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  1. There r some old,but looking good armors for Exnem Body. Mizuki Ninja is 1 of them and it was really popular whit 46 endorsements. I think it wil be good to see again in game as a HGEC gear. Unfortunetly Iam not a modder a can't make it. So this is a Request now.
  2. Bored allways collecting and carrying the materials and spare items. I think it's a good ide to repairing whit high-tech tools (maybe enclave or alien technology). The maximum condition what the player can hold on, for his gears is equal whit his repair skill.(whit a lvl 60 repair skill, a player can repair everything to condition 60%, whit lvl 100 skill the player can repair everything to perfect) If need, it can be ballanced many ways like charging time etc. The other tool is a high-tech lockpiker what not consume, or not need bobby pins, so the player can try to open locks unlimitedly, and maybe give some skill bonus. sorry for my low english
  3. Yeah! an Intelligent feral ghoul who friendly whit all feral ghouls, but can do the human quests too, and/or fully new quest line for them. Special perks, or reached levels to become a roamer, glowing1, and reaver. And like the ghouls some kind of Super Mutant story, it wil be nice to play as an overlord.
  4. I asked the authors: Xenomorph needs some finishing touch for the queen, than the author try to convert it. Predator not finished for Oblivion, so no convert.
  5. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18390 Predator 6.0
  6. Sorry it's not a new topic, just a little mistake. It wanna be a part of the previous.
  7. I think it's a good idea to convert these 2 great mods to FO3, because the post-apocalyptic world is a better place for them.
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