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About demack

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  1. Gotta vent, /rant Awhile back I started over on my MOVW (Massively Online Virtual World). I don't call it a MMORPG because the goals are different. I am using BigWorld engine to build it with. So far the system is functioning really well with a CentOS VB for a server and MySQL as the database. I have to use VirtualBox because I can't afford a blade server at the moment. Currently, I have 5 major templates built on the server side and working on a new system of player world building. I am poor and always been poor. Although it is going rather well, I am also frustrated with the progress because it is a major undertaking and I can't do it all. I do have a very smart guy building the spreadsheets, flowcharts and deigning the game play. I really not good at PR so I need a PR. No one want the job without major pay and I am working a job to feed my family and programming it so how can I pay someone? I am not good at artwork and artwork is a major part of it no artist wants to work on it. / end rant
  2. OH. OK I got ya. I thought I needed it to compile but the files from skse I copied into the data/scripts/source are all I need now. Thank you very much! At lest one person here was helpful. Happily working on his mod now....
  3. Dang! After reviewing what I wanted to make, I am SOL. I need SKSE to do it so I guess that is done. :sad:
  4. That's ok. I been thinking maybe it be best to just make the mod to work without any requirements besides base files anyway.
  5. I been trying all day to find information on a missing dll. When I try to start SKSE for the creation kit with skse_loader -editor it gives me an error that it can't find skse_editor_1_9_32.dll Where is this dll located?
  6. After a number of failed attempts with the tutorial, I found through experimentation that the blender script hates node names with a : in them nodename0:1 fails but nodename01 is successful. You may find this useful or maybe you already know. Edit: Fail message is "string to long"
  7. Hi all, Don't know where to ask this but putting it here. I downloaded NifScope and got it working and tried to update my Blender Nif scripts with the lastest. When I try to vieew a nif from the bas with NifScope it works but my blender install errors out with an error saying string to long. version is blender_nif_scripts- Is this the correct one? Apperciate direction.
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