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Posts posted by free8082002

  1. The mod work. Mostly.

    But is plagued by Monster Mod bugs.

    Is well made, and the border guards against monster do a reasonable work stopping them, not always, the poor things need a buff.


    Using cathedral and import to SE I manage to play to lvl,12 but some areas as consistent ctd, again the fault is momod, I erase some dremora and a FISH, and play a bit more. Finally I got upset.


    After fight some bandit and a GUAR with old textures I though "Mihail Guar can replace that thing" then I try to do myself and fail miserably.


    I decide to come here because there is 1% probability of receive help.


    Not gonna lie,the task is big. Its a mod that cover lairs, terrain edits, town edits, armors and several weapons that can be made with monster parts.


    Sorry for my english.


    Less words: Import Monster Wars to SE, replace old textures and/or buggy monsters with Mihail work.

  2. A mod like this need a lot of skill.

    There is one that allow destruction of Thieves and Assassin guilds but you need to be careful or broke something, also touch a bit the civil war quest.

    I agree Silver hand and Stendarr deserved more attention.

    How a bout a patreon or quickstarter or something like that for give life to this project?

  3. Complete disable magic in game.


    - Magic is a crime

    - Only high elf allowed

    - Shouts are ok (for quest reason)

    - Everyone else, player and NPC, no magic


    Ask that for use with survival mods that add wounds to the game. Also for more difficult combat, no more battlemage.


    - College destroyed, no quest or NPC

    - All magic items gone

    - Skills replaced, disabled or useless

    - Alchemy its ok, enchant dont

  4. Its a underrated mod that deserve some attention.

    Right now its oudated and dangerous for savegames.

    As medical suplies, like stitches, bandages, tourniquet (or you die from bleeding in battle), you need to treat broken bones. Also you need to heal companions.


    Mod need:

    - mcm menu

    - diagnostic, in actual state you only see companion bleeding and need to give medical supplies until he uses the one needed.

    - actual state mod take consideration about what type of weapon hurt you, and frostbite and burn too. this part need better implementation, sometimes damage is ignored for make the correct wound.

    Sorry for my english.

  5. Yes Fenryr, I already try one of the kuertee mods, Useful Potions, but its a bit unbalanced, I uninstall that one yesterday. Right now I find a very good one that add need to companions too and nasty diseases.

    Month ago I try Locational Damage, and the intention of the mod is great but as lot of bugs.

    Finally I decide Skyrim as too many ways to easy heal and go back to Fallout 3 for survival purposes.

    Right now I use: Frostfall , INeed and kuertee battle fatigue and injuries. If only I can change all restoration magic and made it more like the one you see in Kynareth temple...

    Sorry my english.

  6. As part of a wound system magic or at least restoration and healing potions need to be disabled.

    Healing potions that accelerate regen rate are ok, but the work very slow, a normal wound need 3 days, 1 with the potion. No more that one potion per day, drink extra is useless/dangerous.

    Chop arms and legs. Player and NPC. Possible fix with dwemer tech, but cost lots coins. People around with dwemer part (rich ppl) and some poor ppl around without legs/arms/eye (poors, beggars, ex-soldier, etc.)

    Zombie or undead creation through "science", frankenstein style. You need lab or access to one. The monster need parts. Powerful monster are hard to control. Even the weak ones are a good bodyguard, control limit with speech perk maybe.

    Carts Daggerfall style. I dont understand why nobody did that before, in FNV are empty carts everywhere and in Skyrim too. Max. 2 horses, extra weight 500 x horse. You can move the cart yourself (basic) 250 + 1 horse 750 + last horse 1.250.

    Rebuild one cabin in Winterhold with HF system. Cheap building, maybe a quest reward.

    Well, I know the wounding system is hard to make, especially if you want to make NPC suffer wounds too. There are mods around trying to do the same (and fail, in my opinion).

    Chop as visual not hard, but I assume disable a leg or a arm to a NPC cant be a script pain.

    I know the engine as is limits. But there are some modder mages that do incredible things.
    Sorry my english, I explain the best I can.


  7. I just discover the possible cause of crash on start:

    Any mod that touch MENU, like HUD ones.

    Just move the folder data\menu and try. This happen to me after install darnui, maybe the mix with other mod corrupt the menu file.

    Solution: reinstall all the mods that touch menu folder one by one and check.

  8. Thanks for answer. But my english surely is very bad because my post is not taken the way I want.


    1 – About kids I m wondering about how is possible killing is normal and legal. Thats all.


    2- The post is about how ridiculous and unreal is the food in game. If all happend 20 years after the war maybe you can find some food. But 200 years?


    Thats all. Next time I use less words because triying to make things clear made things worse.

  9. After my last post in a mod, a rude one, I feel necessary make clear, now that I m calm, that my intention is show the strange fact that in a video game you can kill kids but not put them nude. Both are evil acts. That’s the intention of the post in the mod killchild or something. Someone say the game as realism and write about the slavery system ingame, slavery is bad but is not the same kill someone. And you can rescue the kids. Personally I never kill or other things to kids in videogames or RL.

    I think I cannot impose my moral to others, so I end my rants about that permanently.


    That’s a little complain about the Fallout 3 foods and drinks. The post about realism make me think about how much realism is in this game and the food was one of the most strange.

    Think that way: you find a cookie in a coffin or buried in a box, is buried in the independence day just for the future people know how to taste a cookie 200 years ago.

    You really eat that thing?

    How much time last the food? Few months.

    In exceptional cases like the pole expedition, they died frozen and after 50 years the food still edible.

    Conditions: Canned food frozen to temp. -20 a -70 C, is very rare find these conditions.


    In a world that as been destroyed by a nuclear war you cannot find food after 10 or 20 years, if some food last enough some survivor already find it, after 200 years the alcohol and packed food is extremely rare, and if you find one you need to think twice or more about eat that. Whisky and other alcohol is another history, in the pyramids the thieves of the british museum find wine that last 2000 years, and they assure is still drinkable, because they drink this.

    The whisky and other alcoholic beverages must be extremely valuable after that long time, because without agriculture you cannot produce more, maybe in the area called Oasis they can make if Harold tell them how to.


    And about the gore I agree with Arwen about is realism tweaks, in all the world even the most monstrous people cannot stay close to rotten corpses, normally they collect the skulls of their enemies, maybe is skin but I cannot find tribes that collect rotten bodies, maybe cannibals.


    In the pit they eat the people that are sick of troglodism? :-p

    And the player is forced to taste that if he/she as a realism mod installed?

    And they ask why they become sick?


    The cities, bridges, monuments, subways are still in very good shape after 200 years. Search in your city a place that don’t be maintained in 200 years, or in “only” 100. You cannot find one. All the surviving items are restored versions.


    Everyone know how easy a big building fall.

    In F3 cities the supermutants fight every day using heavy explosives for 2 centuries and some building are perfect.


    Well, the list is long.


    In a more realistic way if you find some whisky, guns or ammo very well hidden is the same thing than find a galleon treasure these days. You have trouble to sell it, and you have more trouble trying to keep it.

    A city that have a water purifier is a very lucky one, if as more than one maybe is a commercial center.

    If they have a source of food the city is surely very populated and well defended.

    They need workers, normally they live in the surrounding areas, and patrols, etc.

    Maybe one or more criminal group disputing govern the city trying to control the water or the food.


    This is more the old Fallout I remember, I write all of this as example about how to respect the timeline and the original game, now because the original script and land lack of Fallout spirit we need lots of mods to make a true Fallout game.


    In 200 years humanity:

    - Restore agriculture in some way, anything if they can make alcohol.

    - Make new guns. If you go a museum you know why.

    - Make new foods. Recipes are based in the things that exist in that future.

    - The water chip if the vaults is valuable again?

    - Only the most secrets vaults still exist, the game as too much vaults working.

    - Most building are rebuild using old ones, search about that in history webs.

    - Many builds are more Megaton alike, that’s a realistic Fallout place.

    - The rich and criminal have Tempeni level buildings or better.

    - Robots? Well, robot armies are a normal thing and you need the protection of one if you want a city that last more than 5 years. If not, any medium level technician can take all the wasteland.


    Well, that’s my opinion for now. My PC died in January and the new one as not enough power to handle the game, maybe in the next 2 months I can fix that, for now I keep planning my future pack of mods for my game.

  10. just getting the game to run at all on a hard core business video card is quite a trick.




    Your problem is not processor


    its video


    and the solution is to upgrade your graphics


    there are various techniques to reduce the strain on your vid


    1 ) oldblivion.com is an option (if it supports your business card)


    2 ) option in wrye bash - inside its Bashed Patch - "no lights flicker" - reduces "lighting strain"


    3 ) every other video enhancing mod you can find on tesnexus


    I know all that, but thanks anyway.

    My question is about CHANGE or MOD the light system of the game to become more efficient.

  11. I need to ask everyone about the FPS heavy trouble Oblivion have.

    Recently I sold my GForce9400 GT 512 ram and enable again my onboardtrash Gforce 6150 512 ram. Of course FPS drop from 30 to 8 immediately. I use my old trick then; open console and type TLB, this make the game run at 40 FPS.

    I observe the game drop is speed to nothing if you go to areas with many foes and the video card as nothing to do about this, only the processor and memory speed, if you enter TDT in the console you see something called “Queued 10 task count” “Queued reference count” and “Total BSTask count” move from zero to 1.000 or more, while the game process these task the FPS drop to 1 and is possible the game CTD.


    I think the “task” problem cannot be solved but the TLB is a different thing, that’s a video issue. Look like the game is very inefficient to work with the lights, even a torch can cause a drop in FPS, 1 or 2 in big GPU or 4 or 5 in onboard ones.


    My question: The light system can be changed or edited to work more efficient? I see other games work flawless using this card (GF9400GT), is a pity Bethesda have good ideas but always horrible engines.


    Sorry my english.


    PD. I already read every guide and touch all the setting and the ini file, I PYFIED like a maniac, clean mods with Tes4Edit. Some weeks I work more on this game than in my normal day of work.


    PD. My next card (in a week or two) ATI Radeon 4670 512ram, if that little monster is not enough I go back to Morrowind.

  12. Thanks for the answers. Look like all these years nobody want to have a zoo in is castle. I try the Shivering isle quest and see the one you mention.
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