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  1. You mean that you have floating head and hands? The body is fully invisible? In that case, you failed the dismemberment partitionning.
  2. I don't understand. You say you can't export it, which means you have nothing to mess with in nifskope, but then, you say that you mess things up in nifskope after the export. I'm quite confused. Anyway, follow this tutorial very closely, without importing an armor, and instead of modifying the armor shape, modify the body shape. Then, it should work, and you should see what you have missed.
  3. "Major surgery"? You just have to select the part you want to separate and hit the P key... What you say we have to do is automatically done by blender.
  4. When you say you can't export, what do you mean? Can your modified mesh be opened in nifskope after the export and look well? What kind of mesh is it? Is it a piece of clothing/armor? A weapon? Clutter?
  5. What do you mean with "fit to a XXX character"?
  6. Here is a nice tutorial for creating armors for skyrim with blender. For other meshes, you just have to ignore irrelevant steps.
  7. QD Inventory ? Not updated since november, though, don't know if it still works.
  8. Yes, if Allafingerbone is the name of the object as it appears in the inventory.
  9. It's always been like that for me. I don't know how the selection system work, but it's really bugged. It usually give an ID, but hell if I know of what... (sometimes, it is the ID of the object I'm clicking on, but so rarely...) I use help "name of my object" to find the ID. (use pageup and pagedown to scroll the list) Anyway if the item is on the ground why not just picking it up to have it in your inventory? oO
  10. This is one of the main features of Better Vampires by Brehanin 5_5
  11. All of the .nif's are located in a file called Meshes.bsa. You need to open the bsa's with Fallout mod manager and extract the files you want to the destination you want. How can I save them back into the .bsa once i'm done with my modding? Thanks for your time You don't save it back into the .bsa. Ever. Don't modify the original bsa. You just save it in the data folder, with the same folder tree that in the bsa and the game will use this one (out of the bsa) instead of the original (in the bsa). ArmorAddons are located in the Items tree (3rd branch, called, guess what, ArmorAddon) in the Object Window.
  12. You have to download the creation kit. Load the esp of the mod in it, find your weapon, modify what you want, save.
  13. Both. The _0 is the mesh for the left side of the weight slide, the _1 is for the right side. For blender and nifskope, you have this excellent tutorial. It's for creating an armor, but all the info you need for what you want to do is there.
  14. How is that possible? Can you show us the content of your Data/Interface folder?
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