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Everything posted by Tomkin64

  1. Wow, that's a fast Response! But the Best is, it worked. You saved my Day. Thank's a lot! Tomkin PS. I see that there were a lot of misstakes and typing errors in my starting post, sorry for this!
  2. Hi, after installing teh High REs Texture Pack from Steam some of my Follwer Girls got darker Facers tha the Body. I had this isseue before when i installed this Texture Pack, but as my old Nvidia 970 was no able to handle it i deinstalled the Texture Pack and all was fine. I tried to deactivate some of the texture mods, but nothing worked. Anyone help is welcome! Tomkin
  3. Hi, i have some Problems with this mod. I used it for some months and had Problems with the AFT after some time. I decided to deinstall this mod and made a clean save after it. Then i loaded the newest version and installed it. But, i cant find 3 of the girls. Choronis i the only one who is in her place. All the others are not there. And , yes i looked in the right places. The strange thing is that one of them is working, the others are not in the game. Anyone had this problem too and how to solve? CU Tomkin
  4. In response to post #10952994. Hi Dark0ne, i would like to say Thank You too. Hopefully 2014 will be a better Year in your fight for a stable and quick server platform. If you don't try, you can't fail, but you will never step forward. So please keep on trying! Thanks Tomkin64
  5. I am not very familiar with this kind of patching and merging. I tried to delete the BBR settings, as effect there were no bodys to see :-( . So i undeleted the files and still have the same issue. Are you able to give me your merged files? I have no clue how to uninstall the BBR so that lings will work again. I tried so reinstall lings coiffure and lashes, but it wont work! Thanks Tomkin
  6. Hi there, i got some Trouble with modding. I installed a bunch of mods like Lings coiffure, BNB , sexual innunendo, better veronica and Male body (erect nude etc.) After installed the Body By Race Mod all the Girls lost their Hair, i reinstalled Lings coifuure but it's unchanged, girls still look like Old Kojak ! If i go to the sex scenes, i see only head, feet, hands and undies fom my player charakter, what the hell happened? Here are the the files i loaded: FalloutNV.esm HonestHearts.esm CaravanPack.esm ClassicPack.esm DeadMoney.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm wsex.esm Lings.esm wsexInnuendoAnims.esp wsexInnuendoNPCs.esp Animated Prostitution.esp Art of Seduction.esp DK Caucasians.esp NovacRoomRevamp.esp AL Black Corsetry and Blanc dress.esp SwapShoulderView.esp wsex_workgirl_tryout.esp MercCharmers.esp Armor by Race w Undies.esp Veronica.esp Body by Race.esp LingsPrettyThings.esp bzArmour.esp bzBodySuits.esp And the Mods: [X] 01-38054-1-2 [X] All_Four_Replacer_Version-38519-1 [X] Animated_Prostitution_-WIP_-_R24-34903-0-24 [X] Armor_by_Race_w_Removeable_Undies-38524-5-7 [X] Better_Veronica_v2_B-42575 [X] BEWARE OF GIRL Type 3 HiRez HiDetailed Replacer [ ] BNB_Armor-35047-1-0 [ ] BNB_Body-35047-1-0 [X] BnB_BodyExtender_Compatability_Skeleton_1_2-45229-1-20 [X] Body_by_Race-38524-1-7-4 [X] bzsyArmorFixesV1dot0 [X] bzNVMalesV1dot0d [X] DK_Caucasians_-_fixed-41548 [X] FNV_Sexual_Innuendo_Animation_plugin_v003-36659-003 [X] FNV_Sexual_Innuendo_NPCs_plugin_version_007-36659-007 [X] FXAA_Injector_Fallout_New_Vegas-45690-1 [X] Ling's Coiffure [X] Main_File-46177-0-8 [X] Merc_Charmers-46220-1-0 [X] New_Vegas_Type_3_Armors_Only_V2_1-34825 [X] NKDS_V_1_1-41160 [X] NovacRoomRevamp-42942-1 [X] Realistic_body_and_face_textures-44537 [X] Replacer_Texture_Path_Fix-38788 [ ] ROBERTS_for_New_Vegas_MAIN_FILE-39880-3-2 [X] The_Art_of_Seduction_AND_Marriage_WIP_052612_UPDATED-45904-3-6-1 [X] Wasteland_Sex_Module_version_H-36659-H [X] wsex_workgirl_tryout-37416-1-03a Any suggestions where i did the fault? Thanks Tomkin
  7. Hi, there is another Problem for me with this type of Replacement. When i try to activate it in nexus mod manager there is an error : Could not compile scripts, errors were found and in the Details: ERRORS 182,31 "Der Typ- oder Namespacename "FalloutNewVegasBaseScript" konnte nicht gefunden werden. (Fehlt eine Using-Direktive oder ein Assemblyverweis?) (ERROR CS 0246) Ans Idea what to do? Thanks Tomkin
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