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  1. Heyo, I created a custom race based off Breton so I could use the PC Exclusive Animation Path and I've noticed that my werewolf transformations are really off. Basically what happens is that my character can walk/jump/run like normal with a werewolf-shaped effect over her while the transformation sounds play. After the transformation clicks over to complete, animations continue. Also, returning to normal no animations play like they do for the non-custom races. Anybody know how I can get the animations to play right?
  2. Ok, I've posted earlier on this but after following the advice of others I haven't gotten any farther. What I'm trying to do: I'm trying to get certain enchantments to accept a wider array of equipment types as valid, I've been using the keyword ClothingThong on some items (yes, thongs) and copied the form lists of each enchantment I want, i.e. EnchantmentConjuration becomes EnchantmentConjurationEXPANDED, and then applied this form list to EnchArmorFortifyConjurationBase under worn restrictions. What happens: I've lost the ability to enchant ANYTHING with fortify conjuration! I cannot for the life of me figure out why. Can anyone please help me out?
  3. Hmmm, It doesn't want to let me add a new keyword to the list. After duplicating the form list all that I can do is edit anything already on that list, but not add new keywords. AND when I do change a keyword the change doesn't stick. EDIT: never mind, turns out you need to drag 'n drop for it to work. ~w/e works~ EDIT2: ok, so I gave the ClothingThong keyword to all the items, and added that keyword to all the form lists for each of the enchantments I wanted (duplicated the list i.e. EnchantmentMagicka became EnchantmentMagicaEXPANDED), and assigned to new list to each enchantment. However, the items did not gain the ability to be enchanted with these effects. What did I do wrong?
  4. Thanks for the quick reply. I'll go try that out now.
  5. Hello everyone. I've just started toying around with the creation kit, and I ran into a problem trying to do something. I want to change what type of enchantments a particular armor can be enchanted with. Namely, I want to enchant an item introduced by the Art of Magicka mod (the thong if you must know, but this should apply to other items as well). All I really want is to be able to enchant these items with Fortify Health / Magicka Regen. I thought that I just needed to add the keyword EnchantmentMagickaRegen to these items, but I've noticed that other items that can have this enchantment don't have these keywords. >.> Any help would be appreciated. And the creation kit website wasn't very helpful on this matter, nor was google.
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