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Everything posted by The10thJinchuuriki

  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16578 https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4997-honoka-maid-outfit/ here's a couple I found just from a quick google. I'm sure if you did some more searching, you could find more.
  2. I was wondering if there's a mod out there, or if it's possible to make a mod, that changes how the enemy health bar UI works, having it only appear when you're looking at the enemy directly, and disappears when you look away or go a certain distance? I'm using a mod that lets me change the hud layout, and I wanted a more Oblivion inspired feel, and put the enemy health right under my crosshairs, and scaled down the size. I enjoy the placement, but I find it rather obnoxious and intrusive when I've already run away from the enemy (or the enemy runs from me), yet the health bar remains for a good few minutes. Also, please don't suggest Floating Health Bars mod. As much as I love the concept, I find that the enemy animations are way too jerky for the health bar, and it's difficult to consistantly see and keep track of their health that way, especially when it comes to larger enemies. I'm happy with the scaled down vanilla under my crosshair, just wish it would disappear faster when not directly engaged with an enemy.
  3. So I've been trying to download a few mods for SE, now that SKSE64 and all that have been out for a bit, but I'm running into an issue. Whenever I try to download and install mods via NMM, it'll begin to activate them, then an error will appear simply saying "A problem occurred during install". I've tried redownloading them, but still get the same error. Then I tried manual download, and adding the mod through NMM, but still got the same error. Finally, I tried downloading the mod manually, then extract the files into my Data folder. This is when I found out that WinRAR says the files inside are corrupted. I don't know how or why, the file downloads to 100% as far as I can tell, and I've downloaded the same mods multiple times, but it still gets corrupted along the way. It's mainly with bigger mods, though, as I already have a couple dozen other smaller mods already installed. Any help or advice would be appreciated!
  4. So, I first wanna mention, I am in no way familiar with Papyrus scripting, so I could be wrong. But, from what I'm seeing, it looks like the game is having trouble loading "MintyLightningMod" and "DLC2WaterScript to alias Water" which might relate to the Realistic Water Two mod you have. True uninstalling one, or both, and see if it still crashes?
  5. you try downloading manually and then using the Add Mod button in NMM? I know it might be annoying to do that, but if it's only a few mods, then just try the manual download with those
  6. try launching the game normally to bring up the vanilla launcher, then go into you options settings from there, and switch it to fullscreen. Save it, then exit the launcher and open SKSE, and that should work
  7. Do you use Nexus Mod Manager? If you are, then you can easily create a text document of all your mods by going to the Plugins tab, on the left side-bar, you should see some buttons like an up and down arrow, a red Cancel and a green Check button, and then a piece of paper with arrows on the left or right side of it. Click on the top paper icon that has the arrow on the right side of it (Export the Current Load Order), and then select Export to the Clipboard. Now you basically have all your mods and its load order copied and ready to be pasted. An easy way to create a spoiler tab, on the comment editor here that you type to reply, in the top left of the box, next to the "Font" selection, you'll see a blue/green box (hover your mouse over it and it should say BBCode). Select that, then under the drop down box, select Spoiler, then paste your mod list in the text box. Knowing what mods you've installed, and in what order, will greatly help me and others help you with your problems :smile:
  8. So, I have a somewhat minor, albeit very obnoxious bug within the Lakeview manor. After I built the center chimney fireplace, whenever I'm inside the house, and the fireplace is just out of view, I see a very rapid light flickering all over the walls. It mainly occurs when I'm in the main section of the house, and doesn't happen when I'm further away from the fireplace. But, as the fireplace seems to be the central piece to the building, I come across this bug very often, and I was wondering if there's a way to fix it? Here's my mod list (warning, it's quite large): Again, this is a rather minor issue, and the rest of my game has been pretty stable. I've been playing for the past several hours, got a new character to level 17, and this is really the only consistent bug I've come across.
  9. So I was curious if it would be possible to have a mod that displays the amount of damage you deal with each hit (or per second with magic damage) above an enemy? Something similar to Borderlands or the Combat Cloud mod from ESO. I have seen the Damage Notify mod, but that's not really what I'm looking for. I was actually wondering if it would be possible to somewhat mimic the Floating Healthbar mod's technique, where it uses the same concept as vanilla's floating quest markers, but have it display the damage dealt on hit for a second or two? I know very little about modding and scripting, so I'm not entirely sure if this is even possible, but I really think it would be an interesting addition to the RPG aspect of the game.
  10. I'm having an issue where whenever I click Start New Game (I currently don't have any saved files, it's a fresh game), it immediately CTD, doesn't even make it to the loading screen. I have ~60 mods installed, here's the list: I've tried using LOOT, which it told me a few of the mods needed to be cleaned (cloaks, UFO Dawngaurd, UFO Hearthfire, UFO, CCO - Permanent Birthsign, and Warburg's 3D Paper World Map, all only had ITMs), and oddly enough, it also told me that Update, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn had errors (ITM, Deleted Reference, and Deleted Navmesh). So I used TES5Edit and followed the Wiki guide on how to clean them all. Dawngaurd and Dragonborn seemed to be a bit of a problem, and I believe it's due to the Deleted Navmesh, which from what I understand, can only be done through the Creation Kit, which I've never used for Skyrim, especially not the DLC. But, I tried applying the same method to them, and now LOOT isn't giving me any errors or Dirty Mods, yet I still get a CTD. Also, I understand that Skyrim.esm and Update.esm are disabled, SKSE does that for some reason whenever I run the game, yet it still loads, to the main menu at least. Could there be a conflict in my load file, or with the mods I have? I would really appreciate some help, I hope this shouldn't be too big a problem, considering I've heard of people having over 200 mods installed, yet still have a (relatively) stable game. EDIT: I just tried disabling all mods, as well as all my DLCs, and deleted my Skyrim documents folder (that contain the .ini files) so that it would create a fresh folder, and I'm STILL getting a CTD when trying to start a new game. I even uninstalled and reinstalled Skyrim, and cleaned the Update.esm, and nothing works. Now I'm seriously confused, and really need help.
  11. could be a perk you gain from either direction of the karma system? Depending on the positive or negative karma would determine what type of people would come after you?
  12. alright, I guess that does make sense. Other raider factions won't care who you are then, but I am glad we agree have having raider settlers for your own group
  13. Come on man, I'm at least trying to come up with something. I get that there needs to be "some" logical sense, but it seems like you're just trying to bat down my ideas. And with Super Mutants, you can have super mutants as companions, in both Fallout 3 and 4. So that clearly shows not *all* muties hate humans Also, if you're going to argue "Raiders aren't friends with other raiders", then how are there raider gangs? Why isn't it literally "every raider for themselves"? My idea isn't "raiders from other gangs join you", but more of "you start your own raider group". If that's illogical, then explain how the Viper gang, Fiends, Jackals, and other gangs were ever formed? It's even stated in the Fallout wiki that raiders don't typically attack other raiders. So, if you're going to be evil, why can't you start your own raider gang?
  14. I don't get why people always argue "raiders being nice doesn't make sense". You gotta realize, this is a game where you can freeze time, and even though your gun's barrel is point blank in an enemy's face, you still have a 5% chance of missing... Like I said in my post, things are bound to change, but I think we can still suspend our disbelief a bit. The concept I'm going for is that the more negative karma you build, the more you become like a raider And I did already mention in the post, that you'd get perks to enhance persuasion in a good way, the higher in good karma you go (and vise versa).
  15. Just wanted to re-post this now that the CK has been released. I understand that it's still in a "beta" stage, and still might not be capable of achieving this level of modding, but some of you out there are crazy at what you're able to pull off. So, Here's my idea of how to implement Karma back into Fallout 4 As we all know, there's not really a Karma system in place, except for Companions (which I honestly really like). And lately, I've been thinking of how Karma could be implemented into Fallout 4 the way the game currently is, and I think I've come up with something that could work fairly well. The first thing would be to add a Karma tracker, located somewhere in the Stats section (or perhaps have its own tab in the Stats section). The tracker would start off at 0 (neutral), and whenever the player does or says something with good intentions, they'll gain positive karma, causing the karma tracker to go positive. Vise Versa for whenever the player does or says something immoral, they'll lose points, and eventually go on the negative side of the tracker. Gaining Karma would be effected whenever the player successfully persuades someone using something inspiring, sympathetic, or overall helpful, killing legendary bad guys, helping settlements, and so on. Losing Karma, obviously, would be the opposite, in the sense of persuading people by being harsh or mean, talking people into giving you more caps for something, killing innocent people, and so on. Joining a certain faction won't effect anything with your Karma, considering all factions could be argued as good or evil, so it comes down to your personal preference. But, once you officially join a faction, anything good or bad towards that faction will cause you to gain or lose Karma. Now, what exactly does gaining and loosing Karma do? Well, unlike the previous games where it could effect how the overall world sees you, it would be more focused on how your character plays through the world. Each time you reach a Karma milestone (every 10 points in either direction, possibly?), you'll gain a perk (and lose a perk if you go below the requirements of that perk), and get a bonus (and debuffs) in stats. Here are some quick ideas of how each side of Karma can benefit you (these aren't the effects you'll get in order, just random ideas): Positive Karma: -Increase in Charisma, making persuasion dialogues easier in a nice way, but mean persuasions (including the demand for more caps) becomes more difficult. -Bartering is cheaper to buy, and you get more caps from selling -companions can take more damage before falling in combat (debuff - raiders can also take more damage, OR perhaps appear in greater numbers, but not both) -you can have more companions follow you (I am aware there's already a mod for that, so this perk might be obsolete) -have people give you some materials for free when you speak with them (random civilians) -possibly something to do with Settlements, like increase in population size, or stronger settlers (again, I know there are mods for this, this is just an idea) Negative Karma: -Raiders will sometimes tend to ignore you -Easier to persuade people in a mean way (including the demand for more caps), but makes it harder to persuade in a nice way -Raiders and Super Mutants hesitate to hurt you (less accurate) -Raiders (and maybe Super Mutants as well) will become your settlers instead of normal people (this is more meant for when you have high Negative Karma) -Increase in stealth, and able to steal things a little bit more easily -Increase in accuracy (or AP regeneration) due to your maddening killing frenzies (though, this could also be a perk for Positive Karma :\ ) Again, these are just ideas, and I realize there might be some imbalance issues, but these are very much subject to change. But the overall idea is that the more positive you are in Karma, the more benefits you'll get out of people and companions, though the drawback being raiders and super mutants want to kill you a little bit more. And the more negative you are in Karma, the less you'll have to deal with raiders and super mutants, though the drawback being that people don't take kindly to you. That's the idea of balance I'm going for, and of course, tweaks, changes, adding, and taking out things are definitely open to thought to really make it feel like 2 different sides of the same coin. If anyone has any ideas, please share, and I'll considering updating and adding it to the description here! And if anyone thinks they can start to work on it now (get a head start kinda thing), and then really bring it home when the CK comes out, please let me know! I would love to track and follow the progress! I hope people find this an interesting (and good) way of implementing Karma back into Fallout, because I sure as hell miss it, and I believe this is a good way to at least bring something back that represents Karma :)
  16. If you guys are having issues, then please post your own thread instead of asking new questions on mine. I'm not trying to be mean, but it's not only cluttering up my thread that doesn't relate to your comments, but you'll also get more attention to your issues if you post your own.
  17. everything seems to be fine now, I just needed to delete that Workshop.swf file. And I'm not really an expert with load orders, I kinda just install mods and see if it works. If I get an error/crash, I move stuff around, do research, and see what works. I just came to an impasse a bit ago, which is way I asked here on the forums for help. I could try to take the time to switch load orders, but things seem fine enough. If I get another ctd, I'll try to organize things a bit more
  18. Thanks, deleting that Workshop.swf worked. At least, in vanilla FO4, I'll test it in a bit with mods activated. Hopefully things will be alright, and I think I can manage without Snap'n Build for a bit, until it either updates, or I manage to find a fix for it. Thanks for the help guys! EDIT: So, I reactivated my mods, and even included the Snap'n Build with everything, and whaddya know, everything works! I guess deleting that Workshop.swf fixed the problems I was having lol
  19. So, it seems my mod load order has changed, because I'm no longer seeing "Snap'n Build - Modules and Capsule Paints" or the Patches file. They're just gone, so it's just "Snap'n Build 1.6" and the SK patch for it. Also, I've got another problem. Whenever I try to enter "build mode" in a settlement, I immediately CTD. The thing is, I disabled all my mods so that only Fallout4.esm was running, and it still crashes. I don't get change modes, just holding down the button (or accessing the workstation) causes a crash. Not sure what the problem is now
  20. I have rearranged things in different orders, including making SettlementKeywords above Homemaker and ArmorKeywords, but they just refuse to work with Snap n' Build, and vise versa
  21. So, I did some testing, disabled all mods, and activated one at a time to see what does and doesn't work. I found that Settlement Keywords, Snap n' Build, Snap n' Build SK patch, and Armor Keywords all don't like each other. It's kinda weird, because all of them solely by themselves work. And then Snap n' Build works with Armor Keywords. And Snap n' Build works with it's SK patch along with Settlement Keywords. And Armor Keywords works with Settlement Keywords. BUT all 4 active at once just cause my game to crash. And I don't really want to give up any of these, considering I need Armor Keyword and Settlement Keywords for quite a few mods, and Snap n' Build is very useful for building. I have all these mods up to date, so it might be something with the new FO4 and F4SE updates
  22. So, I've been playing modded FO4 for a bit now without any problems, but now it keeps crashing whenever I try loading up my save. I've tried previous saves, and it still crashes. It doesn't even get to the loading screen, just crashes at the main menu after selecting a save to load. I have recently installed a few new mods, updated F4SE, and updated all my mods, still CtD. I've tried disabling the newer mods I've installed, and disabled some mods I thought were conflicting, but no luck. I even tried LOOT to attempt to sort out the load order, which didn't seem to work Here's my load order: 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 ArmorKeywords.esm 2 2 Arbitration - Resources.esm 3 3 Homemaker.esm 4 4 SettlementKeywords.esm 5 5 Snap'n Build.esm 6 6 HardcoreMode_ON.esm 7 7 ZW's F4 Overhaul Master.esm 8 8 Homemaker - SK Integration Patch.esp 9 9 Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp 10 a Armorsmith Extended.esp CROSS_CosmeticFramework.esm 11 b RepairSanctuary.esp 12 c PowerArmorAutopilot.esp 13 d DD_Columnsandstuff_1_0.esp 14 e DD_Floor_brace.esp 15 f LongerPowerLines3x.esp 16 10 CraftableAmmo.esp 17 11 CraftableAmmo_plus.esp 18 12 SettleObjExpandPack.esp 19 13 SettleObjExpandPack-SKPatch.esp 20 14 QuickEnterFromStand.esp 21 15 QuickExitToStand.esp 22 16 More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp 23 17 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp 24 18 RichMerchantsLessCaps.esp 25 19 IncreasedSettlerPopulation50.esp 26 1a DDP_Bridge_mark1.esp 27 1b FunctionalDisplays.esp 28 1c ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks.esp 29 1d VIS-PatchFunctionalDisplays-Misc+Junk+DEF_INV.esp 30 1e def_inv_scrap_en.esp 31 1f More detailed perk description.esp 32 20 AK2047.esp 33 21 M2216.esp 34 22 M9.esp 35 23 zWInsanity.esp 36 24 M14.esp 37 25 Fashionable Valentine.esp 38 26 DD_CBBE_SLooty_Castle_Innie_Vajayjay_4k_Fix.esp 39 27 Vasstek_VaultSuit.esp 40 28 NanoHelmet.esp 41 29 Companion Infinite Ammo.esp 42 2a BOS Uniforms.esp 43 2b Nanosuit5.0ArmorsmithPatch.esp 44 2c Snap'n Build - Capsule Paints.esp 45 2d Snap'n Build - Modules.esp 46 2e Snap'n Build - Patches.esp 47 2f Business Settlements.esp 48 30 BusinessSettlements-SKPatch.esp 49 31 Pos_GuardPositions.esp 50 32 Pos_ShopPositons.esp 51 33 BetterStores.esp BS-ExtraCustomProps-SK.esp 52 34 BS-ExtraCustomProps.esp 53 35 BS-HomemakerPatch.esp 54 36 BattleRifle.esp 55 37 CCOFO4 - Traits and More Perks.esp 56 38 BW-VATS-0.2.esp 57 39 Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp 58 3a DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp 59 3b LongCoatVaultSuit.esp 60 3c AS_Institute_Workstations.esp 61 3d OCDispenser.esp 62 3e OCDecorator.esp 63 3f V111Clear.esp 64 40 Build High - Expanded Settlements.esp 65 41 OWR.esp 66 42 NanoArmor.esp 67 43 Classic VATS.esp 68 44 Northland Diggers.esp 69 45 LegendaryModification.esp 70 46 LegendaryModificationMisc.esp 71 47 LegendaryModificationCSA.esp 72 48 LegendaryModificationGroknak.esp 73 49 el_AgentOutfit.esp 74 4a combat_PA.esp 75 4b combat_PA - AWKCR - VIS AbC.esp 76 4c Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp 77 4d Craftable Armor Size.esp 78 4e KelloggArm.esp 79 4f Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp 80 50 TrueStormsFO4.esp 81 51 TrueStormsFO4-ClimateSettings.esp 82 52 TrueStormsFO4-Performance-Fog.esp 83 53 DD_bleu_Ump_Extreme_Lore_friendly_edition.esp 84 54 M14 - AWKCR-Compatibility.esp 85 55 mysteriousmagnum.esp 86 56 M1911.esp 87 57 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp 88 58 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp 89 59 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - No Crafting Perks.esp AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR Power Armor.esp VisibleWeapons.esp WeaponsOnBack Addon.esp 90 5a DD_Maybe_this_f*#@ing_time_SettlementBdgt.esp 91 5b Move that Workbench!.esp 92 5c FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp 93 5d FunctionalDisplays-Tools-Weightless.esp 94 5e Duct Tape Plus.esp CROSS_Cybernetics.esp 95 5f BetterSettlers.esp 96 60 BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp 97 61 BetterSettlersMortalPack.esp FunctionalDisplays-Weapons-BS.esp 98 62 LegendaryModification2LM.esp 99 63 LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp FunctionalDisplays-Drinks-BS.esp 100 64 Snap'n Build v1.6 SK patch.esp 101 65 B-90.esp CROSS_Uni_Scarf.esp HarcoreMode_ON-TrueStormsFO4.esp 102 66 Psycho Patch.esp 103 67 Stealth Boy patch.esp 104 68 AK2047 - AWKCR Compatibility.esp 105 69 M9 - AWKCR Compatibility.esp GlovesOfTheCommonwealth - AWKCR Compatibility.esp slootyVaultSuit - AWKCR Compatibility.esp 106 6a VIS-PatchWeaponRacks-SortBottom.esp 107 6b 3dscopes.esp 108 6c 3dscopes-AddToSpawnList.esp 109 6d 3dscopes-HuntingRifleAlt.esp 110 6e 3dscopes-CombatRifleAlt.esp 111 6f 3dscopes-ak2047addon.esp 112 70 3dscopes-m2216addon.esp 113 71 3dscopes-m14addon.esp 114 72 3dscopes-UMPaddon.esp 115 73 Rangergearnew.esp 116 74 RangerSequoia.esp 117 75 Synth MegaPack.esp 118 76 The Rebel.esp 119 77 WastelandFashion.esp 120 78 WastelandFashionAccessories.esp 121 79 ZW's F4 Overhaul - Power Armor.esp 122 7a VIS-PatchZephyrWarriorF4PAOverhaul-ByClass.esp If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it. I'm not entirely sure what else to do besides disable everything, and enable them one at a time... As tedious as that is.
  23. This makes no sense, raider attack even other raiders. And how would they know if you done anything? And mutes hate all humans, just because you are bad, doesn't mean they won't eat you. Again, as I said, these are just ideas. And since when are we going to bring in strict logic like "how would the raiders know what you did" to an RPG game? If you have better, more logical ideas, that could be incorporated as "bad karma", then please present them Also, Virgil is a mutie, and he doesn't hate humans. Same as Strong. There's also Fawkes from Fallout 3
  24. So, just wondering if it would be possible to have something like a search bar in the Settlement building mode? With mods that add in a ton of new things, it can be a bit overwhelming, and confusing, to find certain things you want (takes me forever to remember where cash registers are). If not a search bar, than something that makes it a lot easier to navigate and find stuff.
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