don't think it'll do as well as ZB or any modelling program could.




    I'm just going to call it done. I shouldn't be messing around. I might release it as a mod for Ob or F3 later on.


    I want to make a mod that redoes that helmet to look like a crow-faced bascinet. You know, extend the faceplate, make it wrap around, put in a hinge.

  19. Back to the subject: Bartering. I was under the impression that they were taking out the slider, and adjusting prices to automatically match your Speech skill. So how do you raise the skill within the context of bartering?
  20. Every NPC was given different intrests and there was a decent dating sim going on with it "though it wasn't put together well" the combat was pretty rewarding.. you upgraded hat you used and it changed your physical appearance based on it .. scars when you died .. muscle when you built up your strangth .. tall from building your agility .. evil evil looking when you did bad things .. got fat when you ate to much .. doing good made you look more angel like .. willpower caused you to grow will lines on your skin .. NPCs were very simple and it ould have been nice if they made some more complex characters in the mix but they all had a smidge of personality "unlike most RPGs where they are just hallow shells" .. you could have a family .. you could decorate your house and even display trophies .. you could buy multiple houses and rent them out to become a land lord .. I could keep going on and on but Fable had some wonderful immersive idea .. if that wasn't your thing then oh well but I really liked the simulation aspects of the game .. mixed with the realism of TES and their ambient AI then I could see an amazing "role playing" expiriance.


    I feel like those would be good, in a game that didn't try to hit me over the head with it all the time. I feel like the guys that made the Fable games tried way too hard to sell you on their simulated stuff.


    Don't get me wrong. I LOVE the freedom and realism to personalize my character and do all sorts of things, but these are things that should be allowed more closely in tandem with the game world. In the first Fable game, every town felt like it was being given over to being your personal wardrobe and carnival prize fair. The entire game was like an advertisement for itself.


    Now in TES, it would be amazing if they provided all sorts of immersive opportunities, but did it in a way that's meaningful, not recreate the game as a venue just for you to spend hours of your time in the most superficial and silly way possible. When designers do THAT, it immediately loses it's immersiveness, because it feels fake and packaged.


    That's my take on Fable. I never played the second one, maybe it was better.

  21. I'd love it if playing one of those new musical instruments helped. I got "Bard" on the D&D character quiz, and I relate well to that result.




    fable 3 was an arse RPG but it had good ideas that you would have to be a fool not to acknowledge


    Please remind me... what were those ideas?

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