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  1. Of all the provinces we've been told about, that one seems like the most un-spoken of.* I guess that does make it more exotic and interesting though. But Hammerfell, and Elsweyr would be cool too. They're just as exotic I think.
  2. Yea, that would be cool. I would also like the ability in the next game - me playing on a console - to buy my own town. For example, I become some sort of "thane" in a city. And instead of being able to buy a home in the city, I get to go off and by my own property outside the city. The more popular I become, the more people start moving in around my home. Different crowds will come depending on what kind of deeds I have performed. For example, I complete the mages guild, more mages/scholars will be coming to my town. I complete the Thieves guild? More thieves/khajeit will start migrating around me. It would add more things to do in the game I guess. It would also make me feel like my deeds have impact on more than just the gaurds. I'm always curious how only they know that I'm a "sneak theif" or that I'm "lollygaggin".
  3. This make no sense. How could they create a decent game like this? Not everyone likes the archer/thief playstyle. Also, the Aldermeri Dominion has a lot of Wood Elves that helped start it.
  4. Ummm... This seems similar to what I posted above. But I also don't see this happening soon. They still have to cover the other places in Tamriel like Hammerfell, the Summerset Isles, Valenwood, and Blackmarsh. I don't really understand what you mean by Time Travel, as this is not exactly a game taking place in the future of man. >,> Could you go more in-depth with what you mean by "Time travel"? Also, don't forget all of the past games took place in different eras of Skyrim, and could not let you go back to them. You're asking for the ultimate game to end all games. Not the next Elder Scrolls game. :P As much as I too would love for this, it would seem like a bit much. I would rather have the locations split up. Maybe tossing Highrock and Hammerfell together for spice or something. But all of Tamriel is a bit much, and would kill me to have to explore it all in one game.
  5. I agree. Skyrim is getting rather boring, and I want Dawngaurd out. Sadly I have Skyrim for Xbox360, and will get it early, which means I'm done with it sooner. I've beaten all of the guilds, they seem too short. Some of them had really cool quests, but they just we're not as fun as some of Oblivions quests. For example,~SPOILER ALERT~
  6. I like the idea. But not as an expansion of Skyrim. Skyrim is perfect the way it is, and they also would not be able to add that much to the game. I think this idea would be better for next TES game. But it would have to have a few disks. All of Tamriel would be laggy as hell if it was on one disk. I would very much like to go to Hammerfell and join the Rebellion there. And since Bethesda always has you chained up at the start, the gameplay could begin with you being mixed in with the Rebellion, and improsined with them, and go from there. It would be fun to have an entire story centered around the Thalmor. Although fighting them is a bit bland on Skyrim, I'm sure Bethesda whip something up. And I don't see what is wrong with beast races. Morrowind had a bunch of Dark Elves I think, and it was pretty great. Skyrim is full of people, it's great. Cyrodill had a mix, and it was just amazing. Also, I thought about it, and you could have a 2nd great war taking place in Cyrodiil, and save Kvatch once again. :P I would very much like to see Kvatch brought back to life by Bethesda. The city looked like it would have been a nice place to settle down and have a family in. But instead I had to go and live in the sh*t-hole Bravil.
  7. Where do you think Bethesda should take The Elder Scrolls Next? Ok so we all know the big MMO is being made, and it looks horrible. But let's put that aside and get a nice debate going. After Skyrim, where do you think the SINGLE PLAYER games go? You can have any setting you want. Any Era you want. Any Continent you want. If you would like to see a map of Tamriel, here you go: I'll start. In my opinion, Bethesda has a few options and I personally like most of them. Option #1: Setting: Morrowind Era: The 1st Era. I'm not sure how it would work. I just thought it would be interesting to go back to the 1st Era. And I would like to see Morrowind. This one is just in there for the hell of it. Option #2: Setting: The Continent of Atmora. Era: The 4th Era. (Same as Skyrim.) I would like to go to Atmora because it's very interesting that there are more continents, and I would like to see them as well. I read about it, and Atmora is farther to the north than Skyrim. It's also where men came from, so I guess either it would be an abandonded wasteland full of monsters, or a large and powerful empire taking you to prison for the 50th time. Again, I don't know where this Questline could go, because I don't really know much about Atmora. Option #3: Setting: Hammerfell Era: The 4th Era. (Same as Skyrim.) I would like Hammerfell because they are still rebelling against the Aldemeri Dominion. I figured this could be taking place while at the same time the Dragonborn is over in Skyrim tramping around in the snow having a good time shouting on top of mountains with his Greybeard brethren. It would give you more of a feel for the Great War, since it's still having effect on Hammerfell. The Civil War in Skyrim just seemed dull in my opinion, and would like something bigger. Note: These options are just my personal views/dreams/wants/desires. You choose your own, and debate about it with others here, not pick which one of my own seems better.
  8. This would make a decent quest line to be honest. You could discover that when the Dwemer ditched, they had gone off to far off ancient lands forgotten/unknown to the other races. And you could also string in the Psijic Order, going off to find them and learn more? It makes sense. The Psijic Order being the most elite mages, superior to the Imperial Mages Guild, and the College Of Winterhold, running off to seek greater knowledge than any men have yet discovered, to find the Dwemer off in... Le'ts say Atmora? The Psijic Order then starts learning, problems rise, the Order abandons Atmora, the Dwemer, being enraged over something then seek them out near Skyrim? And they all go to war. I like this idea. Although it seems a tad bit dry on the magical fantasy side, it seems good. One change though, don't let it take place in Cyrodill. Put it in somewhere different, that was in the older games, or has not yet been released. I would also think it's better that you don't start off in an Imperial/Dominion prison. Make it a joint prison camp, controlled by both of the factions. Let's say you were being taken prisoner by the dwarves to work as their slaves(The Dwarves have some kind of... Addiction to enslaving people). Then while you were being taken to the Dwarves Slave Camp, you were all ambushed, and taken to the Joint Prison? I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas out there.
  9. Mmmm. DLC eh? I was thinking about it, and also read some stuff. And came to the three possible conclusions. Conclusion One: Dawngaurd. Who is the Deadric Lord of Dusk and Dawn? Azura. Who has a Deadric Realm with silver cities full of Dunmer, and Khajeit? Azura. Where could we possibly be going in Dawngaurd? Azura's Deadric Realm of Moonshadow! This could play out similar to Oblivions Expansion. Sheogorath was one of the more peaceful Deadric Lords, just as Azura is. Sadly, I am just going off of a slight knowledge though, because I have not played the Oblivion Expansion. For some reason I downloaded it, and nothing would work. I did as instructed, in guides, and nothing would happen. It was notifying that I had it downloaded. Conclusion Two: In the city town* of Dawnstar, there is a ship. That ship has a full crew, and is in tact. Dawnstar being in the far North of Skyrim, it could very well be a ship to take you farther North to the ancient lands of Atmora, where Nords had come from. No clue what could happen while there. But this would be an interesting setting. Conclusion Three: Azura, being Deadric Lord of Dusk & Dawn, as well as the Dunmer, could relate to Morrowland, home of the Dark Elves. This would also be a nice setting because everyone likes LOVES* Morrowind! ^^
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