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Everything posted by KandyKills

  1. I hope this is a simple as it sounds in my head... I know we have several mods with animal's parts like Calyp's animal ears and such, but I've never seen a single mod that adds deer antlers and a deer tail. I don't mean anything too big or fancy, just rip the antlers and tail out of a deer and put them equippable. I would love to have those equippable in my game. I tried to make them myself but I'm a complete disaster and I couldn't get anything done properly (I couldn't even get the textures to work lol...). I hope someone has the skills and the time to make my request... of course all the credit goes to the person who makes this. I just want to have it in my game!
  2. I tried to retexture those but I have no idea how to do it! I read a Nifskope tut to rextexture from there, but I couldn't find the texture to change it in Nifskope. I mean, the TextureProperty (I don't remember what it's called) I couldn't find it >.< I am so noob at this.
  3. Hi! Thank you for your answers. Well I don't really want to mod anything, I just want to create little things for personal use :( maybe I could try to request the horns but I doubt anyone would take the time to do it just for me xD I have the viewport shading set to "Texture" but still I see it all white. If I put it in "solid" I can see the material and it's color but it goes all white when I select "Texture". Also I don't really need a headmesh since I plan to attach the horns to a hair... for now, till I learn some more about Nifskope and CK. Damn, all this reading just to get some fancy horns for my char. I just remembered why I didn't like 3D modelling =( I will take a look at the tuts and see if I can make it work by myself, thank you again <3
  4. Hey all! Yesterday I was looking for a mod that would add equipable ram or goat horns but I couldn't find any, so I thought It would be easy to do so myself since it would be for personal use (hahahahaha it is a damn pain in the ass)... If you know a mod that does this please tell me xD because I spent 4 hours yesterday and I couldn't get it right. Ok so I got Nifskope, and Blender. I extracted the nif for the iron helmet, exported as obj and opened it on Blender. Well, it didn't have textures in Blender when I imported it but it didn't matter since I wanted to change them. Ok so after reading and exploring the program I could get rid of the helmet itself and now I just have the horns. I tried to texture it: I created a material, then a texture, and I put the image of the texture I wanted. So, in the texture window, where there is a 3D view of a sphere, I can see the texture there, but I can't see it in the render window. Where can I see if I put my texture right and it's working? :/ Then I imported it as obj on Nifskope and I thought it would already have a texture since I put it on Blender (hahahaha again) but there were just the horns, no textures, nothing. ALSO, I modelled the horns 3 times to make sure, but still, when I import them to Nifskope, theres part of the right horn missing "faces" and edges and things. But they aren't missing in Blender, I don't get it. I would apreciate some help here. Thank you in advance!
  5. Thank you! So you're saying that I should build the entire house in an exterior cell? and build it inside a scaled up tree o.o? or just the outer visual and the house in an interior cell? Can't find any proper looking round or curved floors or walls :< Damn, building this in Minecraft was much easier XD
  6. I recently started playing around with the CK and I decided I could do a little home for my character, so I started making one. My idea is to make a tree house, but not a house in a tree, I'm trying to make a tree that's actually a house. I managed to create the interior cell and I know how to put objects and manipulate them to decorate my house, also I think I can manage to create the door in a tree in the outside world, however I am having a bit of trouble because there are certain things I don't know how to do myself. My initial idea was a little 2 floor house. I want the second floor to have a balcony where you can see the landscape. I saw this nice mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25739 and the atmosphere of seeing the outside world from the interior home is what I want to get. Maybe it would be best that I put my balcony outside, and a "door" to separate the interior and exterior cells. But I want that amosphere when you are inside, since I don't want to put a door to separate the room from the balcony, if you get what I mean. Any ideas to get this outside atmosphere into my room so you can see the outside from the balcony? then you go through the "door" and you are in the actual balcony, but outside of the house. Uhm sorry I don't know how to explain it. Maybe I should just put a curtain or something xD Second thing. In that mod, Dusk's cabin, there are an enchanting table and an alchemy table too, but they are invisible. I explored it through the CK and saw that they were there, just you couldn't see them ingame, but you still used them, so your character looks like he uses the enchanting book instead of the enchanting table itself, but plays the animation... I want to do that! I don't like ugly crafting tables, I want a book and something else for alchemy. Anyone can explain to me how to do that? Also there are decorating items that you can't use. There's a goat hide in the bed that you can't interact with. How do I do that? Third thing... I've seen in a lot of house mods where the author used other items as storage chests. For example, using a crate full of potions and it is a potion storage chest, or a jar with bugs or plants and it is also a storage chest. I also want that but don't know how to do it. And a couple silly things more. I want my interior cell to look like a tree, so I tried to make my home with wood walls and such, since Skyrim itself has no tree walls or floor. I want it to be round, like a circle, but I can't seem to find a "round" wood wall... you know, like the stone walls of towers or lighthouses, that make round rooms. I keep looking but there are so many things in the CK :( I get lost. Anyone knows of a wall that I could use? Last thing I promise! How can I make it a player home? You know, so the storage items dont reset and such. Or I just need to make it and leave it at that and use it myself? Ok there are no more silly questions xD sorry about my english mistakes ;__; I'm bad at explaining myself in english. Thanks for reading and I hope someone can help me out with this D:
  7. Ok thanks for the answers I fixed it! Apparently as you guys said it was some outdated scrips and two mods that didn't get along with Dawnguard. I reinstalled Skyrim and activated mods one by one till I found those that were conflicting. Thank you again :)
  8. Hi! It's been two days that I'm getting really looooooooong load times or even when quicksaving, it takes up to 5 minutes... I read a few posts and I thought it could be a save bloating thing. The thing is... I haven't played that much to have a heavy savegame. I'll explain. My most played save, when I got to talk to Paarthunax and advanced a little bit, was 7mb. Then I got Dawnguard and thought "f*** Alduin, I'll go vampire hunting" and started Dawnguard quest. Thats when my savegame started to be 120mb... it's not normal! My other saves are 3-5mb... I disabled autosave things, I mostly quicksave because I'm paranoid that my game will crash or my comp will freeze (I play in a toaster) so I save every few steps. It normally took a little 2-3 seconds freeze to quicksave, now it takes an eternity and it's really annoying and it's making the game not so fun to play. My bf keeps telling me to delete all those useless mods I have (I've got plenty but few ones activated :/) but they never gave me any problem before Dawnguard. It was when I got Skyrim to 1.8 and got Dawnguard and Hearthfire that my saves started to go heavy. I think it could be some mod that is conflicting with any of those DLCs, but I don't know... I also noticed something: I loaded an old savegame to see if this was happening with all or just with my most recent save. Well, it took more to save than usually, 5 seconds or so, but it was OK. Then a guard stopped to say hi and told me about the Dawnguard, and I got the quest... and my savegames suddenly took an eternity to save and load. It could be something wrong with my DLC or a mod conflicting with it? I'm totally lost. I've also read a post where some guy said that maybe it's an outdated mod scripting something wrong (sorry I'm a total noob at this) but how do I know if a mod is outdated? some of my mods in NMM appear with a ! in the latest version column, does this mean I should update them? Also I've looked through my inventory and I don't have any item repeated thousand times and I've cleaned my savegames folder. I had like 150 savegames, I cleaned most of them so I must have like 12 or so. My bf did defrag my HDD and claned some disk space too, but it doesn't seem to work. Ah, and I have unofficial dawnguard patch because it said somethin about savegame bloating so I tried it, but it's not working. Should I get unofficial skyrim and heartfire patchs too? I have it first of all in the load order. Thanks for your help and sorry about my english mistakes, it's my second language and I'm still learning D:
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