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  1. I've had this issue since a few months after release, I've never found a solution to it. Only thing I can point to is some update to either the game, nvidia drivers, intel CPUs or windows 10 causing it. Even after buying a brand new computer it kept happening and the only thing the two computers had in common was the brand of the GPU and CPU and the OS. It doesn't have anything to do with using mods or not. I've even tried it without any DLCs and it still happens. Load accelerator that Gorsha links to doesn't work either.
  2. As so many others I've had issues trying to download from the Skyrim Nexus lately and while trying to download the new WATER 1.5 mod I eventually ran into this little gem; "Site error The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... In an effort to stop bandwidth leeching bots members cannot download a file more than 50 times. If you believe you are seeing this in error or can provide a good reason why you have downloaded this file more than 50 times please get in contact with a site admin." Now, I might just be a bit tired, its late where I'm at, but I can't seem to find a way to get in touch with a site admin other than hoping one catches this... Anyone know of a better way feel free to chime in! Cheers! Edit: Guess I should just PM one at random heh? Edit 2: Thanks for the swift assistance buddah!
  3. You don't "activate" them other than installing them correctly. They replace ingame textures so just download via NMM and activate.
  4. I'd suggest the lore friendly addon to Monster Mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16411/?tab=2&navtag=/ajax/modimages/?user=0|:|id=16411 . I don't use the Monster Mod since something just seems off to me with the monster it adds in the game. Also I'd suggest you abandon the workshop and start using the Nexus really. Try some quest expansions like Moonpath to Elsweyr for example. Warzones with the stormcloak and imperial makeover is neat to. Deadly Dragons! ASIS might also be your cup of tea :)
  5. I play it almost daily, wouldnt call it broken :) From the sounds of it maybe you shouldn't play this game.
  6. Well, plenty of mods in there that probably wont work very well together. But at a glance, you should choose one of these: 1nivWICCloaks.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}} 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp Active Note: Use only one 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch esp I'm pretty sure you'll have plenty of other problems in your game with all those game altering mods installed though :) I'd honestly uninstall them all (not just turn off the .esm/.esp) and see if that fixes it. If that still doesnt fix it, remove all your mods and skyrim, and then do a fresh install. After that I'd be more careful with what I install.
  7. Try uninstalling both. Reinstall SKSE first, read the instructions carefully so you do it correctly, then install SKYUI and see if that helps. Never had a problem with either of these mods. Take a look at this youtube video by Gopher if your unsure of the installation procedure. I utilized that video to do my installation of SKSE. I'll attempt the reinstall. Thanks. I seem to recall some people need to run SKSE in administator mode so you can give that a try as well. Good luck!
  8. Try uninstalling both. Reinstall SKSE first, read the instructions carefully so you do it correctly, then install SKYUI and see if that helps. Never had a problem with either of these mods. Take a look at this youtube video by Gopher if your unsure of the installation procedure.
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