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Posts posted by ChuckYufarley

  1. I made these a few years ago for a double door freight elevator I built.  Can't remember what I used to make them, but from the sound quality I'm guessing I made them by combining vanilla sound files. 




    The door opening and closing sounds are between 2-3 seconds in length.  The LPM is about 11 seconds, with a sustained loop between the 3 and 9 second marks. 

  2. Which behavior path are you using for the animation? If you're using the CatCoreBehavior.hkx, there are no events contained within it that allow for sound play or anim objects. Perhaps try the FurnitureBehavior.hkx.


    Otherwise, you may want to set up a more complete cat animation graph in the CK. I did this for a project I'm working on, following the instructions in this tutorial: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/56676?tab=files


    Basically, I copied all the elements contained in the Dogmeat animation graphs, editing the IDs for each event.

  3. How many of the .BA2 files have you unpacked? The file in your example is there, but still packed in Fallout4 - Animations.ba2. You can unpack the BA2 files with either Archive2 or with the Bethesda Archive Extractor, which is available on Nexus here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/78


    Using either of the two apps, select File > Open (file) and navigate to your Fallout 4 Data directory. There select which BA2 archive you wish to extract, completely or in part. If you want to select specific files to extract, I would suggest using B.A.E as it maintains all the file paths for easy navigation. Archive2 just throws everything into one giant list and you have to hunt for what you want. However, Archive2 is better for extracting some of the Texture BA2s as B.A.E. will sometimes get hung up and not extract everything.


    Once you have the files selected that you want to extract, using Archive2, select Archive > Extract All to/Extract Selected to. Using B.A.E. just click the Extract button at the bottom. If you navigated to the Data folder using either of the apps, they will default to the Data folder as the location to extract the files. Just click the Select Folder button at the bottom of the window. This will create all the folders and sub-folders that contain the files you're extracting, as well as the files themselves. If you'd rather extract them to another location, then you need to navigate to that location before clicking Select Folder. If you set up either app as the default for opening BA2 files, you can then just double click the BA2 you want to extract to open it, but be careful when selecting the folder when extracting, because it will default to the location of the app itself, not the Data folder.

  4. You can probably still find some useful information here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5978333-fo4-modding-tutorial-list/ but my guess is there's a number of dead links, given the age of the thread. Other than that, google is probably going to yield the most results. Since you're jumping off point is as a 3d artist, I assume you're interested in creating game assets. Learning to use Nifskope would be my first recommendation. That and familiarizing yourself with how material files work. Reverse engineering vanilla .nif files is a great way to learn how create your own custom assets. Once you're able to create a working, textured .nif, getting it into the game is pretty easy.


    Bottom line, there's no one-stop-shop for learning this stuff. Most of what I've learned came through hours and hours of searching for answers using google. You can also find some good tutorials on Nexus, mixed in with all the mods. There's also some decent info to be found using Discord, but I haven't gone that route in quite a while, so I couldn't really recommend anything in particular. Seddon4494 has a lot of good entry level tutorials on his YouTube channel, as does Kinggath through his Bethesda Mod School series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2g2oK5KhZT0WUOw0Y_8HFudZbgfmcdEl


    Hope this helps.

  5. First of all, thank you for the compliments. You are definitely NOT sounding rude. You have a good idea for bringing a bit more life to the world and for me it felt good to get the old hamster wheel spinning again.


    Here's the deal. I find a lot of my ideas are starting to lean towards potential Starfield content and I've kind of lost my FO4 mojo. I still have a back log of models and animations I've been working on and sooner or later I need to get them bundled up and published in order to wrap up my FO4 projects. At most, I thought I'd sprinkle a few of the jump scare TVs around inside one of my current or soon to be released mods, and not devote an entire project to replacing all the televisions in game. I did that once with my original vending machine mod and replacing objects in the CK, in large numbers, can be time consuming. My idea for the jump scare versions is to NOT include that info in the mod description and let people find them organically. More of a surprise that way, if they're quietly packed into a settlement workshop mod than if I came out and said "Here's a mod with spooky TVs."


    However, my offer still stands to help walk you through with your intended goal for the televisions. I can provide you with all the assets and I'd be happy to make them just to your liking. Also, if you have any ideas for potential "video clips" I can do all the texture work for those as well. You might be wondering why I refer to them as "video clips". It's because the televisions don't actually display normal video footage, but rather they implement a contact sheet style texture file, with all the video frames arranged in an array. For the most part the video animation works like a flip book, with each frame displayed for a split second. Kind of archaic considering there's much older games that just use actual video files.


    One caveat involves replacing all the vanilla televisions in the game. I don't know how many there actually are, probably not as many as there are Nuka, cigarette and milk vending machines, but my guess is there are still quite a few. Using the CK to find and replace object is simple enough, but the issue lies in removing/replacing vanilla objects that are part of a cell's precombined geometry. In order to improve game performance, vanilla objects are essentially combined into one huge asset that the game can display more easily. Removing/replacing/modifying even one item that's part of a precombine breaks the entire thing, thus making the game display every object as a single, unique asset. However, in this case I do have some ideas for work arounds.


    If this is something you want to pursue, let me know and we can come up with a game plan.

  6. I took your idea and ran with it a little bit, just out of curiosity. I wanted to see if I could make the jump scare version I mentioned. It uses a trigger box to activate the TV animation.



    I don't know if I'll end up using it for anything or not. If you're interested, I can share the assets with you for use in your project. I can also help walk you through getting it to do what you want it to.








  7. How much experience do you have with Nifskope? With the right amount of tweaking in Nifskope, a duplicate television could be made to display a test pattern or "video clip" in a loop, giving it an "always on" look. You could then implement it in the CK as a simple static object. With additional kit bashing using light beam meshes from other NIFs, or adding a BSValueNode, they could be made to cast an eerie glow that would increase the creep factor of particularly spooky cells. Taking it a step further, you could implement custom "video clip" textures using your favorite horror scenes, if that's the vibe you're shooting for.


    Another idea is to set up trigger boxes within the TV's cell that would toggle the animation. That would make for a nice jump scare, again, if that's what you're shooting for. That would require a different configuration of the NIFs animation sequences, eliminating the loop and restoring the on/off function. You would then implement this version in the CK as an activator. You could test this method using vanilla televisions, but with the exception of the pre-war player home version, I'm pretty sure all the rest just display the test pattern when activated. However, once you got it working, you could always insert any custom television NIFs you're created.


    One more idea would be to add a script to the television that would toggle the animation on load/unload. No jump scare, but it should turn on when it loads into a cell, off when it unloads.

  8. I too went down that same route. I suspect how the request is phrased matters a lot, and as we gain more experience using it, we'll learn to be more precise in the asks. I also like the aspect that it can serve as a teaching aid, of sorts. When it comes to scripting, I need all the help I can get.

    I'm not much of a coder. I know enough to make the things I make...but I'm always trying to expand on what I know. I thought it was a decent learning experience. With each chunk of code it spit out, there was a breakdown as to what each part of the code was supposed to accomplish. It's a hell of a lot more useful than searching endlessly online for precisely the thing you're looking for.

  9. I went looking for some scripting help via ChatGPT just a couple days ago and the first few iterations were unsuccessful. However, I tried again the next day, looking for pretty much the same solution and it spat out a perfectly useable chunk of code. Could be that the way I worded my inquiry didn't check all the boxes on the first go round, or I didn't quite have a precise idea of what I was trying to accomplish at first. Granted, I did change up my approach to how the code was to be executed, but on my second attempt, I was very exact in my wording and the resulting code looked nothing like what it had given me on the previous day. The first try it kept trying to use For loops, and when I would reply that Papyrus doesn't use For loops, it would try to adapt the code to using While loops, but the results were still unusable. On the second attempt I prefaced my inquiry with "Using a While loop..." and it worked on the first attempt.

  10. I'm putting the finishing touches on my next mod, and I'll be including new versions of my 3 original vending machines. The Nuka machine from the video, a completely redesigned cigarette machine, and a mostly unchanged version of my original candy machine. All will be NPC usable. In the future, I will release new versions of some of the other machines I made for my earlier vending mod, and more than likely, some new designs.

  11. Yeah, I've made a couple exploding vehicles for other projects, and of course I went all-in and made wrecked versions with all the doors and seats and anything else I figured would get blown off in an explosion, get blown off in the explosion. Imagine 100 45s getting thrown in every direction. Now that I said that, I kind of want to do in now.


    The zoom that happens with the terminals is an animated camera and it gets locked into place when the player enters the furniture. I tried several different configurations for the jukebox player animation, and none would allow for the zoom as well as give you the ability to look down and select the buttons. I haven't used any F4SE functions in any scripts as of yet and I believe it does give you the ability to register button strokes, but I don't know how far that extends. I first played the game on XBONE and got so used to using a controller that when I got the PC version and started modding, I stuck with it. So even though I've used a keyboard and mouse for other games, I'm totally lost when it comes to using them for FO4. It would really streamline the jukebox interaction to just be able to enter your selections on a keyboard, though. That way it wouldn't matter if the camera is locked into a zoomed view.


    My first jukebox mod only allowed for 23 songs, so when I started building the new one, I was determined to expand that. 200 songs is a huge jump, but it does create quite a hurdle for people who'd want to add their own music. I think there's plenty of people who would enjoy that kind of thing, but plenty more who'd have a hard time with it. It's a tall order either way. That's why I'm considering offering the customization thing as a service. Not sure how I'd implement that, but since I'd be hosting the mod elsewhere, I think there would be more flexibility. I wouldn't be providing the music, just helping to get things set up as much as I could.


    Edit> I just had a look at the key stroke functions for F4SE and it seems pretty simple, so that's something I'm going to have to look into implementing.

  12. Those are some really neat ideas! I do use a mod that replaces the classical with DCR music. I know next to nothing about modding Bethesda's games. Is it difficult to switch an item from wireless to wired? There is a mod that is supposed to have a wired jukebox (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20301) but when I try to use it, I get a Buffout crash message relating to textures if I move a few feet away from the jukebox it adds.


    I will include all the information on how to add your own music with the mod. Basically it involves converting your sound files to .WAV format, renaming them to match the file names of the songs included with the mod, and dropping them into the correct folders.


    Converting a mesh to accept a snapped power line is pretty basic stuff, and adding a power on/off function to the script is feasible, but neither is something I plan on adding. To soothe the minds of anyone wondering how it seems to magically "work", I added a dummy fusion core slot to the back of the mesh to make it look like that's what's powering it.

  13. That all sounds awesome!

    Since you are a ways from finalizing things, coukld you make it compatible with Bubba Shot the Jukebox. Again.?

    I just installed and tested it, and must impart, it can be very satisfying. :devil:


    And just to contribute something to your efforts,

    mp3s have standard headers containing the information you were looking for, artist/title/track that can be read...


    Not sure if its the right thing but if you haven't discovered it:

    SUP seems to offer quite a few functions that go beyond what could be done a few weeks/months ago. :thumbsup:

    Says something about having an MP3 player... Have a look, :woot:


    Ha! I spend all that time developing the thing and you want me to let you blow it up? My first reaction is "Hell no!", but it is kind of a neat idea. It wouldn't have to be compatible with the other mod, it's just something I could build into it on it's own. But please don't hold your breath. If I start working on something like that, the old hamster wheel will start turning and then I'll start re-designing everything to blow up.


    As for the mp3 thing, at this point the menu cards are dependent on a texture for all that info. Short of writing a script for Photoshop that could import the metadata from each song and put it into each corresponding text slot, there's not much I could do with it. I'm barely a functional Papyrus scripter and there would be a whole new thing to learn in order to make something for Photoshop. And it would still fall to me in most cases to make the new texture file, regardless. However, the purpose of the menu cards is so that players can have a reference in order to know what combinations of button pushes play which songs, and at this point they're still rather difficult to read. I don't actually play the game enough to know if there's a way to zoom the camera for situations where you need to get a close-up look at something, other than enabling free cam, which would kind of break the immersion. They're much easier to see in the smaller jukebox but if I find a good solution for the bigger one, I might end up revamping the smaller one as well. I will not be implementing a pop-up menu, however. My main goal is to make these types of things as close to realistic as I can, and I've yet to find anything IRL that throws up a hovering menu in my face out of thin air. Potentially, I could implement something that could make them configurable with a holotape or by using MCM. and would work like a digital display rather than little paper cards. That way I wouldn't need to use a texture for that info. I'd eliminate the full 200 song menu and replace it with something that could be scrolled or flipped through, like with the diner jukebox. That way I could make the text larger and easier to read.

  14. In fact, I have a couple jukebox models coming out in my next mod, but they are not wired. The script was complex enough without adding that function. However, like with my previous jukebox mod, the larger of my 2 new models spawns pre-arranged dance markers while songs are playing AND can be activated by your settlers. I'm wrapping up the last major part of the mod right now and I'd estimate that it will be ready for release by the end of the year, just not sure where I'll end up putting it.




    The larger one will play 200 songs. The smaller plays 100. Not sure if I'll end up leaving my selections in the mod. Not looking for any copyright hassles. However, it's simple enough to add your own music. The only difficulty would be in creating custom menu cards that would have the song names and artists for your own music. That's something I might offer as a service for people who want their own custom cards, but don't have the tools or ability to make their own. Also, I have in place the ability to add extra speakers to place around your space, with volume controls, so you can really crank out the tunes. The smaller one doesn't spawn dance markers though, as it's meant to be placed with my diner build set.

  15. Also, my ceiling light I made is not flush with the ceiling.


    1. Bounding boxes in 3ds Max look ok.

    2. All the stuff in the NIF was ported from a ceiling light

    3. The ceiling light works in game.



    I assume this is in reference to your post in the pinned, Read This 1st thread? Without seeing the nif, I can't say for sure what the issue is. Is your light a workshop object that you're building in game? Did the vanilla light you used have a BSConnectPoint::Parents node with a P-WS-Autoplace point? It sounds as though there could be an issue with a) the mesh orientation with regard to the 0 NiNode, b) the orientation of any collision mesh that may be in place, or c) whether or not there's an autoplace connect point present. It could be that your nif doesn't have the connect node, and there might be a collision mesh out of alignment, which could keep you from positioning the light closer to the ceiling in game.


    The first thing I'd do is edit the mesh so that the spot where you want the light to attach to the ceiling is centered at 0,0,0. If you've included any custom collision meshes, make sure they're aligned properly. Then, in Nifskope, copy the BSConnectPoint::Parents node from the vanilla ceiling fan nif into your custom light nif. This should orient your light when placing it in game so that it automatically attaches to any ceiling with a collision mesh.

  16. Well, nevermind all that about creating separate colored lights. Doing a little testing and gobos will project colors, but the trick would be to create a flat gobo texture that will project a spherical image that's not distorted. Trying out a gobo texture with a simple, two colored diamond pattern, and there is a lot of keystoning going on.

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