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Everything posted by OkGo13

  1. No info yet. For such mod gamers should wait at least a few months or even more.
  2. Well, you should play ME first before stating something like that. About Judy: you said loud words about raping. And that is not the point. Many players want to romance her because she is the most interesting character for romance. She is well written. She has a good background story, but most important she is more alive than any other romance option. And it is normal that a lot of players aren't satisfied with so limited options in game. But it is easier to start another bulls*** about "white male sexists are trying to discriminate LGBT community". But you don't understand that's not the case. We just want the same level of experience like others. P.S: despite the situation with limited romances for all players, CP 2077 is great game. It's just looks cut in the romance part of plot.
  3. +1 It will be hard work, but I hope that next year someone will manage to make romance mod (at least with Judy). Or CDProjekt will get insight and improve romance options in game.
  4. Well, it is going to be a hell of work. I don't believe that someone will make this mode in near future.
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