Heya! I created a tool intended for Outpost building. I found it tedious to get back to my Outpost only to find i was lacking resources to build what I wanted. So to "save myself time" manually calculating all the resources I needed, I decided to spend 8+ hours on this tool instead since I'm a total novice at programming :laugh: :laugh: But hey, I got it working so I thought I might as well share it. Perhaps it will save others some time. But it'll require further work to be able to share it so I would like to know if the community is interested first The image should make clear what it does(if you can see it?) - but its function is to list all items you can build in an Outpost (still havent listed everything).When you click an item, it's added to your "inventory" along with its mats requirements. It will dynamically update the mats requirements as you add more items to the list. It's basically a shoppinglist with an attached price tag :tongue: So when you plan to build your next outpost or expand your current one, you'll know exactly what mats you will need. The tool has been planned so it can be expanded to include crafting as well as well as adding what perks are required, showing tooltips etc. Let me know! Also, I can't seem to find a reliable database for items/outposts and the required mats/perks. I had to add items from my current playthrough and I havent unlocked anything. So if you know of such a DB it would be appreciated / otherwise I'll prob have to console unlock everything and do it manually