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Everything posted by dovafan746

  1. I dont know what happened to the dwemer ghosts only one but this mod adds what your looking for and more http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24913
  2. I am using a new computer and had to start over my files and games. My old computer died on me and well i cant turn it back on at all the mod im looking for is a vendor in sloan whos dressed like a mole. I think he sells items from FO3 and hes dressed like a mole miner. really cant think of anything else really. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Kid%27s_cave_rat_outfit?file=Kids_cave_rat_outfit.png something like kids cave rat outfit.
  3. anyone esle crashing when trying to enter raven rock mine?
  4. well i just cant enter raven rock mine at for whatever reason i crash whenever i try enter the door.
  5. I bet you like going into a restaurant ordering steak and getting a tiny piece of half cooked meat. the QC of these games is crap i wish modders would get the jobs that beth cant do. and yes its annoying and even insulting that beth cant do a decent job anymore. if a modder fixing this i have no qualms with donating to him or even giving him a gift of cash. When I order steak, I expect steak, but I'm not gonna complain that it's not Kobe beef if it never said on the menu that it would be Kobe beef. You ordered Dragonborn, you get Dragonborn. It's not their fault that you're expecting a quality that they never promised. yes its my fault they have millions and cant produce anything of quality to begin with.
  6. I bet you like going into a restaurant ordering steak and getting a tiny piece of half cooked meat. the QC of these games is crap i wish modders would get the jobs that beth cant do. and yes its annoying and even insulting that beth cant do a decent job anymore. if a modder fixing this i have no qualms with donating to him or even giving him a gift of cash.
  7. have you seen the nordic weapons? they look terrible like nerf swords and axes
  8. anyone esle having this problem? and did you fix it? what mod could cause this? i swear i have less problems with mods from nexus then official dlc.
  9. it worked!! i want to make sweet tender love to you under the starlight on the shore. i shall name my son in the womb after thee
  10. so what can we do? all my monsters are fine just npcs are weird. could it be a steam bug? is there a way to reinstall dragonborn? i really hate this if its a mistake by beth they are losing a customer whos been with them since daggerfall. my wife is having the same problem as me without mods. so maybe its a beth mistake?
  11. I have deadly dragons. I don't have either of those. hmm and you still have the bug? well there goes my idea i figure since me and 2 other had it that was it but nope. im out of ideas then-
  12. does anyone esle have deadly dragons? or skyrim sewers?
  13. you have the same bug? damn do you use fnis? im really stuck at this both pcs have this bug. =/ there goes my hope do you have any magic mods? or any armor mods?
  14. I have CBBE too, but how dafuq does that affect the animations? yes can someone please help i have been dying for dragonborn i really wanted to go back to my bloodmoon days. really can someone help. dident i see you on interesting npcs skyes666? well maybe it is cbbe cuz we all have it so im going to remove it and see what happens
  15. could it be that because i have this with male characters and female.
  16. i play vanilla besides the body/weapon mods and i have the same animation bug.
  17. i dont have the patch i dont have anything besides dawnguard and hearthfire so why am i getting it?
  18. same here I f&^%king hate this company
  19. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/198927 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/198926 conflict i found with interesting npcs
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