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Posts posted by E3245

  1. Robojumper hinted me about the Obj_Fortress.umap file and how it might be possible to use Kismet editing tricks to do what i need.


    Sooooo.. i just went into the SDK editor, was able to somehow load the targeted script, took a quick look at multiple curious things in there.. and..


    I have absolutely ZERO idea how to handle this giga-mess of super-connections & other special instructions.


    Any other help?! :smile:


    I studied the Obj_Fortress.umap, somewhat. You probably need to find the Manitee(s) node, somewhere after it does the avatar check. Not in the beginning (around MissionStart (Blocking) Node).

  2. There's nothing magical about the 0.08 seconds number. In fact, I think I wanted a longer time, but JC exported from Blender with that time-line, so we called it "good enough".


    The other option is to copy the full-body animation of the soldier, and attach the sound in there. This works for single-shot weapons (like Laser Sniper Rifle), but we didn't use that generally because most of our lasers use multiple shots, with multiple projectiles, and we wanted a sound for each projectile.


    I believe the base-game Cannon_CV does something similar -- it doesn't have a sound/projectile, but instead a single "buzz" sound that plays for the entire firing duration.


    I figured out why it wasn't lining up correctly, I had to set the timeframe to 2:64 in Frames:Ticks and add keys at the beginning and end of the timeline for each bone. I did that and it imported with the time I wanted (.08 seconds).


    I've set durations for each AnimNotify in FF_FireA, for the muzzle PS and SoundCue, at max, just to see what would happen. It didn't change anything.


    I've tried putting the AnimNotify_Sound on the soldier animation before, but I still had the same problem. I might try that again just to see if it changes anything.


    EDIT: I figured out that it wasn't applying my changes because I was subscribed to my mod, causing it not to load my changes. It now works, but now everytime I fire the SVD, the mag and other parts move several feet away from the weapon. I don't know what causes it.

  3. Okay, I followed Amineri's suggestions, and here's what happened after a couple of hours of testing.


    I made sure the SoundNodeWave, and SoundCue works. Also tested the animation to make sure that it works.


    I imported the sniper animation in 3ds max, fixed the position of the bones for FF_FireA, FF_FireWeaponA, and HL_ReloadA, and increased the FF_FireA animation to 4 frames (0.0917 seconds).


    I tested this with minimal settings, the the AnimNotify for the sounds and particle systems seem to play just fine, with an average of 40 - 60 frames per second.


    Then I tested the SVD with the absolute maximum settings, the AnimNotify for the sound and particle systems fail to play, with an average of 15 - 20 frames per second, without using the slomo command.


    I not sure what's going on. I can't seem to get a perfect .08 seconds in 3ds max when I adjusted the timeline. I also tried using 370 ticks to reach .08, but I instead get .0802 seconds when I imported the animation into Unreal.

  4. I think the best way to do this is to remove the weapons from the HQ inventory on loading the game/starting a new campaign, and add your own weapons in the process. That way, the models never show up, and the game doesn't break somewhere.

  5. And now that the laser pack is out I can say we had exactly this problem with the SFX on the cannon and sniper rifle and fixed it by lengthening the fire animations on those weapons. Originally they were very short - like 1 or 2 frames if you're at 30fps, so they'd often get dropped if the framerate dipped.

    The time on the Sniper Firing Animation for the weapon is .44 seconds, I think. would extending it to .60 work?


    EDIT: Actually it's way less than that: .033 seconds. The Assault rifle FF_Fire animation is about .01 seconds.


    LWS Laser Sniper animation is .08 seconds. I might export the FF_FireA animation of the default sniper and extend it.

  6. Back on sound topic, another thing to check is that the SoundCue is part of the correct "Sound Class". This is shown underneath the SoundCue, and can be changed by right-clicking on the SoundCue in the Content Browser, and selecting : Sound Classes / Sound FX. Grouping new weapon sounds into Sound FX class allows their volume to be controlled properly by the Audio Sound Effect Volume slider.


    I've already done that and it still does the same thing. I'm not sure what else to try, since we've gone through every possible solution without success.

  7. I wonder if it is possible to override X2UnifiedProjectile and X2UnifiedProjectileElement so that I can play SoundCues as an additional option, and leave the AKEvents alone so that existing XCOM 2 weapons would still work under the new archetype if I were to override it. It's probably difficult but not impossible if I can find the right person who knows UnrealScript better than I. It would finally fix this bug once and for all.

  8. Yeah, that problem still persist.


    I build the mods with the SDK now and use the launcher from XCOM 2 to launch the game to go around this issue. You can find the launcher in \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\XCOM2\Binaries\Win64\Launcher\StartDebugging.bat


    Other way to get it working is to run the SDK as admin, but that doesn't feel like it's really recommended thing to do.

    I figured it out after an hour of searching. It seems to be a lot faster doing this, since now I don't have to wait for the mod to rebuild again after building.

  9. Hold on E3245... Gildor's UE-Viewer (along with umodelGUI) can certainly open almost anything (LZO decompressed if need be) from XCom2.. even the newest SG/DLC assets.

    Mind you -- i'm still using an older version of that tool (17/08/14) since most subsequent executable(s) just failed to hook correctly with the essential GUI options.


    As for adding (more) support, i can't really tell but as long as *the above* works i don't care much if something new from that Russian guy might become available. He's already made it clear some titles shall never get full support however hard peoples ask. :wink:

    I didn't know Glidor's tool worked with the DLCs. I though that it wasn't possible, well definitely the animations for one.


    I'll have to check it out myself.

  10. Does anyone else have any problems launching the debugger? I keep getting an error from Steam: Application load error V:0000065432, and I can't figure out why.


    I tried verifying both XCOM 2 and the SDK. No dice. I also restarted steam and that didn't work either.

  11. That won't let me get the Archetypes out will it?


    UE Explorer will get the archetype information out, in a form of a text like format. It'll tell you what the parameters are and other stuff.


    Animations, Textures, and Models cannot be extracted, unless Glidor (author of UE Viewer) decides to add support for XCOM 2 (he'll never do it).

  12. The animation you attached the SFX to is probably too short. The sound effects can get cut off if the animation is so short that a frame rate dip can skip the sound notify. If you make the animation longer that should help.

    I've used the default beam animation for soldiers firing the SVD. I'm not really an animator, so I don't really know how I could possibly extend the length of the animation. I could put the Sound notify on the soldier instead and see what happens.

  13. I've been having problems with my SVD mod, just after the patch it got worse. Whenever I'm in-game (debug or regular), the custom sniper that I made does not play the custom SoundCue that I made. It seems to happen when framerate drops below 30, usually at the retaliation mission. People have been reporting that it does it regardless, so I'm not sure what's going on anymore.


    I'm at my wit's end trying to solve this, but nothing works! I've tried re-encoding the wav file with 44.1 kHz and 22.5 kHz, even tried both stereo and mono, but the glitch is still there! I don't know what else to do. I've never had this happen before, so I would really appreciate this if someone figured out why this happens.

  14. I'm lost on step 3. Where does one add particle effects to animation sequences? In the UE? In what window? Archetype? SkeletalMesh? I've been looking around but can't find anything! Help!

    You'll have to look at the properties of the archetype, and find m arr particle system? Something like that. That's where you'll add new particle systems to the enemy. It also requires a socket, which you can add in the AnimSet Viewer while your skeletal mesh is selected.

  15. Ok great idea I've just added schematics for the upgraded tiers.


    I'm testing and though the schematics appear in game and the upgraded weapons are displayed on them and can be built but the actual weapon in my soldiers inventory doesn't change. Any ideas?


    EDIT: Sorted it, I'd missed a line in the weapons file.


    Next question: I've worked out how to add new stuff but how can I use the modbuddy to alter existing items?

    Like the ConvAssaultRifle or the DLC weapons? That would require using OnPostCreatedTemplate (I think that is what it's called). Don't ask me, I don't know how to do that yet. Someone with more experience would be able to answer that.

  16. Hello I've succeeded in adding a tier 1 Marksman Rifle to the game which is basically the normal assault rifle with it's model altered to include a different stock and a scope. I've also set it so it counts as a sniper rifle. This seems to work fine...


    However I attempted to add a tier 2 version by cloning the weapons entry in X2Item_MarksmanRifle_Weapon but now when trying to use the mod neither a tier 2 nor the original tier 1 weapon are in my soldiers inventories.


    Any advice?

    You need to make the Tier 2 and 3 version have a different template name, with different INI names (if you externalized them to an INI). You also have to edit the X2DownloadableContentInfo to add that weapon as well, which is NOT recommended, since you would get the best weapon way too early. A better and more balanced way would be looking over X2Item_Default_Schematics.uc (I think that's what it is called), and adapting that to your weapon mod.

  17. Is there any (relatively easy) way to just alter these Primary & Secondary values either through some xx..Config..INI settings (of authentic DLC origins) or via whatever other code files -- if need be by a locally maintained Mod?


    These defaults really are "weirdly designed" for me.. and i find myself having to continually reset such two simple custom definitions for each -- three times -- in every games. :pinch:

    I thought the colors resided in the Material Instance, which reads off the parent material with param functions. I'm not sure if you can even externalize those values to INI, since Unreal needs to read and cook those materials at run-time.

  18. Hello everyone!


    Quick question. How do I go about changing the color of the fire that comes out of the Archon's thrusters and mortars and the pinion landing indicators? Is there a simple way to simply switch the yellow/red color to something else with a few clicks?


    If not, what would the long, complicated way look like?


    You've gotta find and copy the Archon's thruster Particle System to your package first (There's 8 of them, btw), then edit the Particle System in UnrealCascade. If it is a texture that you have to change with Photoshop or something, not sure. If it isn't, then you must add Initial Color if it isn't there already and change the parameters within. If you do not know how to use Unreal Cascade, then I suggest taking a look at these resources:



  19. Thanks for the reply!


    Ok, if I'm understanding you correctly, I can import a MSK texture into the UE, but I need to add an alpha channel to the mask texture, but how do I do that? Is that an option in photoshop when saving the TGA? or is it an option in the UE when I import the texture? I know I have to choose CharacterSpecular for MSKs, right?


    Sorry if these are dumb questions, I'm just new at this and trying to figure it out. I tried researching and reverse engineering how the archon's material is set up, as it has both metallic and non-metallic parts. But I failed. Thus, the thread. Hope you can help me further!


    In Photoshop, there should be a tab called Channels, usually next to the Layers tab, depending on your version. There should be a button that lets you add a channel, click on that and it will make an alpha channel. It will be black, so you might wanna copy and paste something in there (click on the alpha channel and paste).

  20. Are you trying to assign Material Instances to another Material Instance? That won't work, since the parent material the MatInst is referring to needs textures for the input.


    If there is a parameter for MetalMask_Alpha, or MetalMask_BChannel, then you can use the alpha channel of the Mask Texture (_MSK) to give the mesh in question some metallic feel. Obviously, you would need to export the texture, and add a alpha channel with a mask. You can then setup the Metal Color to Gold (FFD700 or 255,215,0) and it should then work.

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