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Posts posted by thunderwolf86

  1. but see that's the confusing part, none of these homes are anywhere near each other.


    dovahndor is near the throat of the world

    hunters cabin is near riverwood

    bathing beauties is across from the battle-born farm

    reapers is on top of bleakfalls barrow

    and then theres the expanded winterhold ruins, none of these mods are close together. theyre all very spread out so I really don't know what the problem is.

  2. iv actually asked about this before but I still cant find an answer to my problem. I have 6 mods that alter the landscape of skyrim

    Hall of Dovahndor

    Hunters Cabin

    Bathing Beauties

    Reapers the Dark Tower

    Expanded Winterhold Ruins

    Companion Valfar (his campsite and the imperial one outside Ivarstead)

    along side those I have lanterns of skyrim and the winterhold ruins patch but the lanterns mod has never given me any trouble.

    Iv used Boss to correct the load order, but even when just one of these mods is activated I still get a CTD. from what I can tell there isn't any conflicts between these mods, at least I don't think there is. I should also mention that my graphics card is failing and im getting a new one tomorrow but this has been going on ever sense I bought skyrim 8 months ago with player home mods. any other mod doesn't give me an issue unless its a load order thing, but once that's fixed no problems. player homes though never seem to work. what could the problem be if not the load order and compatibility?


  3. of course this mostly comes down to perspective and what people attribute each class with but I have a severly hard time finding information on magic users and their spells. character classes I do find very interesting but their information very limited so im never sure exactly what each class can do. im referring to classes like wizards, paladins, druids, necromancers, warlocks, priests, clerics, and then the elemental specifics and summoners, yadda yadda yadda. I think I have a pretty good idea on most of them, and the ones that aren't listed here but I was just curious, which one would you consider being the most powerful? the one that seemingly cant be stopped no matter what?


    EDIT: I should say that I have a hard time finding information that isn't connected to WoW, D&D, and stuff like that.

  4. the most important thing i look for in follower mods is always how immersive and lore friendly they are, and at the same time makes them unique and stand out amung the others.



    1. Valfar - im a big fan of the stormcloaks and this just completes it. the armor looks great, the custom voice of galmar made into a follower (i seriously wish i knew how to do that!!!) even though his shouts have hit me a bunch hes still worth it.



    2. Hoth - the armor and weapon make for a perfect combo, everything about him just says barbaric and i love it. in both cases of valfar and hoth the thing that stood out was obviously the armor which is nothing short of beautiful work and just adds soo much more.



    3. Healer Companion Natalie Vanilla Look - a mod that is severly underrated, in my opinion this one should be at the top of the companions mods list. she actually turns towards the player and other followers and casts the healing spell on them, that is simply incredible. i know alot of people like Cerwiden but this one just perfect. the one and only thing id like to see is custom robes specifically for her, much like valfar and hoth have thier own attire, that would complete it but thats just the fan in me. really though this mod is amazing.



    4. Slave Pack Reikling Porter AKA Wak Wak - i remember playing a warlock character and just thinkiing to myself the whole time how much i wanted an Imp follower, i tried to make one out of a falmer but it didnt work out so good. then behold Wak Wak, the perfect compliment to a warlock, anyone playing as one without wak wak is crazy, it just works soo well. plus the dialogue is not only funny but immersive and really adds that extra special something to it.



    5. Jebidiah Dragon Priest Follower - like i really have to say anything, a dragon priest as a follower, that just screams awesome. my onlu complaint with this mod is that you cant really have a unique voice for him, its just the standard vanilla voices, but thats easily overlooked by the fact that hes a bloody dragon priest, aiding you in combat, fighting along side you, how could you possibly go wrong.

  5. Does anyone else find the dragon priests kinda dull? i mean they really arent that much of a threat when i think they should be. they look really cool and drop those awesome masks but it really isnt a challenge to get them. even the ones from the dragonborn dlc are kinda dissappointing. deadly dragons and several boss battle mods (ie Miraak Enhanced) have those enemies alot tougher and more fun, why not do the same for the dragon priests?
  6. i just installed skyre, reproccer, and the uncapper along with dragonborn but i dont think the problem is associated with skyre. the load order looks fine and i dont have a mod that adjusts the textures on clothes and armor with the exception of amidian born. yet i still have npcs walking around with thier armor and clothes untextured, its that blocky pink thinger. this has also happened with alvors workbench in riverwood and the firepit in winterhold inn. when i quit the game completely and reload it everything seems fine until i go to a knew area. iv also got wet and cold, frostfall, and realistic needs and diseases, those are the only other ones i can think of that alter visuals but i cant imagine it being any of those.


    also the inn at winterhold when i went inside everything turned to a blue-ish hue, now im not sure if this is happening anywhere else and as far as lighting mods indoors are concerned i have the enhanced lights and FX, the only other lighting mods i have are climates of tamriel and claralux so im not sure if theres a conflict in there but i havent had any problems before.


    is anyone else experiencing these problems? is there a fix?

  7. for the record i dont think this is a big deal as the mods still work fine and this issue happens rarely. i just installed the Better Females No Make Up mod and it works just fine, no problems, its just not appearing in the plugins tab of NMM, so i cant really adjust my load order if need be, which makes me a little nervous.
  8. ok so iv spent quite a bit of time fiddling with the settings and hes still a complete wuss, he runs from guards and towns folk, and when a dragon shows up hes nowhere to be seen. is there something else i might be missing here because this is getting a little rediculous. if it turns out to be a waste of time ill just recreate him from scratch but i would like to know what the problem might be to avoid it in the future.


    (by the way sorry for the double post)

  9. i wouldnt mind giving a mod a test, although i am running sksem, any chance of a conflict there? ill add you. i should warn you also that iv never actually tested any mods before but i am certainly willing to lend a hand.


    as for the links i saw the top mod and it looked good but i cant get it to work, i get a ctd even without skse and my other mods installed, i couldnt put my finger on what the problem might be there as i have no clue if its on my end or not. as for the other, it looks kinda cool, but not quite what im looking for.

  10. short version, i created a follower by duplicating Nazir and just deleting his scripts and adding the follower stuff. he works fine with the exception of him being an absolute wimp despite his aggression is set to aggressive and his confidence is set to foolhardy. its probably about 3 hits, practically full health, and hes running away from combat. is there another step im missing?
  11. quite a while back i created a follower mod in the CK and hes worked fine, iv used that mod for a long time. recently however i was advised to use SKSE which is something iv wanted to do for a while but was kinda nervous about it. anyway i went thru all the steps provided but the installation video and am convinced its working fine but that mod isnt there, as well as anything i subscribed to in the steam workshop (which really isnt that big of a deal, i think there was 1 must have and the rest i didnt really care either way). how can i fix this?
  12. the graphics card i have is ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series, at least thats what the DxDiag had to say. as for the drivers i honestly dont know, drivers are one of pc aspects that i dont understand in the slightest. the one thing i do know is that when i bought bf3 i couldnt play that for a month or so, it wasnt installed properally i think. a friend came out and one of the things he did to get it to work was downgraded one of the drivers, he said that that game required a certain driver and i had upgraded from that. its currently set to 11.7 whatever that means. anyway after that and a bit more fiddling the game worked fine and still does, as did skyrim and everything else. mouse pad, couldnt resist.


    bben46, as for cleaning the beast, i generally use a can of concentrated air, it seems to do the trick, maybe i should be more thurough?

  13. honestly iv never tried anything like that, im far from being the smartest person with computers, i had to look up how to find my specs for this post. but im not opposed to giving CPU-Z a shot. i do know that when im playing games like skyrim, bf3, and any other cpu hogs i do need another big external fan right beside the tower along with the 2 internal fans whereas something like iuo minecraft not nesseccary at all. iv always assumed overheating was part of the problem but up until recently its been relatively contained because of that fan, without it it would get very warm and crash within minuites of playing those games. i really hope the problem isnt the PSU because that would be a nightmare but worth looking into.

    oh and no its not a laptop, tower, modem, mouse, keyboard, scott pilgrim mouse pad, the works.

  14. this has been going on for quite a while now, but its few and far between until recently. mostly its CTDs which im pretty sure are mod related although i can never seem to find any conflicts. lately though its been happening a lot more, today i had one, waited an hour, then launched the game and it lasted 5 minuites till it crashed the whole system again. i had started a new game and updated Amazing Follower Tweaks before that, which on a side note also isnt working yet but i think it was a bad upload or something im still playing around to see what might be wrong with that.

    if it will help ill post my specs here


    Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120830-0333)

    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

    System Manufacturer: System manufacturer

    System Model: System Product Name

    BIOS: BIOS Date: 04/14/10 17:53:51 Ver: 09.06

    Processor: AMD Athlon II X2 260 Processor (2 CPUs), ~3.2GHz

    Memory: 4096MB RAM

    Available OS Memory: 3328MB RAM

    Page File: 1902MB used, 4750MB available

    Windows Dir: C:\Windows

    DirectX Version: DirectX 11

    DX Setup Parameters: Not found

    User DPI Setting: Using System DPI

    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)

    DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled

    DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode



  15. for the record i havent tried skyre just yet, for a couple reasons but the main one is i dont think my pc can handle any kind of overhaul (im still trying to get it to work with frostfall, let alone akyre). the other being that i do generally like the vanilla game and how it works, ill probably get gutsy enough to try it later on. that being said i really like the wayfarer skill tree, it seems like it would be a lot of fun, so i was just wondering if there is a mod out there, or a series of mods, that can do something similar, laying down traps, animals and wildlife dont become hostile, stuff like that.
  16. hmm i wish i had thought of that before i went ahead with my current plan, i am right this second uninstalling and reinstalling skyrim. ah well if it turns out that the save is corrupt then far enough, i will try starting a new character and seeing how far i get, if nothing goes wrong after a fresh reinstall then i guess its safe to assume the older saves were corrupt. (i hope not though, i was enjoying that one).


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