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About KellSwiftfire

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    United States

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  1. Just as a very late follow up to this thread... you can get a version available on Skyrim Mod Piracy on reddit. I know that thread can be really taboo here, but there ya go. As for the version/quality/support? Yeah I have no idea, and my load order is so full as it is I don't wanna throw another potentially pretty out-dated mod into the mix atm, but it's there if you're willing to risk/test it.
  2. Thanks for this! This is a pretty close proxy and I might plug it into my modlist (once I find it :D) to hold over until I get productive enough to learn to mod it myself ;)
  3. Hey guys! I'm excited because I think the idea for this is quite simple, but powerful. It's (hopefully) simple enough that if there's not interest, I might try and take it on myself as my first mod project. Here it is in a nutshelll: All weapons/armor (within a class of iron, steel, daedric, etc) NOT created equal Ever looted an Iron Breastplate off a bandit and thought "Sweet. Never need to loot one of these until I "tier" up to steel"? Ever found that first ebony dagger and thought "Awesome. This will basically last me to end game"? No more. All I want to see/find/create(?) is a simple mod that changes Skyrim's armor and weapon values from "fixed" to "dynamic." Meaning, every piece of armor and weaponry in the entire province is no longer mass produced at an industrial forge somewhere. Each item is, in theory, "handcrafted" by a smith somewhere, and while there are lots of VISUAL mods to imply this, every iron dagger, every dwarven helment in the game have the EXACT same armor/damage value! What if there was a random chance that the armor/weapon would "generate" it's values (within a set range for each item "type")upon "poofing" into the world. Thus, if you have an iron dagger with 8 damage...and you see one lying on a table, it might be worth checking it out because, for all you know, it will have a damage rating of 12. And....that's basically it folks! Thoughts? Already exists (I haven't found one)? Thanks! Kell
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