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Everything posted by whiskeyjack9105

  1. The order I have them in is this, which stops the flickering but leaves an annoying chunk of building in the way of the still accessible bowling alley at Easy City Downs: Beantown Interiors Tales from the Commonwealth Tales DLC Tales Visual Fixes Patch without Pre-Combine Beantown Optimisation Patch
  2. Gotta question about the infamous issue with using both of these mods and the flickering at Easy City Downs. If I follow the tutorial by RedRocketTV, using Beantown + the Optimiser as well as Tales + Visual Fixes Only Patch, and not something like FO4FI + its Compat. Patches, will I fix the Previs?
  3. Immersive Patrols singlehandedly made me care about the Stormcloak v Imperial conflict. Such a small but hugely effective change made by this mod.
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