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Everything posted by Deleted457498User

  1. Yes, they really are the remains of the U.S. Government. Well. Part of the U.S. Government, anyway. Mostly, they're the descendants of -to quote Fallout Wiki- "officials and military officers with ties to powerful corporations". It's hard to say exactly who they are and what their purpose is, because -much like the Brotherhood of Steel- they aren't one unified force: although they're all theoretically working toward the same goal, there's the 'main' Enclave, and then there are many 'splinter' groups of the Enclave who have their own objectives. As for the whole 'terrorist' aspect, well... 'terrorism' by definition is "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons." I wouldn't say that 'survival' is the same thing, which is what you are doing- and I don't know about you, but I don't think the Wasteland has much in the way of laws or governments to terrorize. Well, unless of course you're playing a straight-up evil character, in which case, yeah, you probably would be classified as a terrorist. (oops.) They're the government. It's what they do. XD EDIT: chaosapiant, that's not entirely true. The true Brotherhood of Steel is every bit as amoral as the Enclave; they just aren't quite as Knight Templarish about it. And, let me point out that not everyone in the Enclave wants to eradicate non-pure humans. Just... *coughs* just most of them do. >.> Other than that though, that's pretty spot-on.
  2. Oh no no, I didn't mean people shouldn't play what they like, I just meant it's a bit ridiculous from a lore or realism perspective- if you're wearing armor (for example), it should actually do something -rather than look pretty while failing to cover sensitive and/or vital areas-, correct? Also, I agree: I like this question (the one in the title) because it makes me think about how it could actually work. "Too crazy?" Too genre savvy! ^^ The Empire wouldn't have world-breaking crises anymore, because he'd just see through them all and then there would be no more need for Elder Scrolls games. And that would be BAD. :0 ... *snicker* ...Mannimarco... XD
  3. The entirety of Take it Back! There's just something about walking casually down the road, surrounded by exploding cars and Vertibirds, with a giant freaking robot in tow, that brings a tear to my eye every time. Every. Time. So... beautiful... *sniff*
  4. I did indeed blow up the Citadel. >D If I can't join the Enclave, dammit that was the next best thing to it. Although, admittedly, I did spend a fair amount of time backing and forthing on the subject. ...Except I also had the 'Follower Autumn' mod enabled, so all the time I was loitering there going "Citadel? Base? Citadel? Base? Citadel?", I was uncomfortably aware of the EAF commander standing RIGHT BEHIND ME. Eventually I pretty much heard him bellowing "Kid, just press the damn button before I do it for you!" in my head. So I did. No more Pentagon. How sad. ;3;
  5. Thank you for finally pointing that out. I always thought the mods for giant boobs and almost-not-there clothing were quite ridiculous. XD
  6. I'm going to have to vote for Chancellor Ocato, if for no other reason than he -and the rest of the Elder Council- are probably the only ones that can pull it off now that Martin's gone. Silliness aside, let's look at this from a practical standpoint: I've seen a lot of people voting themselves or Lucien Lachance as the new Emperor. Now, while I am as fond of Lucien as everyone else... neither of you have any political standing whatsoever. No one is going to accept a dedicated member of an outlawed society of assassins as an Emperor, unless they intend to use him as a figurehead- and I doubt very much that a.) he'd want the job and b.) he'd put up with being used. As for the player character- Champion of Cyrodiil or not, do you really think that the rulers of Cyrodiil, not to mention the provinces, are going to accept you as their new ruler? To all intents and purposes you've been acting as a soldier up until the end of the Main Quest (rooting out the Mythic Dawn, taking out the Empire's enemies, etc.). You're not a politician. You're not a diplomat. There is no evidence, in-game, to show that you have any knowledge of Cyrodiil's laws and customs, to say nothing of the other provinces of Tamriel. No one in their right mind is going to put you on the throne unless -again- they intend to use you as a figurehead. Look at it from the populace's perspective. They would probably want someone they knew and trusted, such as the Elder Council, particularly after such tumultuous events as the Oblivion Crisis- not an unknown hero who came more or less out of nowhere. And that's not even taking into account your character's species. Do you think that the people of Morrowind would be content to sit back and be ruled by a Khajiit or Argonian? Or that Cyrodiil would enjoy being ruled by a Dunmer? I think not. EDIT: To the people that chose themselves as Emperor under the banner of "because I deserve it" and "so I can do whatever I want".... Hail Caesar, Emperor of... er, Cyrodiil. I'm going to stand way over here and watch the impending revolution/coup d'etat from a safe distance. (You guys don't read too much history, do you?) Aaaaaanyway, that's just my two cents. I'mo shut up now. >.>
  7. Of course. Take all the time you need; I'm looking forward to it. ^^
  8. Woohoo! c: *grabbyhands* I really needed something new to read. Summer movie-projection job is nice, but there is only so much Harry Potter I can take. My pleasure, henrydossle. ...I knew that college education would come in handy one day. Take that, Avenue Q. >.>
  9. As it happens, I was an editor for a while, until the time came for budget cuts. I'm also an English major with a minor in Creative Writing. And I'd love to help out, if I may. c: I'm online a lot (far too much for my own good in fact >.> ) so you needn't worry about my vanishing without notice. If you pick someone else that's fine, but I'd like to read what you've got all the same. Cheers, Acrylic
  10. Well, this wasn't really something I did, but I thought it was pretty gorram hilarious once the shock wore off, all the same. XD *clears throat* So there I was, heading back to the Imperial City after completing the "Order of the Virtuous Blood" quest. I wanted to check in with Roland and get my reward before it got too dark and I had to find an inn in which to sleep (I have Vim & Vigor Advanced installed, which makes eating/resting necessary). I opened the door to Seridur's house, walked in, suspecting nothing- when around the corner walked the Dunmer bpdyguard (whose name I've conveniently forgotten), stark freaking naked. I about had a heart atrtack. And then I lol'd. Oh, how I lol'd. And promptly went looking for something with which to scour my brain. I still have no idea what kind of weird bug would cause that to happen.
  11. I know exactly what you mean. EXACTLY. Compounded in my case by a.) being a fan of Lovecraft, and b.) Dogmeat, behind me, inadvertently knocking something over. In almost pitch darkness. Cue bulletspam and high-pitched "YEEEEEEE!". I embarrass myself sometimes. ^^;
  12. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/457498-1247983004.jpg Meet Sabine Nabokova, my resident thirty-year-old in a nineteen-year-old body. Well, all right, she's more like 'twenty', but you get the idea. Myeah. As Three Dog had it, she possesses a "moral compass firmly grounded in gray", although this stems more from pragmatism and a desire for even-handedness than from self-interest. And, all right, she may have been somewhere in the vicinity when a certain town happened to accidentally blow up. It's not her fault that "her" Mister Burke happens to be such a charming... male without a father. >.> She lost both her legs, an arm, and about half her face to a landmine that she was attempting to disarm, when it decided it would rather detonate instead. As a result, she now consists of about 40% cybernetics. Wasteland reconstruction. Oh, joy. Notorious for being the sort of person who plays both sides of the table, she has friends both among the Outcasts and a certain other military organization (but we don't talk about that). However, she wishes Madison Lee and all those prats inhabiting the Pentagon would kindly die in a chemical fire. Loves her father very much, but occasionally wishes he weren't quite such an idiot. Enjoys playing chess with ZAX computers and sniping people from afar. That is all. c:
  13. Flat-out 'good' and 'evil' have always been rather boring to me, to be honest. A lot of my characters are painted in very liveral shades of gray: they might not be malevolent, but they sure as hell aren't shining beacons of pure pureness, either. Mostly, they're just trying to survive from day to day and deal with whatever the world decides to throw at them on any given basis. For example: My main character takes quests not out of a sense of responsibility, civic duty or because she's helping people, but because a.) there is gold in it for her, b.) curiosity, c.) she doesn't have a choice in the matter, or any combination of the aforementioned. She's not above undermining other people if it means furthering her own goals, but there are still moral lines that she just won't cross- it may be a warped sense of 'honor', but at least she has it. Moral ambiguity always seemed like an interesting choice to me, because in a way, it's more realistic.
  14. As stated above, IFT is great for improving the look of vanilla Oblivion characters. I use it along with Enayla's facial textures. Hmmm... what else... Ah yes. I'm never satisfied with the vanilla eyes. There are tons of mods out there for replacements; I usually go with those included in the Race Balancing Project. I warn you now, it's a large file, but the eyes (and hair choices) are quite nice, and there are lots of them. Other than that, my advice to you is: just play with the 'shape' and 'tone' sliders. Fiddle around with your face until you find something you like- the 'Randomize' tool can be useful for this too. Experiment! c: (Of course, that's just my take on it.)
  15. ‘Sright, you heard me. Tell me about your characters. I’m a veteran roleplayer myself- a writer, too. And characterization was always my favorite part. I like hearing about what motivates people: their past, their present, their hopes for the future; what makes them into the person they are and the differences between the face they show to the world and the one that they hide. You get the picture. So if you, like me, are the sort of person that ever came up with a complete background, personality and such for your Oblivion characters, please! Feel free to share. I will even probably ask embarrassing, prying questions. And not just about the mods you're using. >.> Multiple characters are fine, too. Detailed descriptions are good, but a few sentences are just as acceptable. I’ll introduce you to my horrible dysfunctional character(s) after you strange internet people get settled in, eh wot? So please, come in. Pull up a chair. The name’s Acrylic, by the way. Pleasedtomeetcha. c: (This board posted under 'spoilers' because I don't know about you, but I'm probably going to mention a lot of them.)
  16. Well, yes and no to the question of whether or not my character's personality is different than mine. For one thing we're both morally gray, but I draw the line much sooner than she does. And in many ways my character -at least the way I percieive her- is much more mature and prosaic than I am. She's driven by pragmatism and strategy, not by 'gut instincts' and morals or emotion. By the same token, though, she's one helluva lot more easygoing and mild-tempered than I am. I'd be the first person to admit that I have a short fuse, albeit more in 'real life' than on the internet. At least, that's how she is on the surface. Underneath that veneer, she's more damaged than I've ever been or ever want to be- the way I play the game, the poor Dunmer suffers more mood (and loyalty) whiplash than I'd care to experience. Ugh. >.> As to my secondary character... she's so sickeningly cheerful that I'd probably flee in the opposite direction if we ever actually met. To say nothing of the kleptomaniac streak. OH HO HO HO. >D
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