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Everything posted by RockGodOne

  1. In response to post #57234346. #57236346 is also a reply to the same post. well thats ridiculous. whats the point of importing mods then if i cant choose options? and then trying to make a clean profile of non imported mods so I could start from scratch, it still gave me all the plugins from my imported mods from my initial profile.
  2. In response to post #57234786. #57235026, #57235566 are all replies on the same post. no I didn't, but reinstalling NMM seemed to fix my issue with all my mods even still intact.
  3. In response to post #57234786. Since we both have tried and disliked Vortex then uninstalled it, could you tell me how to reapply my profile to NMM so I can start using NMM again?
  4. I got Vortex yesterday but its so confusing compared to NMM even tho it looks so simple. No fomod support? And it's an all or nothing system for mods that alter many files? So I can no longer use more than 1 NPC makeover mod or i'll have tons of black faces. For those HUGE reasons, I uninstalled Vortex, but how do I go back to NMM? I still have all my mods installed and activated in NMM, but I can no longer download mods and when I launch SSE with SKSE64 and try to load up a save, it tells me I have no mods installed.
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