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About kamikaze82

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    United States

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  1. Soo, after a long time in the forums it's nice to be back BUT I was wondering if anyone has seen, has, or knows of a mod that is a whole pack for only the FWE weapons. I got back into Fallout 3 again and I wanted to still keep that normal Fallout 3 experience without all the complexion of FWE which is... Don't get me wrong a legendary mod, very nice and endorsed although it wasn't my flavor for Fallout. But I just wanted the weapons included in the mod all into one package available for all of us in the community to download just to add more firearm variety in the game for the players who don't want the complex needs and such. Anyway it's a good idea and definitely would have a good amount of downloads and endorsements too.
  2. Any other ideas to why this is happening? I still haven't figured it out and been playing with ENB off for now.
  3. Yes I have. I enabled and disabled it and the problem still persists. Water Displacement is also off.
  4. Okay, I've encountered a strange problem on FallOut 3. I know it has nothing to do with textures (maybe it can) but with the ENB deactivated the sky looks normal but with the ENB on it seems to create some weird effect with whatever object I look at up in the sky. It's too hard to explain but the photo will describe it all. It creates some weird ghost effect when I look at the building and look around. It happens with everything that is within sight. Tried re-installing the ENB and Midhrastic but no dice. Haven't tried installing a new ENB yet but Midhrastic is the best one for me which I like a lot so I'm not interested in the other ENB mods but if it has to be another one then so be it.
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